Evolution, Divine Creation, Starseed, or Other

How Did Mankind Come to be Here?

  • Divine Creation

    Votes: 9 33.3%
  • Evolution

    Votes: 15 55.6%
  • Starseed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 11.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I had to go with other. I'm only 30 years old and who know's what's in store? Voting for any other to me would mean I've settled. In some ways I could also see the options being all in the same. please don't ask me to explain but sometimes I feel they could all have thier part in the vastness of "time" short and long.
And ya know I should have set it up so you coud vote for more than one option.

Know if I can change that?
What if there was small single cell type life eons ago on some other planet that was hit by a huge asteriod and some of it flew off onto one planet and some onto another with each evolving and adapting to thier planet.

Each would be aliens/starseed/Divine creation to the other after a few million.billion years
I woulda thought that was starseed lol.

Starseed is different...Thats like looking at aliens as "god" isnt it? I look at them as the enemy but prolly the best thing to happen to man kind. The way I look at it the Dinos didnt go extinked(spelling) they packed up and left. We got proof of reptile like critters on ower planet how do we know this wasnt the aftermath of a big war? We find spear heads right next to dino bones and ancient citys torn to the ground...We are survivers and they will come finish us off when they know they got the upper hand or we are about to distroy the world and they wont let us because they can use it.
Oh, Gotcha, Now I really wish I had made this poll multiple choice. Doh!

Starseed is different...Thats like looking at aliens as "god" isnt it? I look at them as the enemy but prolly the best thing to happen to man kind. The way I look at it the Dinos didnt go extinked(spelling) they packed up and left. We got proof of reptile like critters on ower planet how do we know this wasnt the aftermath of a big war? We find spear heads right next to dino bones and ancient citys torn to the ground...We are survivers and they will come finish us off when they know they got the upper hand or we are about to distroy the world and they wont let us because they can use it.
Alright. Tomorrow afternoon I will post some creation stories from around the world. And also some variant thoughts on the concept of starseed, scientific and otherwise. Also, Arthur C. Clarke died this past week. This will be in his memory. G'nite all.
Cool. can you start with a little about him for ppl who don't know, including myself. i probably know but I can be bad with names and what they did etc.
Divine creation for me. I don't necessarily think they are still involved, but I guess I can't wrap my mind around the odds and amount of time it would take to create what we have today some other way.
I think it,s all just nuclear energy from one big explosion That still illuminates the universe skys and massive lumps of of waist spinning and flying through are galaxy,s from the after effects

Only a thought , Im not saying its true go easy on me
by starseed do you mean panspermia?

I would vote evolution for Earth but the stuff that made life possible here came from the stars exploding but I don't believe in the form of alien seed or whatever.

So the building blocks of life came from the stars but life begin through natural processes and have been evolving since.

which option would that be?
I have to go out for a walk with the dog. I'll be back in 45 min/hour and I'll start some posts. Hopefully, we can have some interesting discussions!
I would have to speculate that since the first rule of physics is energy can neither be created or destroyed, then that would mean the same energy that is in us, that carries thoughts, feelings, gives perceptions and holds information, has and always will exist. throughout the universe in infinite amounts in every direction. since matter is just energy on different vibratory levels, then EVERYTHING ,matter or not, is all part of the same whole of the original creative force. This creative force must exist so "belief" isn't needed, this is not debatable. Whether or not this creative force is "aware" of what it creates and to what extent it attempts to maintain "control" of what it creates by "laws" and "rules" should be, to an intelligent person, the only thing one would need to ponder. It's completely possible it is no more aware of its creations then we are of our subconscious minds activity outside of sleep. But the irreducible complexity of that which has been created would lead one to believe it is very conscious of what it has created.im not really this smart im just really high right now!
I would have to speculate that since the first rule of physics is energy can neither be created or destroyed, then that would mean the same energy that is in us, that carries thoughts, feelings, gives perceptions and holds information, has and always will exist. throughout the universe in infinite amounts in every direction. since matter is just energy on different vibratory levels, then EVERYTHING ,matter or not, is all part of the same whole of the original creative force. This creative force must exist so "belief" isn't needed, this is not debatable. Whether or not this creative force is "aware" of what it creates and to what extent it attempts to maintain "control" of what it creates by "laws" and "rules" should be, to an intelligent person, the only thing one would need to ponder. It's completely possible it is no more aware of its creations then we are of our subconscious minds activity outside of sleep. But the irreducible complexity of that which has been created would lead one to believe it is very conscious of what it has created.im not really this smart im just really high right now!

This is a very thoughtful post but wanted to point out some possible errors/oversights...

i think by first rule of physics you're talking about the first law of thermodynamics (conservation of energy) - but the problem is that the law only pertains to a closed system. The universe is not a closed system so the law does not apply.

The irreducible complexity argument has been addressed pretty well since Darwin's time. For an excellent treatment see Dawkins The Blind Watchmaker. But think step-by-step over unimaginable amounts of time.