Coffee Can Growers


Well-Known Member
TBH I love them. I use them in my coco mix as a replacement for perlite.

I have seen them around for a season or two, at different grow expos.

I plan on getting a big bag of them from the Hydro store as soon as I have the funds.

Supposedly the lock the Ph at 7.0, but according to the numbers we are getting from Bekindbud, that is not the case.


Well-Known Member
I read a little about them tonight, I think I might give them a try. Heard hydroton is hard to get the ph stabalized?


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
I read a little about them tonight, I think I might give them a try. Heard hydroton is hard to get the ph stabalized?
Not if you clean it properly.. all it takes is like ten minutes of boiling. Not to mention a prewash of all that dirt that it comes with on it..


Well-Known Member
I can get 10 quarts of earthstones or 10 liters of hydroton for $13. I'm leaning towards the earthstone for my dwc. I don't put much perlite in my coco


Well-Known Member
I like the growstones because they are much lighter than the hydroton, plus, all the holes and air pockets create more surface area :)


Well-Known Member
Alright alright..
I'm in.

I've got another branch to chop on my 'mum anyhow.
I'll clone it in this shitty coco puck I have. I usually don't use them, but for a hydro experiment I will.

So I have fishtanks, and plenty of airstones.

But what all will I need completely for this?

And I'm not going to the store for nutes, I'm just gonna use the 'X' nutrients I have laying around.

So far I get the impression that all I need is;

"Bucket" of sorts for the Res..(Hopefully a folgers can:leaf:)
Airstone/water current of sorts.
"Net/cage" of sorts to hold the medium

Anything else?

edited that idea out.


Well-Known Member
Nope that about covers it! I'm just using a little 10 gal air pump, and 3" air stone. Then I'm gonna run the 3" net pot like Billcollector recommended.

So are we going to get an official micro grow-off going? I'll get the thread started if I need to! I know we have a few people already that are down!


Well-Known Member
I believe Psychild and Bekindbud are working on the details of the grow off, you might wanna get with them.

Im really glad this thread is taking off, because the coffee cans are an easy grow container and cheap IMO.


Well-Known Member
I believe Psychild and Bekindbud are working on the details of the grow off, you might wanna get with them.

Im really glad this thread is taking off, because the coffee cans are an easy grow container and cheap IMO.
SOunds good, so I'll just ask here then whats the deal guys lets get a thread up so we can get a few more peoples attention and get started! LMK if there's anything I can do!

ARE we just limiting it to dwc in coffie containers? Just curious what the plans are maybe I can throw some ideas out there.


Well-Known Member
Looks awesome slim!
Thanks buddy kinda funny i finish my DWC Folgers and about a month later theres a thread on it. Hope we all can share some secrets and tricks with these small res. I used Super natural, Superthrive and plain old tap water;-) 12/12 from seed also seedling was taken from a 16oz party cup "soil" and grown in a 17 1/2 x 18 x 33 inch box 150w HPS one intake and one exhaust 110 CFM each. Nothing fancy but she was and is the best smoke ive grown out this year taste just like fruity peddles and knocks your dick in the dirt. Cant wait to go back to full sized plants this micro growing just dont roduce enough for my lungs hahahaha.


Well-Known Member
Small delay on the Coffee Can for me.
I went to the store earlier and managed to get a few 3" netpots as a freebie,
but I think I either left them at the store, or in the car.

Either way I don't have a Folgers can at the minute, but I'll be able to get this going quite soon hopefully:leaf:


Well-Known Member
To smelly if you would like to start the thread, its ok with me. I just want to have a contest of growing out of the coffee containers. Any medium you want but it has to finish in the coffee can. Also I would like two divisions one seeds and the other clones. That way it will be fair for seed starters and clone growers. What we need to come up with is how are the winners going to be judged? Best bud, largest yield, who will be the judges or will it be by poll. I am not good at this but if you feel you can do it let me know and you can start the thread. I am sure it will pop...



Well-Known Member
Two divisions, voting done by poll on a separate thread...

I am willing to donate a Special Made Plaque for the winner :)
That would be sick!! Okay I'm down, if you guys want me to put it together i will. We can bounce some ideas off each other and maybe start it sometime soon! I had an idea where everyone threw a seed in kind of thing but that might be to hard to pull off.. I think we should judge it based on what the best overal looks, size etc of say the clone catagory and the seed. So 2 winners overal to keep it simple. As far as judges we will obviously have to grab some well respected people that arnt partisapating. How many I don't know, poll's ehh idk.. I think legit judges might workout better?

Edit, also what about veg time is there a minimum or maximum limit? I don't see why there should be, push it as long as you like but don't go above 32oz's.? Are we limiting this to hydro aswell? What if someone wanted to compete in a 32oz soil container? Umm thats all I can think of right now I'll come back with more lol.. K just realized any container or medium so answered that question.

About the judging I actually thing it would be kind of cool to have a couple different catagories and whoever gets the most points or something wins? This way its judged on multiple things instead of just looking and saying thats better lol.. I do realy like the idea of respected agreed on judges.

I'm going to start listing catagories feel free to add and we can choose from the list, sound good?

Smell haha just kidding
uglyest lol

ok I'm done for now lol I'm smoking a phat bowl watering and I'll be back with more!