White widow and blue berry by bongspit...

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Ooooo Santa!!!!
So does that mean I can sit on your lap and ask for presents?:mrgreen:


About this present business....do I have to sit on your lap to get a baggy of weed???? lolz, can't I just you know....stand around and look pretty? Or can't I just set some cookies out for you or something? Special brownies or something?

All I want for xmas is a big baggy of weed.....
About this present business....do I have to sit on your lap to get a baggy of weed???? lolz, can't I just you know....stand around and look pretty? Or can't I just set some cookies out for you or something? Special brownies or something?

All I want for xmas is a big baggy of weed.....
you have something against sitting on santas lap little girl??
just RIU as usual...I am hungry...

have you pinched anything off those awesome buds??

just a litte bud. It wasn't full mature or anything I just wanted to test it. Dried for about 4 days, and cured for a couple of days.....and smoked it. I was suprised when I got a good buzz of such a small piece of weed. I cannot wait till I can chop it and cure it.
I did a few months a christian school......but um......they really weren't that christian....drugs, sex, animal sacrifices....
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