lime green, yellow and brown leaves


this is my first grow.. im using fluorescent tube and Mh light. I grew from clones and its been on 18 hours of light for 8 weeks now. about 3 weeks ago my leaves are turning yellow from bottom to top. some leaves look like lime green an some dark green. today look like some of my leaeve on top are having dry spots (dead). Also some of my eaves are having little brown spots on it. I want to flower my plants now but should i wait cuz I dont know if i over water it. I water once a day giving about a cup or two. I havent been on top on my nutes, I skipped a lot. I was using the fox farm thing. I will try to upload some image soon, right now i cant seem to upload to the site.


Well-Known Member
You really need to post a pic~
If your having trouble uploading
go to " advance post" then it'll
let you post it to this site~


Well-Known Member
Hello please make sure you be as specific as possible with ALL aspects of your grow Soil, water, water schedule, nute, lighting, PH levels, humidity, temp, type of system, or any other useful info. You need to upload NO HPS photos of the issue of the whole plant, so we can really help you up.


You really need to post a pic~
If your having trouble uploading
go to " advance post" then it'll
let you post it to this site~

the problem is i cant upload pictures to my album from my computer. i use basic uploader as well, but the timer just keeps spinning and nothing happens.


yellow leaves.jpglime green leaves.jpgimg 3.jpgdry spots.jpg the temperature in my box which is located in the garage get below 70 at times but when lights hits it will bring up to about 72 or so because now its the cold season. I dont water it same time every time.
herers the stuff i use. fox farm potting soil, fox farm big bloom, vocano bat guano, fox farm "dont bug me"


Well-Known Member
No man it seems you have an advanced def of Ca-Mg due to Ph shifts that even make N unavailable at times. Measure your soil PH and Folliar Feed as soon as possible with Calmag plus (3ml per gallon). Another way would be mixing 3 tsp of Epsom Salts, one cup of Seaweed, another of fish emulsion, and some form of soluble zinc. This recipe works really well but you have to Dilute to use: 1 part concentrate to at least 10 parts of water, eg. 1/2 litre of concentrate to 5 litres of water or more.

Regarding your medium. Flush it! if you can get some clearex even better. Next step would be transplanting them to a bigger pot, make sure you LIME the new soil well (2 Tbs per gallon), if you can ditch some of the old soil without breaking too many roots do it. Your first feed should be only water with super-thrive right after you transplant them, after two days start feeding at 1/2 dosage. They should start to bounce back by then.

When they are totally healthy and prepared, flip them to flower as this is the most demanding process and you even need to plan ahead to avoid early deficiencies.. Good luck man


No man it seems you have an advanced def of Ca-Mg due to Ph shifts that even make N unavailable at times. Measure your soil PH and Folliar Feed as soon as possible with Calmag plus (3ml per gallon). Another way would be mixing 3 tsp of Epsom Salts, one cup of Seaweed, another of fish emulsion, and some form of soluble zinc. This recipe works really well but you have to Dilute to use: 1 part concentrate to at least 10 parts of water, eg. 1/2 litre of concentrate to 5 litres of water or more.

Regarding your medium. Flush it! if you can get some clearex even better. Next step would be transplanting them to a bigger pot, make sure you LIME the new soil well (2 Tbs per gallon), if you can ditch some of the old soil without breaking too many roots do it. Your first feed should be only water with super-thrive right after you transplant them, after two days start feeding at 1/2 dosage. They should start to bounce back by then.

When they are totally healthy and prepared, flip them to flower as this is the most demanding process and you even need to plan ahead to avoid early deficiencies.. Good luck man
sounds complicated, can i just replace the soils? also what would i use to lime the soil? limestone ?....


New Member
I dont see any signs of pH shift at all. Just looks hungry for a few things...just feed them some magnesium and extra nitrogen...
Nitrogen in soil is available to the plant within a large pH range. 6.0-8.0, yes near 7 is best but most would be very surprised what a wide range we dirt baggers have to work with. You just want to avoid rapid and extreme changes...

Get some Grow Big and Tiger Bloom. Ditch the Big Bloom, its watered down crap these days...these are being grow in 4 dollar a bag store brand potting soil. Grow Big and Tiger Bloom along with well water(275ppm and 7.8pH), nothing ever pHed...



Well-Known Member
Dolomite Lime works excellent at keeping the PH stable and provide a good slow release source of ca-mg. Either way you look at it you have to repot anyways to flower them, did your check for root bound?. They're indeed hungry, but can't feed right now as it'd only make things worst.


cool thanx guys...should of research more before i did this. I went in with my bro inlaw and thought he knew all about it, but fool never help me out. Im stuck with xx plants and im already tire of it.


Well-Known Member
cool thanx guys...should of research more before i did this. I went in with my bro inlaw and thought he knew all about it, but fool never help me out. Im stuck with xx plants and im already tire of it.
You'd be better off buying form dispensaries or the street then dude. This requires a lot of patience, research and planning and it should be fun not frustrating.