My first grow, bagseed


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow ever, not just with CFLs and I have a few questions. I will post pictures later but I wanted to get some details up now since I am sitting here at work thinking about it all.

Cliff Notes: I am two weeks into grow as of today from my first sprout. I have 8 plants, all bag seed, started with scotts premium potting soil then moved to Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil. About 40k lumens worth of light, only using distilled water. No nutes yet, just super thrive when transplanting. Worried about leaves being a bit Yellow and pointing straight up.

First off I am using bagseed that I had saved from various times, I started the seeds by soaking over night and then putting most of them in rapid rooter cubes and other in soil. When I started them I had them under 1 2' t5 and in a propogation chamber thing for the whole high humidity. Once they started their first true leaves I took them out of the tray and put them in small 5" square pots, kept them under the t5 plus added a couple 27w 6500k CFLs. That was about three days into the grow, I was using Scotts premium potting soil and only distilled water.

On monday my order of CFLs came in, I have 15 30w 2000lumen 6500k light, 3 27w 1800(? maybe 1650)lumen 6500k cfls, and 2 42w 2600lumen 2700k cfls. I placed the plants in my closet and lined the walls with mylar that I got from a party store, I took a couple tops from some rubbermaid bins and covered them with the mylar as well and cut holes to put all my lights through it, most are mounted with the Y splitters so they aren't straight up and down. I am also trying to keep the lights about 2 inches away from the tops of the tallest plant. Oh and I have a 2 liter bottle for the whole yeast C02 generation, a small fan blowing directly on the plants and then a box fan a the other end of the closed blowing air out and the door on the other side cracked an inch to let air in.

Growth has seemed a little slow and the initial leaves from sprouting were starting to yellow, also some of the true leaves seemed to be more yellow in color then I had expected. Last night I transplanted them all into 1 gallon pots, using Fox Farms ocean forest soil, and some super trive in the water when I transplanted. I felt that perhaps the pots that they were in were already too small.

What I am worried about is the yellow color of the leaves, and that the newer growth leaves are pointing straight up. Ill get a bunch of pictures later on, but I am hoping the transplant into the larger pot with the new soil will help. I already got my fox farms 3 pack but I didn't wanted to wait a day or so since I just put in all that new soil. With that many lights should I move them further then 2 inches away?

Sorry for the long post, thanks for any advice. This site is great by the way, I have been lurking a lot in the past couple of weeks.


Well-Known Member
Here are some pictures demonstrating the problem, I had trouble getting good photos so I appologise. I must have over watered them last night when I transplanted because they are all pretty droopy, but compared to yesterday quite a few of the plants have a lot of new growth, and some of the yellowing seems a little better. But then on a few I noticed that there are some brownish spots, very faint and hard to see in the pictures.

I also included a picture of one of my smaller plants, it's leaves are much more round then the others. Does anyone know the reason for this. And I put in a picture of my over all setup, when I close the closet door there it's all basically surrounded by mylar. You can kinda see in the background how badly some of the plants are drooping, last night they weren't doing anything like that at all so like I said before I figured I must have over watered pretty bad.



Well-Known Member
Here are some updated pictures, I started using the fox farms fertilizer and the yellowing seems to have gone away but some of the brown spots remain. I have noticed 1 or 2 little fly like bugs so I used a bit of bug killer on them today. The only problem I seem to have now is that some of the leaves seem to curl up a bit on the sides.



Well-Known Member
your over watering, and those fly's will make it a bitch to grow. you need to kill them fast, i've heard fly paper and let your pots dry out almost all the way. some bug killers will harm your plant look for a plant safe bug spray.


Well-Known Member
How much should I be watering? At the moment I am using about a cup and half of water ever other day since I moved them into their larger containers. The Bug killer said it was safe for fruiting plants up to the day of harvast, I saturated the leaves like the bottle said and then I sprayed it off with distilled water as best I could.

I always take them out form under the light to feed and water them, and I just spray the leaves with the distilled water to keep them clean. I give them about 10 minutes to dry, or at least until they no longer look wet before I put them back under the lights. Should I wait longer or is it even useful to spray them down at all anyway?


Well-Known Member
if your going to spray them do it as the lights are about to turn off. and you should let the pots dry out between watering no matter how much water you give them each time, but you should only water enough to start seeing some run off.


Well-Known Member
Well a little update since my last post. The bug killer really did a number on my plants, all of them had at least some damage. bsically a lot of the leaves turned yellow or brown, shrivvled up and curled every which way. At first I thought it was because of the direct contact from the bug killer to the leaf, or some left over residue that helped the lights to just burn the leaf. But after going through some threads here I found one about someone using way too much PH up or down and the result was pretty much identical to my plant. So just to test it I took one spray of that bug spray in about 12 ounces of water and checked the PH and it was pretty much maroon in color, at least as dark as the lowest red on the scale for my PH tester.

The plants are starting to recover, some better then others. They all have some new and at least that looks good, others barely have any damage left over. I checked the Ph of the run off today, just watered with distilled water, the PH going in was something like 6.5ish, and for most of the plants coming out it was about the same if not a little lower around 6ish. Some of the plants that took more damage had about a 5.5ish PH with the run off.

Should I prune off the really mangled leaves? And should I try to do anything else as far as bringing the PH up in the soil?

I also cut back on watering, waiting at least three days before watering and I stopped spraying the leaves down when I water. I waited until the pots felt very light and I could stick my finger all the way in without really feeling moisture. The dirt right at the run off holes wasn't moist, but it wasn't exactly dust like the stuff on top. Is that a good point to water or should I be waiting until the dirt around the runn of holes is as dry as the top?

Also right now I am using 1 gallon pots, and the roots are starting to poke out of the run off holes. I am growing with CFLs and so I don't want the plants to get too big, should I get larger pots or just stay with what I have?


Well-Known Member
Here are my most updated pics, you can see the damage from the bug killer pretty easily but I think they are still doing okay despite that. On one of the plants I cut off some of the damaged leaves because they were just totally mangled so it looks real unbalanced, and others are real unbalanced because of the damage. Would pruning the really damanged leaves be a good idea at this point? I have been watering less now too, even around the drainage holse were pretty dry this time.

Also I made a post about my new light setup for my CFLs here



Well-Known Member
This is about the 1 month point, some sprouted 2 or three days later though, just a couple of pics this time. They are between 5 and 8 inches tall, and you can still see the damaged leaves fromt he bug killer.



Well-Known Member
Here is my latest, started them 12/12 one week ago. I also moved them up into 10 quart pots about 10 days ago but they are already needing water every day.

Hopefully soon I will be 100% sure which are males and I can toss them out, kinda tight on space. Still 100% cfl but I may switch to HPS since I saw a deal on a 1000w light for 100 dollars.



Well-Known Member
thanks. It seems the only problem I have now is burning the tip of a leaf on a light now and again, and keeping up with the watering. I am considering big 5 gallon pots but I don't want the plants to get too big under the CFL. If I happen to buy that hps then I will probably go with the bigger pots too.


Well-Known Member
thanks. It seems the only problem I have now is burning the tip of a leaf on a light now and again, and keeping up with the watering. I am considering big 5 gallon pots but I don't want the plants to get too big under the CFL. If I happen to buy that hps then I will probably go with the bigger pots too.
dont be trippin on burning the leave tips i happens now and again how
tall do you want you plants to be? that will be the main factor on if you need 5 gal pots. I was told its better to grow a few more smaller plants that a couple bigs ones because the cfl's you'll need dynamite light positioning i'd imagine to grow them much bigger than 3 ft.

an HPS would be nice, but when i save the money im gonna for sure buy a ceramic metal halide light read about it it sounds wayyy chill:mrgreen::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
plants look awesome man ....Bushy and Tight you gonna get some nice thick buds off those guys, im mean girls:) gl on the flowering, and please post pics and stats about the male to female ratio plz. ive been gettin all males so far and just trying to see what the real stats are. GOOD LUCK and HAPPY GROWIN


Well-Known Member
sup man ur plants are lookin great as hell very very nice bro keep up the great job...ill be stoppn in from time to time ...........:joint:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the input. I took another picture last night with my camera phone so it's kinda blurry, but I was too lazy to charge my real camera. It's just two of my plants, the ones I tried LST on. The yellow looking areas are the bud sites, there are more then you can see in the picture so I am pretty happy with it. The ones I didn't do the LST on don't seem to have half as many.

