Why can white people be called white, but black people have to be african american.


King Tut
Ok. Check this out.

i am going to review rules and ask owners/admins for guidance but imo, no derogatory terms will be used here to describe races.

Not because it hurts my ass but because it hurts many and is NEVER appropriate in a political debate.

While i support everyone's right to voice their opinion and air their views, there is a decent way to do so. And pissing off a good number of members is not a good way to do so imo.

"Can't we all just.....get along?"


First off, i would not cite the SPLC. Secondly, touche with the racial comeback if the original was directed at you (i'm high as fuck and don't recall seeing him quote you or call out your name). But if not (i will review when not immediately after taking my meds), uncalled for. Throwing out the N word in response to an attack is amateur imo.
aside from the topic, why do you see the SPLC in a negative sense (based on there information?) i ask because i may be looking into a internship with them during the summer.

I took the CRACKER term as personally aimed at the starter of the thread. (me)
If he wasnt then I will absolutely apologize, as i am not raciest at all.


haha great job of quoting a small part of what the large discussion was.

"Thats just turrible"

EDIT: Aimed at lokie


Well-Known Member
No matter your interpretation of my original statement the fact remains that people are mostly shallow and do get unduly excited for no good reason.

Sugar coat what ever you wish it does not make a fact any different. Colors are what they are. It is people that get their feelings hurt because they can not handle the facts.

Sometimes the humor is lost in the delivery. No good can come from further banter on this matter.


Well-Known Member
Interesting that you call me out as a racist and have no idea of who I am or what I believe?
That is partially true in that I did call you cracker. From your post I presume that you are white.
And now I know that you get butt hurt easily.
so you assumed he was white, then threw a racial slur at him, and are wondering why he thinks you're a racist?


King Tut
No matter your interpretation of my original statement the fact remains that people are mostly shallow and do get unduly excited for no good reason.

Sugar coat what ever you wish it does not make a fact any different. Colors are what they are. It is people that get their feelings hurt because they can not handle the facts.

Sometimes the humor is lost in the delivery. No good can come from further banter on this matter.
Damn! Sometimes it just doesn't come through on-screen huh? (humor that is. Thank God for emoticons ;) )


King Tut
aside from the topic, why do you see the SPLC in a negative sense (based on there information?) i ask because i may be looking into a internship with them during the summer.

I took the CRACKER term as personally aimed at the starter of the thread. (me)
If he wasnt then I will absolutely apologize, as i am not raciest at all.
Tbh, no disrespect intended, but i have issues with MOST lawyers/law centers. Give me a few to get some specific cases together (maybe tomorrow, momma just got back home) but again, lawyers are only endeared by me when they are on retainer (And i must say, a $6k retainer is a bitch but damn he's good ;) )

Pat the stoner

New Member
I like to come here so I can be around cool people who arent hateful , maybe African American is a racist term in itself . Politics is bullshit and most of the politicians Ive met are full of it . I get pissed when someone calls me an Irish American . My family's been here a long long time . What the **** does it matter . Racial slurrs are just uncool .


King Tut
I like to come here so I can be around cool people who arent hateful , maybe African American is a racist term in itself . Politics is bullshit and most of the politicians Ive met are full of it . I get pissed when someone calls me an Irish American . My family's been here a long long time . What the **** does it matter . Racial slurrs are just uncool .
That's what we aim for bro.


Active Member
ha ha, right, like the first two eposides of Power Rangers had "White Power Ranger", but he was quickly changed to "Silver Power Ranger"... they still have a "Black Power Ranger", though.... what gives?!?


Well-Known Member

Light the match, burn the flower
Leave behind, all the wrong
Why be sad?
When happiness can be bought for a little more then free
Modern day prohibition

Are we men? Are we children?
At what age, can I choose how to live?

The only real drug problem is scoring real good drugs
Haven't we learned our lesson?
The corner store sells finer scotch
But who's got uncut powder?
We just want what is ours (dignity)
If God created plants and buds that I find and abuse
Then who the fuck are you to judge me?


Well-Known Member
ha ha, right, like the first two eposides of Power Rangers had "White Power Ranger", but he was quickly changed to "Silver Power Ranger"... they still have a "Black Power Ranger", though.... what gives?!?
The white power ranger looked too much like a clan member...

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
NoFX is one of my fav bands.... I grew up on that shit!
...for sure! And, oddly, seasonal. Punk was always more alive in the spring time for me. Dunno, I guess it was like my own little groundhog shadowy thing :)

I was listening once to punk in drublic and my landlord came to my suite... he says "so, is this what all the cool kids are listening to these days?" :lol:

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
i actually know a REAL AFRICAN AMERICAN, his dad is like 100% native american, dont rememeber the tribe... and his mom was from south africa and went to school in the usa before they married. He doesn't actually hate the term because it doesn't make any sense, he thinks its a term white people use.