Leaves curling down


Active Member
These pictures are from yesterday, most of them are looking a little better I think, but I cannot be sure...

Anyway, got a batch of clones, and upon transplanting them some had their leaves curl under like this. They leaves look healthy other than their curl, they are not pulled, dry, discolored, etc... just curled under. These seem to be growing more slowly than the others, however they're still rooting and what not alright.

R/O + Maxi Bloom + ProteKt @ 1230PPM + 5.9pH


I had something like this starting to happen and it was from over watering and too high of ppm my ppm was 1200-1300 on the same size as you. I dropped it to 700-800ppm and 5.8-6.0ph and flooded 4 times a day. It seemed to help. thats just what my friend told me to do and he is old school so I did it and it worked.


Active Member
I had something like this starting to happen and it was from over watering and too high of ppm my ppm was 1200-1300 on the same size as you. I dropped it to 700-800ppm and 5.8-6.0ph and flooded 4 times a day. It seemed to help. thats just what my friend told me to do and he is old school so I did it and it worked.
Were they clones or seedlings?

I was actually thinking there might be a bit of a problem with water not penetrating the media (Sure to Grow) as it's non-wicking. The ones with leaves still curled are mostly the ones with few/no roots coming out of the bottom (it's only been a couple days).


Well-Known Member
Whats your water temp ?! Its very important that dont water them with cold water
u can use aquarium heater in your tank for that
your ppm is too high


mine were all clones. If they dont have roots you need to keep them wet. I use a dome, some rooter gel and keep it sprayed with water till the roots pop. Im still new to all of this but they need lots of water if they have no roots.


Active Member
Whats your water temp ?! Its very important that dont water them with cold water
u can use aquarium heater in your tank for that
your ppm is too high
Water temp is 77°F, they were getting 400PPM before I received them, I bumped them up to 800, noticed leaves uncurling, and bumped it up further. There was a lot of yellowing when I got them (from reappropriation of nutrients to root growth), and that has been fading as well.


Active Member
Isn't that high for clones? (ppms)
In my experience, being nice, letting them have some veg time, and then flowering is disastrous in SoG and leads to too much under growth, choking out plants... This is my first serious grow (though, the bar for serious is much higher in my mind than most), so I'm not totally sure. I just checked on them, and the Pro TeKt + Neem solution I gave then has most opening up, there are only two now looking bunched up.

Chances are that Sure to Grow isn't the best for this system... but I'll keep an eye on them and update as I go along, but the foliar spray having them open up leads me to believe their roots aren't getting enough just yet.

EDIT: And maybe a few clones weren't ready for the SoG transplant, they would have been fine for earth or DWC, but aero-SoG seems to want slightly more mature clones, given the ideal of 0 days veg.