Chem Dawg Flower, Kryptonite Veg


Well-Known Member
for sure man proble is man im just glad i idnt have to go and buy that shit to use it on my plants icaNT wait for the dry/cure weight


Well-Known Member
yea same here buddy! you dont have much longer! im excited to get there as this will be my first cure with actual mason jars


Well-Known Member
If the leaves still have spots clipping them won't get rid of the problem. The spots are a tell tale that the plant is still infected.

When you made your BHO did you whip it afterwards?


Well-Known Member
ok then BKB your the boss hahaha they will get another shower then. so spray all of em all over top an bottom? or just spot spray...

and BHO, yes i whipped it. i have a lot of bubbles still in the main container, but i whip every dab i pull out.

cool love the input on that kandy kush im pretty stoked!!


Well-Known Member

morning shots, Day 36. leaf colors are cool lookin:) trichs are comin in well, havent checked color yet.. sorrry the close ups are a blur, i cant take those free hand i guess. and my big ass bong with inline, i just love it to bits. bitch is a hitter fo sher!!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, what they said! Beautiful NorCal! Such tall white hairs you've got there. And oh so sparkly.


Well-Known Member

check out this bad boy ;)

right on DK hahah!!!! what you said :)

thanks guys! fumble, im pretty shur long hairs like that is a good sign its got a lot of fattening to do:D hopefully i can pull a O per. thatd be tits


Well-Known Member
Plants are looking real good and getting close my friend! I love when they change colors like that, brings nice bag appeal to your buds!

Nice piece....




Well-Known Member
hey everyone my profile is bein hella dumb, like i got to reload everypage nothing loads right.. so fuck it i guess ima make a new one see what happens.....


Well-Known Member
Hold off on that NorCal...I think everyone is having probs. I am only sporadically able to log on and sometimes the page is all discombobulated. Server trouble is all, I think. Just roll a fatty and


Well-Known Member
Yeah I cant see any pics and the website has been down a couple times....Hopefully RIU gets things fixed soon.




Well-Known Member
ok thanks guys. i was worried it was just me... lol fumble i did just that hahaha how funny well and some oil hits outa tha little dipper :)

so you guys still goin to tha BBQ? i am its gunna be hella cool. im pretty bummed i dont have any of my Krypto to share with you guys... but maybe we can figure something out :)