Magnesium deficiency? other nute burn? HELP!! Royal Dwarf


Well-Known Member
I had a similar issue but i caught it early..I was in FFOF and i ADDED LIME to the mix and BANG NEVER AGAIN...U can mix some with water and apply to the soil add some to the top soil and it will soak in as u water..NOW i add lime when i mix my ffof before potting.
lime? as in lime juice? isnt that really acidic?


Active Member
hes talking about limestone it can come in powder or solid form u just spread em over the top of ur soil, water an watch the magik happen. (helps maintain ph, can be used as an ph up and givea good source of cal if im not mistaken)


Ursus marijanus
Lime is powdered calcium carbonate. Dolomite lime is magnesium calcium carbonate. Both are wonderful acidity traps. cn


I'm a beginner but I've done A LOT of research
In my opinion there's a few things you should look at
Could be rare potassium overdose causing calcium lockout -- my first guess
Are you sure its not heat stress?...even tho temps look good, light can still be too close
Or it could just be calcium-magnesium-maganese deficiency in which u would wanna go invest
In some cal mag.

Well that's all I have to offer, look into the calcium lockout by potassium tho
Ill be checking back in here so keep me posted


Well-Known Member
I'm a beginner but I've done A LOT of research
In my opinion there's a few things you should look at
Could be rare potassium overdose causing calcium lockout -- my first guess
Are you sure its not heat stress?...even tho temps look good, light can still be too close
Or it could just be calcium-magnesium-maganese deficiency in which u would wanna go invest
In some cal mag.

Well that's all I have to offer, look into the calcium lockout by potassium tho
Ill be checking back in here so keep me posted
Which plant are you referring to?

the dwarfs damage stopped spreading after the flush, so it definitely couldve been calcium lockout and the flush helped.

if youre talking about the skunk it could also be some sort of lockout, or some sort of overdose but ive been feeding GH-FloraBloom which is 0-5-4 and ive been using at half strength. Unless theres a lockup of nutes in the soil and roots i doubt its overdose.

about lights being too close i doubt its this on the dwarf, with it being smaller its always been 2ft or more away from the light. The skunk is about 18 inches away and the damage is to lower leaves, i doubt light burn would cause the kind of burn im having on the skunk which is at the tips only.


The more I look at it now, its definitely looking like potassium overdose causeing calcium lockout,
Id flush real good, then feed with just water and calmag for about 2 feedings then add ur other nutrients half dose and cal mag
Let me kno what u plan on doing if u plan on another route.


Well-Known Member
The more I look at it now, its definitely looking like potassium overdose causeing calcium lockout,
Id flush real good, then feed with just water and calmag for about 2 feedings then add ur other nutrients half dose and cal mag
Let me kno what u plan on doing if u plan on another route.
im def getting cal mag and limestone soon, im on a tight budget but should be able to find something reasonable. My local hydro shop only carries in big quantities unless the makers dont make them in smaller bottles. ill come back for updates after i purchase these items. Meantime ill keep updating my grow in my sig. Thanks much for the input.


Well-Known Member
IF all you are feeding your plant is GH-FloraBloom while flowering, then you still need to supply it with some sort of Nitrogen, Nitrogen should always be included in the plants entire life cycle, just less when flowering.


Well-Known Member
IF all you are feeding your plant is GH-FloraBloom while flowering, then you still need to supply it with some sort of Nitrogen, Nitrogen should always be included in the plants entire life cycle, just less when flowering.
it is... the only source of nitrogen i have at the moment is my FF-GrowBig, should i put 1/3 of that dose and maybe 1/3 of the florabloom?

and thanks for the tip, i asked in a few places if its ok to give my plant nitrogen but all peoiple said is that it would hurt the taste in the end, but nobody ever said if i should have at least a little in there. theyll get some Nitrogen in their feeding tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Ya, use a lower dosage than you used while vegging, and step your bloom up a bit to suffice. The last week or so is okay to stop feeding nitrogen to your plant because it will have enough stored in its fan leaves and draw nitrogen from them to supply the flowers. Stopping the nitrogen near the end will help you flush the chemical taste out by just using Phed water.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, after adding Botanicare Cal-Mag (2-0-0) the yellowing stopped. Of course the leaves didnt turn back to green but it stopped spreading thankfully.