250w Blue Cheese, Vanilla Kush, Juicy Fruit and Lowryder(?)


Well-Known Member
alright lads been growing some blue cheese and vanilla kush clones and some lowryder and juicy fruit seeds for a few weeks now and they are all a few weeks into flowering except the juicy fruit which is a little behind, been posting updates in the cfl section of the forum
thats my previous posts, started out planning on doing some ak48 and sharksbreath but the seeds didn't germ so got some clones to go along with the lowryder i had and then added a juicy fruit seedling into the 'drobe.
using a 250w hps in a wardrobe with bio bizz all-mix soil and bio grow and bloom. decided to make a new post in this section with the correct strains in the thread title.
heres some pics of them so far.

Blue Cheese Clone 2

Blue Cheese Clone 1

Vanilla Kush Clone


Juicy Fruit


Lowryder? (not quite sure but was told is some kinda lowryder x with something else)


topped all the plants except blue cheese clone 1, cant wait till they are done


feel free to leave comments or check out my previous thread with pics from vegging and the first few weeks of flowering which can be viewed here


Well-Known Member
yeah i had 2 seeds from nirvana but the first 3 didn't germ so just tried a different kind and they worked so gonnae be trying the ak48 next grow again with hopefully better results


Well-Known Member
its that time again for another weekly update and they are coming along great, my hygrometer came this morning, humidity in the wardrobe is 55% with the light on will find out what it is with it off tonight just before the lights go back on.

Blue Cheese Clone 1


Blue Cheese Clone 2


Vanilla Kush Clone?




Juicy Fruit


feel free to comment lads


Well-Known Member
having some problems with humidity at night, temps are around 60f but himidity goes to around 70% - 80% with lights off but when they are on its around 40% what should i do to lower it at night? would putting a small bettery operated fan in the wardrobe with the door slightly ajar help out? put a fan on during the day to lift the humidity from 35% to 45% so not sure if this will work, dont wanna have to start worrying about mold

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
im not sure of a solition to that.i fight it to in the summer.hot days,cool nights just cause it.sucks.im pullin for ya tho!!!! im sure some one has an answer!


Well-Known Member
since its relative humidity would raising the temps a little during the night bring it back down? got this far and harvest is a few weeks away so wanna get everything prepared for drying. i'd switch my lights on period to night time if it would help but the only problem there is i feed them during the day and cant get to them at night so cant do that. any help is appreciated


Well-Known Member
got humidity down to about 60% at night by opening a vent on the window but now means i have to start looking at a carbon filter


Well-Known Member
more pics will be coming on monday they are lookin really good, cutting down nutes for the lowryder aiming to take her down in 2 weeks around the 29th maybe. blue cheese 1 is taking shape nicely and has a pretty decent sized main cola


Well-Known Member
Blue Cheese Clone 1


Juicy Fruit



Blue Cheese Clone 2

Vanilla Kush Clone?


coming along nicely, lowryder may be getting took down around the 28th ut the rest still have a little bit longer. cant wait


Well-Known Member
plus rep things are loking good nut not so sure that lowryder will be ready by 28th do u have a scope to check trichs?


Well-Known Member
yah most of the thrics are cloudy just gonna wait till some start turnin amber before choppin down, not fussed it if isn't ready to come down on the 28th can wait another week if needed


Well-Known Member
aye blue cheese clone 1 the main cola is starting to lean to the side with the weight its packing on. getting excited now got a bit of vanilla kush and blue cheese to do me till the lowryder is done. cant wait for the blue cheese though smells and looks amazin


Well-Known Member
juicy fruit has had its last feed of nutrients and will be getting flushed out for the next week or so before harvest. had to tie the juicy fruit down a little as it was getting close the the bulb, just bent the whole thing over a little but not too much and tied it to a bit of the wardrobe. will try get some pics up