Evolution, Divine Creation, Starseed, or Other

How Did Mankind Come to be Here?

  • Divine Creation

    Votes: 9 33.3%
  • Evolution

    Votes: 15 55.6%
  • Starseed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 11.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I'm going to space these stories out. I'd love to hear some commentary on them as we go. For example (my physics is weak) it seems like the Atman could have some resemblance to the singularity that starts the universe in Big Bang Theory. And the multiple creations of all dualities to the creation of primordial particles.
In the beginning there was the void. And the void was called Ginnungagap. Along with the void existed Niflheim the land of fog and ice in the north and Muspelheim the land of fire in the south.

In Niflheim was a spring called Hvergelmir from which the Elivagar (eleven rivers - Svol, Gunnthra, Fiorm, Fimbulthul, Slidr, Hrid, Sylg, Ylg, Vid, Leiptr, and Gioll) flowed. The Elivargar froze layer upon layer until it filled in the northerly portion of the gap. Concurrently the southern portion was being filled by sparks and molten material from Muspelheim.

The mix of fire and ice caused part of the Elivagar to melt forming the figures Ymir the primeval giant and the cow Audhumla. The cow's milk was Ymir's food. While Ymir slept his under arm sweat begat two frost giants, one male one female, while his two legs begat another male.

While Ymir was busy procreating Audhumla was busy eating. Her nourishment came from licking the salty ice. Her incessant licking formed the god Buri. He had a son named Bor who was the father of Odin, Vili, and Ve.
For some reason the sons of Bor decided to kill poor Ymir. His blood caused a flood which killed all of the frost giants except for two, Bergelmir and his wife, who escaped the deluge in their boat.

Odin, Vili, and Ve put Ymir's corpse into the middle of ginnungagap and created the earth and sky from it. They also created the stars, sun, and moon from sparks coming out of Muspelheim.

Finally, the brothers happened upon two logs lying on the beach and created the first two humans Ask and Embla from them.

I think the norse were smoking the dankest of the dank. Or maybe their bread was a little moldy and they were tripping out on ergotamine. I just love this story though.
yeah thats a crazy one and a little hard to understand for me anyhow. It's like something I would come up with in my teens while trying my hand at abstract writing while on alot of acid. I wouldn't get it the next day either. lol
Have you any stories of aboriginals in canada? I'm not one but I am currently working in the fairly far north of canada in the middle of nowhere, that's why I've been online alot. there is nothing to do here.
I've have heard some storie from some ppl of them telling of these little ppl that live in the woods and many in their culture believe in them. that's just one but I wonder what some of thier creation stories are?
Also you would think that relativly speaking time wise thier myths or stories would be a little more "current" or without outside influence.
Great post, not a rant. I'm not much of a physicist. Religion and metaphysics is more my speed. It warps my mind too. Especially when you start with faster-than-light travel and the boundaries of infinity. The first cause of creation is the greatest mystery we can think of.

But, when you talk of space ships accelerating toward the speed of light, don't they also attain infinite mass? (ow, head hurting again, lol)

very true about attaining infinite mass as speed approaches the speed of light..... i dont have answers for you but more questions myself.
what about photons? are they not traveling at the speed of light? do they have infinite mass? just something to think about....

but yet they say it is possible on the video- im not saying they are truthful, but quoting what was stated.

"scientists know a lot about what happens to objects as they approach the speed of light, but we must not extrapolate and try to say what would happen if the speed of light could be attained by a material thing. we will see shortly that no physical object (such as a space ship) can reach the speed of light, so the notion of a real object being squeezed down to zero thickness is nothing more than an academic fantasy."

also something else that is cool is

"black holes with quadrillions of solar masses can exist, at least in theory, without life-threatening forces at any point near their event horizons. if such a black hole is ever found, and if we develop space ships capable of intergalactic flight, we will be able to cross its event horizon unscathed, leave this universe, and enter another- forever!!!!"

some quotes i pulled from an old physics book i had laying around..
just some puzzling things that are contrary to what the aliens video stated.

man, i want to know how they have come up with anti gravity and anti inertia. i want to build my own space ship that will go faster than the speed of light, fock growing/studying pot- id rather fly around at super light speeds :D

i hope this interests someone :D

I have a creation story from the West Greenland Inuit people that's a little long and I need to cut it down to make a reasonable post. It's very interesting, but you might not see it until tomorrow.:mrgreen:

I think oral story traditions can be very stable but also adapt to changing circumstances. I don't know much about New World people at all, but everyone believes in little people!
I wonder if the CERN particle accelerator is up and running yet? It is apparently the worlds biggest science experiment. They say it will re-create the big-bang or something to that effect.
Any of you guys know anything about this? I read about it in the book angels and demons then kinda looked up the actually place followed by a piece on discovery channel last year showing them building it.
I've seen a little elf like creature running beside my car once. looked like he wanted a ride, I wanted the hell outa there!
Photons are the only elementary particle which have no mass and thus they are able to travel at the speed of light. My stoner non-physicist question here is if you stop a photon does it continue to be a photon? Light can be bent or refracted but it cannot be halted because its speed is constant. Ow, science headache. :joint:
Isn't that what the CERN experiment is supposed to do? but actually crash 2 of them together and create anti-matter. Observing this they think they will get a look at the big-bang? It is alot of science and I am litterally getting a headache so I'm out after this.:peace:out!
Isn't that what the CERN experiment is supposed to do? but actually crash 2 of them together and create anti-matter. Observing this they think they will get a look at the big-bang? It is alot of science and I am litterally getting a headache so I'm out after this.:peace:out!

you should watch a documentary called "The Astronomers" - they do a particle accelerator and demonstrate how they "find" anti-matter.

It is a heck of a lot easier to understand when you see a visual representation (at least it helps me understand best i can).
My stoner non-physicist question here is if you stop a photon does it continue to be a photon? :joint:

My stoner non-physicist question here is how do you stop a photon???

they can be absorbed but not slowed down.....??????????

idk, ill just shut up now... lol i need to read more. :mrgreen:

This is a very thoughtful post but wanted to point out some possible errors/oversights...

i think by first rule of physics you're talking about the first law of thermodynamics (conservation of energy) - but the problem is that the law only pertains to a closed system. The universe is not a closed system so the law does not apply.

The irreducible complexity argument has been addressed pretty well since Darwin's time. For an excellent treatment see Dawkins The Blind Watchmaker. But think step-by-step over unimaginable amounts of time.
Conservation of energy = Energy can neither be created or destroyed. Which means it is everywhere all the time closed system or no. To imply that it isn't is just silly.
As for Dawkins I think he and his theories have been so thoroughly debunked , by Academia , and those who actually adhere to some sense of a scientific method from across the spectrum of intelligencer's, that it leaves me nothing new to add to the arguments and debates against most of his theories.
It would seem you, much as Dawkins still feel secure in your knowledge that, most of which, has been proven obsolete and outdated. Just as most of Albert Einsteins theories have been proven to be wrong. The general public isn't very aware of the knowledge that has been gained in the last 90 to 100 years. Those on the front lines and the cutting edges of new science, mathematics, psychology, physics etc. have a much broader view of existence then those of the early 20th century, ideas, which haven't been let go of by those who choose not to educate themselves, but Eat the feed of whatever they are served.
Frosty, please expand regarding this thorough debunking of Dawkins' theories. Which theories; those regarding evolution and genetics? His critique of intelligent design? I am also intrigued by your statement that "most of Albert Einstein's theories have been proven to be wrong. That is news to me and probably to most physicists as well. Your post is tantalizing but some specifics regarding these positions would be welcome.

With regard to your assertion regarding the first law of thermodynamics it is always stated as being in regard to a closed system.

Conservation of energy = Energy can neither be created or destroyed. Which means it is everywhere all the time closed system or no. To imply that it isn't is just silly.
As for Dawkins I think he and his theories have been so thoroughly debunked , by Academia , and those who actually adhere to some sense of a scientific method from across the spectrum of intelligencer's, that it leaves me nothing new to add to the arguments and debates against most of his theories.
It would seem you, much as Dawkins still feel secure in your knowledge that, most of which, has been proven obsolete and outdated. Just as most of Albert Einsteins theories have been proven to be wrong. The general public isn't very aware of the knowledge that has been gained in the last 90 to 100 years. Those on the front lines and the cutting edges of new science, mathematics, psychology, physics etc. have a much broader view of existence then those of the early 20th century, ideas, which haven't been let go of by those who choose not to educate themselves, but Eat the feed of whatever they are served.
Frosty, please expand regarding this thorough debunking of Dawkins' theories. Which theories; those regarding evolution and genetics? His critique of intelligent design? I am also intrigued by your statement that "most of Albert Einstein's theories have been proven to be wrong. That is news to me and probably to most physicists as well. Your post is tantalizing but some specifics regarding these positions would be welcome.

With regard to your assertion regarding the first law of thermodynamics it is always stated as being in regard to a closed system.

i am also interested in these new scientific breakthroughs.

Frosty, please expand regarding this thorough debunking of Dawkins' theories. Which theories; those regarding evolution and genetics? His critique of intelligent design? I am also intrigued by your statement that "most of Albert Einstein's theories have been proven to be wrong. That is news to me and probably to most physicists as well. Your post is tantalizing but some specifics regarding these positions would be welcome.

With regard to your assertion regarding the first law of thermodynamics it is always stated as being in regard to a closed system.

Don't worry... Dawkins theories have been debunked by Academia ... with a capital A so it must be true...
Academia is a slut; she debunks everybody. ROFL

I'm still working on an Inuit creation story. Stay tuned.

very cool - i'm very glad we haven't heard from the harunyahya and/or icr crowd or worse - that electric universe dude! yikes!!

but i guess there is still time...
Once the Sun lived with her brother the Moon, and at night when the lamps were blown out somebody came to her as she lay on her deerskins and made love to her. There were many other people who lived in the house, although they were shadowy inferior souls whose best aspiration was to become planets. In the meantime, since they had not yet decided how to climb into the sky, they lay around the house, year after year, and the Sun was constantly cooking for them and the moon had to go out hunting - how dreary it was! When her work was done she blew out the lamp and rubbed the soot on her hands, wrapped herself in deerskins and lay down with a bitter beating heart. Presently the man came to her in the darkness; his hands on her body, his hot breath in her face; and she endured the inevitability of it.

"One of you has soot on his shoulders,: the Sun said the next morning when she lit the lamp. "Who, who, who," cried the guests stupidly. She made them strip off their skin shirts, but their shoulders were not dirty. Finally only her brother was left. He wept; he hung his head.

"Show me your naked shoulders or I will stab you with my Ulu," she said. He wept; he hung his head.
"Strip off your shirt or I will run away into the snow," she said. He wept; he hung his head; he stripped off his shirt, and there were sooty finger-marks on his shoulders.

He could think of nothing to say or do but point at her, crying "You have black hands, sister!"

She did not clean her hands. She sharpened her ulu; she cut off her breast and threw it into his face. "As you seem to be so fond of me, eat me, then!" He wept; he hung his head.

She took a stick, stuck lamp-moss on it, dipped it in seal-oil and touched it to the flame of the lamp. Then she ran away into the snow. As she ran, she began rising into the air.

The Moon stood in the doorway of the house watching her as she rose up glowing and bleeding. He took his ice-scraper, skewered the lamp-moss and lit it. The he ran after her. But his torch did not burn well. As he ran up into the sky, which was frozen and black, and rang under his feet, the flame went out. Nothing was around him but darkness; he could no longer see his sister's light, for she was too high above him. There was only a fading coal on his stick. Frantically he blew on it, and sparks flew out to become the stars. His clothes froze on his back; his shoes became like horns on his feet.

Ever since then we have seen his glimmering night-gleam, the roundness of his naked belly which wavers and waxes and wanes and sometimes vanishes when he must go down to earth to hunt seals, and we see that just as he was alone on this crowded earth, he remains alone in his nights of fiery unbelief, but his sister is always bright and warm, because her lamp-moss was burning when she came up into the air.