Fuk it! Out with old in with the new!!!

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Rebel From The North
Man wiimb there so far along you might not to
Huge improment before you chop then, sound
Like your heading in the right direction but i think
Tea would be alot better


New Member
Man wiimb there so far along you might not to
Huge improment before you chop then, sound
Like your heading in the right direction but i think
Tea would be alot better
i agree mate but i haven't got the room to stire the tea and i just want to do things simple, cheers for advice tho mate.


New Member
looking good wimb might i suggest to just keep with the plan flush them and in a few days feed them dont strt messing with h202 and anyother crap why i say this is you will start chasing problems


New Member
looking good wimb might i suggest to just keep with the plan flush them and in a few days feed them dont strt messing with h202 and anyother crap why i say this is you will start chasing problems
sorry mate but i dissagree with ya. reason being so many other people use it and it works wonders when you add it to res in small doses :)


New Member
all i am trying to say is this late in the game your talking a week to 2 weeks and there done right ??? you think just by adding it its going to make a change you got to realize one thing
a plant uses so much energy to produce buds you mentioned your last grow they seemed bigger did you have same amount of buds on plant ????? or less ?? so more energy went into producing buds

ii have done grows where i topped and supercropped sure you get tons of buds but they dont compare to a main cola or a untouched plant right and thats whats happening with your plants you got lots of buds energy is being spread to all of them
thats the sacrifice for doing these techniques you do them cause your limited to height
I know theres many that differ and all these techniqus are strain dependant
But i have done it and noticed alot more buds but when dryed i got more shake and less weight then leaving a plant do its thing
MJ has bin grown for millions of years and its one goal is to survive wouldnt a plant naturally grow to LST or super crop way naturally or just grow like a untouched plant does


New Member
i agree with you mate, but my last grow was the same as this one and them kolas were twice as fat, here look...........DSCN9926.jpgDSCN9924.jpgDSCN9897.jpgDSCN9898.jpgDSCN9949.jpg


New Member
right guys if 3 if you's are adviseing me to leave it for now with it being to late, what do i do???


New Member
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6728040 said:
im not advising you leave it alone but with how far along you are, even if you cant fix it it wont do much harm
and those colas are abit bigger is it a different strain?
same strain last grow :)


Rebel From The North
Wiimb theres not enough time left to recover
From the stall that happened! It happens to us
All from time to time they will swell how much is
Unknown but adding new stuff to a stressed plant
Not going to help! To me they look good not
As big as your last but ive seen this happen with
Different times of the season


Well-Known Member
this grow ight have just got more stress or if this grow has more tops it probably just had to spred more energy to more tops instead of less so before they got igger because there was less?


New Member
Wiimb theres not enough time left to recover
From the stall that happened! It happens to us
All from time to time they will swell how much is
Unknown but adding new stuff to a stressed plant
Not going to help! To me they look good not
As big as your last but ive seen this happen with
Different times of the season
cold weather condisations make
them grow differnt dont they?
Cause my room were they
are, is always cold and it cost a bomb to run a electric heater!!!
ill leave them for now
but like i posted what
do i do now????
i have 2 weeks left!:)
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