Grape God, 400w SCROG, & a Waterfarm!!! Oh boy!


Well-Known Member
I use dyna gro, I'll soon be switching back to advanced I think, just for a comparison.


Well-Known Member
I just find it hard to understand why, isn't a 1000 ppm of anything the same or very similar? I've burned shit in flower plenty but I've got some 18 inch plants that have been in anywhere from 1000-1500 ppm and where I do see just a little tip burn other than that nothing.


Well-Known Member
I put a seedling in 1000+ ppm in veg, no burn whatsoever, I find it kinda hard to burn anything in veg don't you?
Funny, I put my strawberry diesel seedling in (if i remember right) 1/2 tsp per gallon of nova bloom and it burned like a bitch. You can look at the pictures and details and exact amounts of nutes I used in my SD grow in my signature.

Just goes to show,... every strain is different.

I just find it hard to understand why, isn't a 1000 ppm of anything the same or very similar? I've burned shit in flower plenty but I've got some 18 inch plants that have been in anywhere from 1000-1500 ppm and where I do see just a little tip burn other than that nothing.
Not sure what you are using but if you put 1000 ppm of Flora Nova bloom to a seedling, I wouldn't be surprised if it caught on fire.


Well-Known Member
Funny, I put my strawberry diesel seedling in (if i remember right) 1/2 tsp per gallon of nova bloom and it burned like a bitch. You can look at the pictures and details and exact amounts of nutes I used in my SD grow in my signature.

Just goes to show,... every strain is different.

Not sure what you are using but if you put 1000 ppm of Flora Nova bloom to a seedling, I wouldn't be surprised if it caught on fire.
nothing but dyna gro with some great white.
Why would you put bloom nutrients in a seedling?


Well-Known Member
but my point was .....hard question to ask... isn't 1000 ppm of any nutrient basically the same ? if it is "hotter" as you say, it would just take less to reach the 1000 ppm wouldn't it? pardon my ignorance.


Well-Known Member
nothing but dyna gro with some great white.
Why would you put bloom nutrients in a seedling?
Luca Formula.

but my point was .....hard question to ask... isn't 1000 ppm of any nutrient basically the same ? if it is "hotter" as you say, it would just take less to reach the 1000 ppm wouldn't it? pardon my ignorance.
No. nitrogen, phosphate, iron, boron, magnesium, potassium, ect. are all different. 1000 ppm of 1 thing isn't 1000 ppm of everything else.


Well-Known Member
but to be "working" it basically has to be the same ratios although I'm sure each manufacturer has his own ideas. I just can't see there being that much difference in nutrients from manufacturer to manufacturer. I'm not questioning a thing you say just trying to understand.


Well-Known Member
Nitrogen is the hottest and most likely to cause damage so if u had a low n value and higher p and k u could run higher ppms. Also organic nutes are much less likely to burn your plants. Either way though 1000 ppm seems really high for a seedling


Well-Known Member
but to be "working" it basically has to be the same ratios although I'm sure each manufacturer has his own ideas. I just can't see there being that much difference in nutrients from manufacturer to manufacturer. I'm not questioning a thing you say just trying to understand.
All nutrients have different ratios. Even from manufacturer to manufacturer.

Example, General Hydroponics Flora Nova Bloom is 4-8-7 and Fox Farm Tiger Bloom is 2-8-4 Both are flowering nutes but their NPK is very different, Nova Bloom has much more nitrogen in it which makes it a lot "hotter" than the Tiger Bloom.


Well-Known Member
Nitrogen is the hottest and most likely to cause damage so if u had a low n value and higher p and k u could run higher ppms. Also organic nutes are much less likely to burn your plants. Either way though 1000 ppm seems really high for a seedling
this just contradicts, dyna gro (which I use) is 7-9-5 where FL bloom is 4-8-7, if N is the bandit this contradicts.


Well-Known Member
this just contradicts, dyna gro (which I use) is 7-9-5 where FL bloom is 4-8-7, if N is the bandit this contradicts.
That is a really cheap fert. a quart for 5 bucks, damn. Nova Bloom is 25 a qt. No offense, but I don't think a 5 dollar nute can be compared to something that is 5 times as much. Obviously Nova Bloom is a hell of a lot more powerful if you can dope your plants with 1000 ppm of that stuff yet if you did that with nova bloom your seedling would be dead in under an hour.


Well-Known Member
homebrewer needs to step in here and tell you about dyna gro, cheap isn't always bad. Homebrewer did a comparison here on riu dyna gro against AN , was pretty much a draw. look him up.

Chem Dawg

New Member
And this means what?
This means end of the discussion on my thread man. Start a thread of your own and ask the question? Don't bomb my shit out.. Bottom line is 1000ppm of FNB ( wich is what I'm using not dyna grow ) will scorch my seedling bro. That's all..


Well-Known Member
I thought you weren't arguing but trying to "understand", seems to me like you're in here to promote your nutes, which you should not clutter up someones thread doing. Obviously you are giving your seedling 1000ppm of that stuff and it didn't kill it. Go out and buy a quart of nova bloom, do same thing and post back with results.

Chem Dawg

New Member
I thought you weren't arguing but trying to "understand", seems to me like you're in here to promote your nutes, which you should not clutter up someones thread going. Obviously you are giving your seedling 1000ppm of that stuff and it didn't kill it. Go out and buy a quart of nova bloom, do same thing and post back with results.
Exactly Shim.. Same wavelength!


Well-Known Member
I just jarred a chem dawg plant grown with nothing but dyna gro's lineup, where it was a little lacking in yield (4 zips or so) this shit is nice.