BBG (Baisic Bagseed Grow)


Well-Known Member
Those new CFL's are NOT small man!! This will be the first scrog grow I watch happen :) Good luck bud!
im not sure if im SCROG or SOG, all depends on how many females i get. if its a low count im going SCROG but if 3/4 ot 4/4 are female im going SOG


Well-Known Member
get a bigger exhaust fan. i use the exhaust fans to draw in the freash air with a passive intake twice the size of the main exhaust fan mounted on the top.
i have 2 PC fan mounted in the back both blowing air out the box. going to drill the passive intake holes a bit bigger right now


Well-Known Member
at the hospita now, my boy was born this AM at 8:24 he weighed 8lb 12 Oz verry healthy and just a perfect baby.

before i left this am i drilled a 2 inch hole for passive intake and that seemed to fix the heat issue. plants are all looking great and im thinking 1 more week and it will be time to flip.


Well-Known Member
at the hospita now, my boy was born this AM at 8:24 he weighed 8lb 12 Oz verry healthy and just a perfect baby.

before i left this am i drilled a 2 inch hole for passive intake and that seemed to fix the heat issue. plants are all looking great and im thinking 1 more week and it will be time to flip.
Congrats! O jeez, I can't even imagine the excitement.


Well-Known Member
Yay! Congrats on the baby! Wow, he's a big 'un! My son was 8#1. I went the C-section route too. Now you got a boy...let the fun begin!


Well-Known Member
at the hospita now, my boy was born this AM at 8:24 he weighed 8lb 12 Oz verry healthy and just a perfect baby.

before i left this am i drilled a 2 inch hole for passive intake and that seemed to fix the heat issue. plants are all looking great and im thinking 1 more week and it will be time to flip.
Fucking awesome bro!! Congrats to you and the wife! That is a good sized kid lol, my daughter was only 6lb 10oz!


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone, yeah he is a good sized lil man but he is really healthy and his size fits him since im 6' 1" 250lb im not little guy myself LOL


Well-Known Member
home for a quick check. my heaters in my house shut down and my box has dropped down toabout 70, its warming up slowly now. I have one monster plant that is just growing like crazy, i think im going to take a small cut off it and try and clone to see if it is a male or female, if its a female im gonna dump the rest and start training it for my SCROG. if its a male im gonna chuck it and cont to vegg the rest till they get big enough to sex. just want to get the 12/12 rolling and get soem buds growing but dont want to rush it and kick myself in the ass for it later. coming home from hospital tomorow will post up some pics tomorow after noon


Active Member
home for a quick check. my heaters in my house shut down and my box has dropped down toabout 70, its warming up slowly now. I have one monster plant that is just growing like crazy, i think im going to take a small cut off it and try and clone to see if it is a male or female, if its a female im gonna dump the rest and start training it for my SCROG. if its a male im gonna chuck it and cont to vegg the rest till they get big enough to sex. just want to get the 12/12 rolling and get soem buds growing but dont want to rush it and kick myself in the ass for it later. coming home from hospital tomorow will post up some pics tomorow after noon
theres a technique on here called monster cropping. you can take a cutting from a plant thats been flower for 21 days. then re-veg it and it grows like crazy, the only problem is it takes 2 weeks for the clone to root, but hey by the time it roots and grows a lil bit the mother plant is finished and you can start flowering the clone. Or you can do it with the the whole plant flower till it shows sex then re-veg till its the size you want.

P.S. congrats on your son


Well-Known Member
well i was checking out my room earlier and realized the SCROG is going to be my best bet due to the amount of space i have. but its going to require training and a bit longer of a vegg time to fill up the screen properly. i wanted to try the SOG tech but wont be able to grow my plants big enough to make SOG worth while.


Well-Known Member
Like I said a couple weeks ago brotha, a scrog setup will best suit your needs, and give you the best plentiful harvest possible. Hope everything is smooth sailing


Well-Known Member
You sure? I could totally see you running the big bulbs down the center with a plant in each corner. Could likely hit 1oz per plant. I really don't see hitting 4 oz with a 1x1 scrog.


Active Member
congrats on the baby!!! and congrats on successfully growing! past 3 days i have had alot of droopy-ness check out my thread and help! lol


Well-Known Member

just got home from the hospital and these plants have undergone a nice little growth spurt. Im really glad i got the new lights in there as im sure they are the reason for the good growth.

heres some pics, plants are 2 week 4 days from breaking soil