New Member
which one would prefer???Which one is you? In the pic.

which one would prefer???Which one is you? In the pic.
Yeah I saw that same exact story on the news a few weeks ago maybe you are the same guy. were you on cnn? crazy tho!I have a buddy about to go out agian in a couple months...He lost his friend on the last day out....All my buddy could thinnk about is "Why couldnt it have been the first day? Why did I have to know the guy? Why did I have to see pictures of his family? WHY?!?".... Then he cryed for about 2 weeks in his room and they are sending him back out......The funny thing is he wants to go back because he knows his friends are dieing and thats to hard for him to turn his back on.....
Just because you hate the president those soldiers are people just like you and me not murders....They dont want to kill....Just figured I would put that out there because it doesnt matter whos doing what it matters our friends and familly are dieing fighting for somthing that they dont even understand....Get it? Got it? good.....
It happens everyday over there.....Didnt see the guy on cnn but I could only imagine I had a full grown man crying in front of me over somthing he couldnt control....He has a picture with him and 27 other soldiers 13 of the 27 in the picture are dead and they looked like kids.....Yeah I saw that same exact story on the news a few weeks ago maybe you are the same guy. were you on cnn? crazy tho!
lmao lmao aaaahhhhaahahhahahhahathis is my outlook on Bush,,YouTube - Nine Inch Nails - Capital G (Music Video)
Keep on Growin
pretty funnyYeahhh. "they never stop thinking about ways to harm our country and our people, neither do we." G.B.
Health care should be a right. "promote the general welfare", if health care is not general welfare, I don't know what is.
Health care should be a right. "promote the general welfare", if health care is not general welfare, I don't know what is.
Who's "General Welfare". Is that Obama's new nickname. I thought is was "The Great Black/White Hope Monger".Health care should be a right. "promote the general welfare", if health care is not general welfare, I don't know what is.
Again: Promote; "contribute to the growth or prosperity of" the populace. What don't you get about contribute.Again, Med ... you are mistaken about the intent of the "PROMOTE the general welfare" clause in the Constitution. Remember ... if the Founders intent was for the federal government to PROVIDE the general welfare, they would have used the word PROVIDE instead of the word PROMOTE. In their thinking, the government can best promote the general welfare by staying the hell away from the private business of the citizens of the various states.
Right.................Contribute: to give or supply in common with others "contribute money to a cause"
The top 50% of income earners pay 97% of all federal income taxes.
The top 25% of income earners pay 86% of all federal income taxes.
Contribute: to give or supply IN COMMON with others
Contribute: to give or supply in common with others "contribute money to a cause"
The top 50% of income earners pay 97% of all federal income taxes.
The top 25% of income earners pay 86% of all federal income taxes.
The top 1% of income earners pay 39% of all federal income taxes.
Contribute: to give or supply IN COMMON with others
"The top-earning 25 percent of taxpayers (AGI over $62,068 ) earned 67.5 percent of the nation's income, but they paid more than four out of every five dollars collected by the federal income tax (86 percent). The top 1 percent of taxpayers (AGI over $364,657) earned approximately 21.2 percent of the nation's income (as defined by AGI), yet paid 39.4 percent of all federal income taxes. That means the top 1 percent of tax returns paid about the same amount of federal individual income taxes as the bottom 95 percent of tax returns."
medicineman said:Again: Promote; "contribute to the growth or prosperity of" the populace. What don't you get about contribute.
Very true, Floridagirl.You are the wind beneath my wings!
If you want to live in a socialist Country then GO LIVE IN ONE... and leave your passport at the border when you go please! America is NOT about a distribution of wealth evenly... it's about the American Dream of making your own way and living the best you can by way of reaping the rewards of your own labor/smarts! Get that concept or GET THE FUCK OUT!
I hate people standing there with their hand out waiting for the GOVERNMENT (via hard working mostly middle class people) to support them!
Before you get your panties in a WAD .... I know SOME honest people who do need assistance and some have paid into the system and deserve it.... The problem is the Govt. can't tell the difference..... and so the "System" meant to help is RAMPANT with good people paying their hard earned money to support loser thieves!
Hell I'm a single woman with no children......I live on my own... no help or income from anyone else. I only have one car and rarely drive. I have no children in any school... yet my income taxes go to paying for building/improving new schools (which I will never use) and paving new roads (which I will never need). I'm less a burden on my community then most people in terms of resource needs yet I'm in the 33% tax bracket (soon to be more) and my dog doesn't even have a park where he can run.....
So let me get this straight..... I've ALREADY contributed (via outrageous taxes)... and I've ALREADY made sacrifices in my life to live within my means and support myself without help..... but I'm suppose to make further sacrifices to help the "populace"? WELL FUCK THAT!
You must be HIGH... HIGH .... HIGH to think I have more to "give" for the good of the POPULACE. Keep asking me to give.... ... soon I'll be holding my hand out too! DUMBASS!
well I guess that would explain why youre so bitter
Hell I'm a single woman with no children......I live on my own... no help or income from anyone else.
This above post, ^, definitely explains why your so stupid, stupid. It's because your stupid, stupid.well I guess that would explain why youre so bitter