yellow plant please help


I have a problem with yellowing of the whole plant. I've done some research but I'm still uncertain of the cause. It's pretty bad on one plant but a couple of the other ones have it a bit.
I've included several pictures and I can take more if it'll help.

They're clones, AK-47, in foxfarm ocean forest soil, have not been given anything but distilled water since I got them. I'm pretty sure they were in an ebb and flood (?) table before they got to me and I replanted. They're in a temp home until I can clean out a closet in a few days the temp says around 76 and the humidity is at 37%. They're under a bunch of cfl 3500k until I can put up they big light I have for veg. Ph is around 6.5.
They do have a fan on the and the cupboard stays a bit open all day and gets opened all the way a lot(like every time I freak out about something that may be wrong with them:-o)

I've had a problem with spider mites and have used neem II ready-to-use by greenlight on them. Some of the leaves were cut halfway during cloning.

Any help is veryveryvery appreciated and loved. Thanks



New Member
FFOF is good soil. But, imho it is too hot for clones and seedlings. Any perlite in there? If you just put them in the soil, the only way you have a N def is from lock out. I used distilled water on my first grow, had some issues and went to tap water, cleared right up...go figure huh? 2nd 3500k is too soft for veg, need to be in the 6000k range. And cfl's can be placed very close to the plant 2" is just fine. Good Luck and +rep for taking the leap into farming.


Well-Known Member
Getting a bit pale now they are in veg so bump up the nutes, that small ugly one looks like it was crap from the start.


New Member
agreed.....ob Start feeding nutrients there hungry is all
I hate to disagree but FFOF has more than enough nutes in it for several weeks. Feeding them now will likely kill them. Since they are already shocked, I would replant but with more perlite and tap or bottled drinking water. Just my opinion though and you know what is said of opinions.


Weed Modifier
I hate to disagree but FFOF has more than enough nutes in it for several weeks. Feeding them now will likely kill them. Since they are already shocked, I would replant but with more perlite and tap or bottled drinking water. Just my opinion though and you know what is said of opinions.
hmm looking at these plants...all of them! I'd say they are ready too feed...since no nutes have been fed yet? sure its been longer than 2-3 weeks



hmm looking at these plants...all of them! I'd say they are ready too feed...since no nutes have been fed yet? sure its been longer than 2-3 weeks

I'm not sure how old they are but I planted them 2 days ago except the one being held up with the knife. They were pretty old when I got them I guess, I could see roots poking out of the bottom of the cups they came in.

Thank you everyone for your help!! I'll try the bottled water instead of distilled(the tap water here smells really bad after a few hours out of the tap).
I didn't add any perlite to it but it has some in it. Should I add more?


New Member
I would suggest doing a 4:1 soil/perlite mix. They have been in FFOF for only 2 days...they do NOT need feeding.

Oh and make sure you get inert perlite your soil is plenty nuted.