The Seed Collectors Thread

How IS the LSD? Anyone grow it? Is it very pungent? As potent as I've read? Does it give a big yield?

Are you fucking serious? You are going to ask if anyone has grown LSD right after i fricking said I grew 4?? What the hell man?

Pungent? No. It's only mild or average but it's fruity which is nice. Some is random fruit smell and some is just like mango skins.

Potent as you read? Fuck no! It's WAY over hyped- but you'll find a lot of shit is, especially if its been involved in cannabis cup. Out of the 6 plants (with 4 pheno's of lsd, 1 diesel and 1 critical+) I think critical+ has a slight edge on the others, but they are very comparable to each other and pretty much the same. What ever is best is pretty much what i'm lighting at the moment or the next one in line for even rotation. Now when dinafem says their strains come in under 15% and LSD claims over 20% someone is bullshitting...

Yield big? It does ok, but critical+ out did it by miles (although its supposed to being part big bud) and so did the dinafem diesel.

I think overall it's ok, and if you dig through the pheno's to take a mother cutting you could find something with a nice taste and smell- but you don't automaticly get what is advertised. It says 8 weeks or so but 3 out of 4 of mine took 10 weeks +. One still hasn't had any ripe buds yet and its maybe 13 weeks now, but its only days away now.
When it's random like that from seed and when you can get something else more reliable that actually finishes on time, it really doesn't hold up it's reputation at all.
Finally got my Timewreck today, along with that order of Ace of Spades and Agent Orange, I got another order today also with my Green Python, Madness, Qrazy Train, Apollo 13, and the Flav.Between the 2 orders I got a pretty good batch of freebies too. 6 TGA strains in 1 day!! That's a good day!
Finally got my Timewreck today, along with that order of Ace of Spades and Agent Orange, I got another order today also with my Green Python, Madness, Qrazy Train, Apollo 13, and the Flav.Between the 2 orders I got a pretty good batch of freebies too. 6 TGA strains in 1 day!! That's a good day!

very nice! i recently popped 4 Escaped, 5 Apollo bx. G13 and Apollo13!!! woot. gonna be dank. im hopefully gonna make escaped x apollo13, and apollo 13 x escaped.
also,throwing 4 Ace of spades into flower this week. and harvesting a few zips of agent orange in around 2 days.
can yoooooooooooooooooooou feel it?


it is way good to be back & in my normal digital skin.

dont know who the fuck "where is my account" thinks he is... but dude is a non growing, no plant having, douche.


let me upload a few pics to bring us all back to earth.


& safe.

time to PAB (pack a bowl)?

bowl very packed & firing in ==> 5, 4, 3, 2 ,1


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Finally back on RIU!!!!, for the last 2 days I've been allowed to sign in but I've not been able to post anything. Well when the site loaded anyways.... WTF happened lol??

We're back on now though but don't RIU realise with need this thread for our lil' club of seed whores!?. Did we miss anything new??
skunkie when u sent me rice w/ beans UK living & all that... did u just walk down to a box and toss the package inside?

or do u bring it to a post office?

im wondering if that has something to do with the amount of time it takes seed botique to get beans to me.
skunkie when u sent me rice w/ beans UK living & all that... did u just walk down to a box and toss the package inside?

or do u bring it to a post office?

im wondering if that has something to do with the amount of time it takes seed botique to get beans to me.

No way my friend, I go and send them direct through the post office as those old boxes get set fire to quite often by bored kids on the estates here lol. Not safe at all so inside the office is the way to go mate.
Seed boutique are known for being slow though...
Finally got my Timewreck today, along with that order of Ace of Spades and Agent Orange, I got another order today also with my Green Python, Madness, Qrazy Train, Apollo 13, and the Flav.Between the 2 orders I got a pretty good batch of freebies too. 6 TGA strains in 1 day!! That's a good day!

sounds like christmas to me!
if anyone is interested, Mosca C99 BX-1 is back in stock at the tude


I saw that, if I ever need to grow C99 tho i'll grow out a couple beans of my spacebomb. :) C99 X Apollo 13.

What I don't get is C99 is very Sativa, so why does Mosca say its very indica?
got my order from thanksgiving!!! woot!
10 JTR
10 Ace of Spades
5 Timewreck
10 Mantis
12Bubba mantis
@ freebies.

i think i'll be saving these for february when my current grow is finished

another successful order by the tude!
I have really been trying to keep up with this thread guys but I cannot tell you how busy I have been. This is how my last month has went in order: 1) harvest 2) daughters wedding 3) harvest again 4) Grandmas funeral 5) harvest again 6) move out of one of my houses (landlord wanted to do a walkthrough). Turned my keys over today and have 7 more plants to trim tomorrow. Now I think I am going to have to go back up North and move my Dad down my way. No longer allowed to use my girlfriends camera after mine broke. I took some pics of my garden before we went to my Grandmas funeral and forgot to erase them. Needless to say my girlfriend had to try and navigate away from them at the church while trying to show someone in my family a picture. I told them it was her camera and I didn't know what the hell those pics were or what she was doing but I would send her to rehab when we get A-11s and Plushberry are getting flipped on the grill tomorrow from 18-6 to 11-13. Popped my Leia OG's and LA confidential and transplanted today. Only 9-10 Leias popped but this one may count as 2. Had to take this on my phone and I know photobucket is not the way to post but if the feds want to go through the seed collectors thread and bust me then they better be serving Pork Chops in jail!
I saw that, if I ever need to grow C99 tho i'll grow out a couple beans of my spacebomb. :) C99 X Apollo 13.

What I don't get is C99 is very Sativa, so why does Mosca say its very indica?
thats a real good question.....ive grown alota C99 and ive never seen anything close to an indica plant