I would have to speculate that since the first rule of physics is energy can neither be created or destroyed, then that would mean the same energy that is in us, that carries thoughts, feelings, gives perceptions and holds information, has and always will exist. throughout the universe in infinite amounts in every direction. since matter is just energy on different vibratory levels, then EVERYTHING ,matter or not, is all part of the same whole of the original creative force. This creative force must exist so "belief" isn't needed, this is not debatable. Whether or not this creative force is "aware" of what it creates and to what extent it attempts to maintain "control" of what it creates by "laws" and "rules" should be, to an intelligent person, the only thing one would need to ponder. It's completely possible it is no more aware of its creations then we are of our subconscious minds activity outside of sleep. But the irreducible complexity of that which has been created would lead one to believe it is very conscious of what it has created.im not really this smart im just really high right now!