BBG (Baisic Bagseed Grow)


Well-Known Member
its really frustrating, i have watered them like 2 times in the past 2 weeks ><

im really about to just flip em and let em flower out, get what i can and start off with new soil. first week of january i will have a couple bucks to build a nice DIY setup and invest in a decent light.

it just sucks because i wanted to see the max potential of a cheap grow and i think this grow would have gone much better without the fucking miracle grow.

i really like the consistency of my medium but i dont understand why the fuck MG needs to put so much nutes in thier perilite and peat moss. shit is hot enough to cook a fucking egg in!!!!!

on a side not its my B day and i got myself a bottle and 6 pack bouts to pour a drink and do some homework lol


Well-Known Member
Just set my timer to 12/12

fuck it

i get $5,000 in a month, flipping now will give me a harvest (if i have any females) by end of Jan, mid febuary. by then i will have my next journal started and some fem seeds to run. going to buy a 1000W HID lighting system and do a DIY box out of plywood. i will be using the CFL i have now as well and setting up a 2 week perpetual harvest.


Active Member
Just set my timer to 12/12

fuck it

i get $5,000 in a month, flipping now will give me a harvest (if i have any females) by end of Jan, mid febuary. by then i will have my next journal started and some fem seeds to run. going to buy a 1000W HID lighting system and do a DIY box out of plywood. i will be using the CFL i have now as well and setting up a 2 week perpetual harvest.
I flipped mine a few days ago and only run it from 8p to 8a, and she sleeps during the day! I hope to be able to sex her tomorrow when i get home from work but it may be another week or so! Im really excited about this perpetual grow, i have read up alot about it and hopefully if i do this right i can pull a plant every 2 weeks (fingers crossed)


Well-Known Member
its really not that hard, just need a min of 4 plants. (generally 8 weeks flower) and you can harvest 1 every 2 weeks. if you get a strain that is a 10 week harvest u will need min of 5 plants....see where im going with this :)

start with clones from a mother untill you have all your plants in order then you can put the mother into flower and just take a cutting or 2 off the plant that is going into the flower room next. rinse repeat. have to wait a bit longer for first harvest cuz you need to get them clones rolling but once you get thge whole system set up and working its same routine every week


Active Member
I see I see, i have a friend who will be doing the cloning with a mother with his own cabinet that we made, its much like mine but with 2 compartments. One compartment for mother and the other for all clones/seedlings! Hopefully he can Veg them and we will just shove them in mine for flowering via 12/12. I should be able to fit 10-15 at a time in there, least i hope! I know i wont be using pots the size i am now cuz that shit holds water way to long! Keep me posted matt with things u learn along the way i will need tips! Also i will be purchasing my LED light soon, I cant use HPS cuz i know whatever i do in my Cab it will be to warm and i heard they run about 15 bux a month. I just got my first electric bill since my CFL grow and my bill was actually cheaper than the month before, thats a good feeling!


Well-Known Member
i would like to set up a 4x6x6 then i would have a 4x4 sq area for flowering and a 2x4 sized area for mother/clone/vegging

ill draw a small diagram
un released.jpg

not alot of time put in this but you get the idea, eventually the mother plant would go and i will have something like this
un released.jpg

so every 2 weeks, i would harvest one plant. take 2 cuttings (so i know at least one will root) from the vegging clone that is next up for flower. and the clones would get 8 weeks veg time before they get a couple of cuttings taken off and sent into the flower room.


Well-Known Member
lol my diagrams are sloppy but should show my theory off well enough

the vegging will be done with CFL and the flower room will have a HID light

there will be a divider and sealed for light and 2 seperate doors.


Active Member
its really frustrating, i have watered them like 2 times in the past 2 weeks ><

im really about to just flip em and let em flower out, get what i can and start off with new soil. first week of january i will have a couple bucks to build a nice DIY setup and invest in a decent light.

it just sucks because i wanted to see the max potential of a cheap grow and i think this grow would have gone much better without the fucking miracle grow.

i really like the consistency of my medium but i dont understand why the fuck MG needs to put so much nutes in thier perilite and peat moss. shit is hot enough to cook a fucking egg in!!!!!

on a side not its my B day and i got myself a bottle and 6 pack bouts to pour a drink and do some homework lol

I see..... is this a possible problem I will face using the MG potting soil for a medium like I do? You've got me a little worried now..... :shock:



Well-Known Member
I see..... is this a possible problem I will face using the MG potting soil for a medium like I do? You've got me a little worried now..... :shock:

yes it is a possible problem, should you worry about it, of course you should. MG soil (and FFoF from what i read) have nutrients added to them when they are packaged. these nutrients are designed to release when you water the plant. if you water a good saturation (like your supposed to) untill water wis flowing out the bottom there is a chance the nutrients released will be too strong and burn your plants. alot of people swear by MGand FFoF soils and say they never had a problem. its just something you should be aware of. me personally i like to let my soil dry out well before i water and then i like to give a nice watering, saturate all the soil untill it is flowing out the bottom. this method has proven to be release too much nutrients and burn my plants.

am i saying this will happen to you. NO, some plants are more tolerant to nutes than others. some people dont water the same. hell it might even just be my lights burning the plants who the fuck knows, either way next time i am saving myself the variables and using a PLAIN potting soil with no enhanced nutrients, then i will feed my plants with thier waterings so i know how much nutes are in my soil


Active Member
Your Diagrams look great! Good luck getting that made, i hope u do cuz u sound like u got it all planned out just right!


Well-Known Member
i can flush just didnt really want to as im not sure how much i will need to flush to rid them of ALL of the nutes in the medium, if i dont rid them of all the nutes it will just burn them more.
Here's my personal experience, your mileage may vary:
I transplanted my Alice into Miracle Gro potting soil and it was way too strong for her. I was right where you were. I took her and put her in the shower and let the water run continuously for like 10 minutes. I put gallons and gallons and gallons through that pot. And she turned out fine. I then just gave her plain water till she showed signs of needing more.

If you are trying to flush out all the nutes, I don't think you can overdo on the can underdo, but not overdo.

Just my 2¢ worth


Well-Known Member
Here's my personal experience, your mileage may vary:
I transplanted my Alice into Miracle Gro potting soil and it was way too strong for her. I was right where you were. I took her and put her in the shower and let the water run continuously for like 10 minutes. I put gallons and gallons and gallons through that pot. And she turned out fine. I then just gave her plain water till she showed signs of needing more.

If you are trying to flush out all the nutes, I don't think you can overdo on the can underdo, but not overdo.

Just my 2¢ worth
thanks blue, great input as always :)


Well-Known Member
Your Diagrams look great! Good luck getting that made, i hope u do cuz u sound like u got it all planned out just right!
meh, the plans are the easy part lol. i came up with all that in 10 min >< its putting the plans into action, getting the money and space to build thats the difficult part.

i wish someone would give me 2,000$ to just build a grow i could have something up and running in 2-3 days that will make 10X more money than originally invested. if i had the space.

those carports are amazing and hgave so much potential


Well-Known Member
meh, the plans are the easy part lol. i came up with all that in 10 min >< its putting the plans into action, getting the money and space to build thats the difficult part.

i wish someone would give me 2,000$ to just build a grow i could have something up and running in 2-3 days that will make 10X more money than originally invested. if i had the space.

those carports are amazing and hgave so much potential
View attachment 1923598
I know, right?


Active Member
lol i bet we all wished for that extra 2g's we could all do some good with it!!! BLue always got good input, id listen to HER she never let me down yet! Grandma's 2cents is alot better than most normal pp's dollars! lolol


Well-Known Member
any creative mind has already got a idea for that thing. im thinking 6X 1000W HID and about 20 more of them 105w CFL

really wouldnt want to go that big tho as its a federal offense and a felony to grow that much.
Unless of course, you have a whole passel of patients to provide for.

And yes, I can visualize two separate growing rooms, a veg area, a set of 12 lighted cubby holes for mother plants, a cloning station, a trimming station, and a drying station. And a lazy boy recliner sitting right smack dab in the middle with a built-in cup holder and headphones built into the headrest. That's my dream grow room!