water and the dark period before harvest?


Active Member
Hi :) just have a question about the dark period before harvesting, have anyone heard about it? does it make a difference to a quality of buds? im in the begining of my 8th week of flowering now, the plant looks like want to drink more water, schould i give her water before harvesting or just keep her dry ...heard some people saying that it stimulates extra resin production ( keeping plant dry )...any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
the darkness period is controversial, like flushing. Ive seen both that it helps alot and that it does nothing. I tend to think its overrated.
As for water, I want my plant to be dry near harvest, not where its drooping, I mean right before harvest so it has less water and dries quicker. I have never heard leaving it dried out makes it produce more resin, but peoople have all sorts of crackpot theories about stressing the plant in the last few days to increase resin prodution. who knows


Active Member
I tried 72 hours of dark on my last harvest, and I can't say I saw much of a difference. . . . . but I can also say it certainly didn't hurt.


Scientia Cannabis
Hi :) just have a question about the dark period before harvesting, have anyone heard about it? does it make a difference to a quality of buds? im in the begining of my 8th week of flowering now, the plant looks like want to drink more water, schould i give her water before harvesting or just keep her dry ...heard some people saying that it stimulates extra resin production ( keeping plant dry )...any suggestions?

Controversial, just like leaching.

There is no scientific proof for a darkness period pushing the plant to produce more, increase THC or trichomes or anything.
The same is true for flushing (leaching). Yet some people swear by it, and dare I say more experienced growers call it for what it is, an error correcting measure.

Try it out for yourself sure, but I'm going out on a limb here and saying that you will not get more resin, bigger plants or any other miracle.
People like to claim all sorts of stuff when it comes to cannabis growing, don't believe everything you hear, just like in the media.

If you have proof for it, sure go ahead and publish it and tell the world, I don't think that'll ever happen though, since people have been claiming shit for many years and never once has there been any scientific backup to their miracle theories.


Well-Known Member
it's all too much shit too remember. i just look at my plants and they tell me they are done and then i cut their fucking heads off.