Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Hey ho. Ho ho ho merry fucking xmas!! I don't mind the holidays anymore, specially since I don't have to fart around with the in-laws lol. My gal came over this afternoon and dragged me away from my watering (spent all day yesterday trimming, everyone was thirsty today) to go get an xmas tree. We put it up and now back to work for me puff puff ; !) She's coming over to put the lights on later. Didn't have to go to far to get it...not much more than a few house down. My neighbor has xmas tree farm.

My little girl is doing better thanks to all who inquired. She went back to class the day before yesterday. Like I said she is a tough cookie! I'll be getting the results of my blood work in the next couple of days...keep your fingers crossed.

Good job with the mollasses Psychild! What do you use for nutes, if you have to much chemicals in your soil your micro bacteria will be dead and the mollasses won't be of much help. I use Nitrozime and it works fuking awesome for a late flower bloom booster but it's like over 40 bucks for a little bottle. A growers wet dream though for bulking up your plants. The increase weight from one plant pays for the bottle lol.

Dizzle your not old enough to have to be concerned with your psa numbers. Not sure but it's around 45 or 50 when you should start having test on a regular basis, like every few years and then every year. I seem to remember prostate cancer being number one on the list for men. Ahhh like donnie said...their ph pen was prolly fucked up the first time around when they stuck me lol.

Hey your camera came today and of course the first pics I took were of the Cindy 99s. Nice camera brudda I like it! Thanks!!
Ye aim 40ish....my prostrate and stuff prolly need a tune up or a check....my health isnt what it used to be..but i guess years abuse takes it toll some day lol

Glad the cammy came....its not blue or silver lol my GF won it at work...so i had no choice in the color...but it works goos still, jus cant use the zoom and the lens dont close...the macro works well to...all the settings work actually...i wish i coulda found the SD card for ya to...merry xmas asshole :) Yur very welcome, yur a good asshole!


Well-Known Member
just spent 9 hours in the fukin hospital !! stressed n tired n hungry ..... food , joint , cup of tea then ill post properly

Hope everyones well today n having a better friday than me !!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
so wait... you took pics and didn't post them? WTF asshole!!!!! hahahahaha I know your workin on it!!!!!!! I just had to bust your balls!!!! glad to hear all is well!!!! i got my bubble bags and made my first full melt last night!!!!
Oh yeah I saw that you got your bags stoney!! You'll be glad you did especially with all the good weed your taking down these days. Kudos! How did your full melt come out? Ok that's a stupid question lol ; !)

This was all I could afford at the time, and apart from the pH problems has done very well for me √ Once this grow is over I'd like to get a new line though for sure. √

Seems to working for well for ya Psychild, most of your end product is the result of how much tlc they get from start to finish anywys. I need to stop by and check out your garden again but everything was looking great last time I was there. Everyone is keeping the bar high, I like seeing that.

Ye aim 40ish....my prostrate and stuff prolly need a tune up or a check....my health isnt what it used to be..but i guess years abuse takes it toll some day lol

Glad the cammy came....its not blue or silver lol my GF won it at work...so i had no choice in the color...but it works goos still, jus cant use the zoom and the lens dont close...the macro works well to...all the settings work actually...i wish i coulda found the SD card for ya to...merry xmas asshole :) Yur very welcome, yur a good asshole!
Haha man I am so much healthier now than when I was in my twenties. Beer and pizza, beer and tacos, beer and grinders, beer and beer lol, 65 cent pitchers around the corner when myself and some very close buddies rented a 5 bedroom house downtown. That was OUR city back then haha.

I'm such an idjit sometimes hehe, thought I had a memory card put it in the camera and downloaded the pics, then into the pc...finally realized that it was the adapter that I had. My cord didna fit neither so Ill go out tomorrow and pick up which ever is cheaper. Stoney those Artic Express are getting some pretty fat colas man! Their coming up on 7 weeks : !)

oh heres some of the Cinderella 99 Pheno3 ...you have these to

View attachment 1926491View attachment 1926492View attachment 1926493
These look like the kind of buds that I like have in my stash man. I may flip them soon to see what I have to play with. 10 for 10 with the C99 f4 pineapple pheno brother asshole...can't wait!


Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Oh yeah I saw that you got your bags stoney!! You'll be glad you did especially with all the good weed your taking down these days. Kudos! How did your full melt come out? Ok that's a stupid question lol ; !)

Seems to working for well for ya Psychild, most of your end product is the result of how much tlc they get from start to finish anywys. I need to stop by and check out your garden again but everything was looking great last time I was there. Everyone is keeping the bar high, I like seeing that.

Haha man I am so much healthier now than when I was in my twenties. Beer and pizza, beer and tacos, beer and grinders, beer and beer lol, 65 cent pitchers around the corner when myself and some very close buddies rented a 5 bedroom house downtown. That was OUR city back then haha.

I'm such an idjit sometimes hehe, thought I had a memory card put it in the camera and downloaded the pics, then into the pc...finally realized that it was the adapter that I had. My cord didna fit neither so Ill go out tomorrow and pick up which ever is cheaper. Stoney those Artic Express are getting some pretty fat colas man! Their coming up on 7 weeks : !)

These look like the kind of buds that I like have in my stash man. I may flip them soon to see what I have to play with. 10 for 10 with the C99 f4 pineapple pheno brother asshole...can't wait!
woohoo 100% germ rates across the board then! i may have to restock you now lol

try all the USB cords you have..one might fit..i never used mine, i used the sd card reader..but my MP3 cord fit that cammy....try em all then but one....i couldnt find it for the life of me when i sent it :(

As for health..yea my raoring 20s were damaging lol.....now i jus smoke pot, drink the odd brew and eat the odd pill.....but back in the day i never thought id live to see 30 so i went hard LOL


Well-Known Member
what happened man? you aight ? yur fam aight?
had a nightmare mate , got a call at 12.30 lunch time to say my girlfriend had been rushed to hospital, i left work n went there straight away , she suffers from migraines but apparently she had a major migraine attack today and the new tablets the docs gave her wernt doing anything to ease it so she took some asprin and had a lie down, she couldnt sleep so got out of bed , her vision blurred then blakced out completly and she lost her sight , then she collapsed ! luckly her sister was on her way round and found her passed out on the floor ! thank god she had rang her gran parents earlier this morning to watch our little lad or he would of been there aswell !

She has spent hours in the hospital while they run tests etc on her to see whats wrong , her vision has returned but they think the combo of pills from the doc and asprin may of thinned her blood so much her blood pressure dropped dangerously low and may of caused a mild stroke !

they have kept her in and ill be back there in the morning ! luckly we have someone to watch our little un over night incase anything else happens and i need to get back to the hospital !!

i prey she is ok :)


Well-Known Member
That's a good improvement, hopefully they get her fixed up on something that works.

I got a camera that if you try to zoom it powers off. Got a new one today as a present and the battery was screwed. So called the camera company and they're sending a new one. Didn't ask for any proof or to send the broken one back.

Looks like picture posts are still messed up


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah I saw that you got your bags stoney!! You'll be glad you did especially with all the good weed your taking down these days. Kudos! How did your full melt come out? Ok that's a stupid question lol ; !)

Stoney those Artic Express are getting some pretty fat colas man! Their coming up on 7 weeks : !)
man, i haven't smoked any bud since i made this melt!!!! hahahaha I'm gonna re-run the mash from last night and see if i can get any stragglers off!!!!

my AE is looking fantastic bro!! she is super bushy!!!!! did you defoliate any of the thicker phenos? if so, around what week did ya do it? I don't even know if you do defoiliate... i just assumed you do.

Robbie P..... my best goes out to your girl dude!!!! I wish for the best for her bro!


Well-Known Member
had a nightmare mate , got a call at 12.30 lunch time to say my girlfriend had been rushed to hospital, i left work n went there straight away , she suffers from migraines but apparently she had a major migraine attack today and the new tablets the docs gave her wernt doing anything to ease it so she took some asprin and had a lie down, she couldnt sleep so got out of bed , her vision blurred then blakced out completly and she lost her sight , then she collapsed ! luckly her sister was on her way round and found her passed out on the floor ! thank god she had rang her gran parents earlier this morning to watch our little lad or he would of been there aswell !

She has spent hours in the hospital while they run tests etc on her to see whats wrong , her vision has returned but they think the combo of pills from the doc and asprin may of thinned her blood so much her blood pressure dropped dangerously low and may of caused a mild stroke !

they have kept her in and ill be back there in the morning ! luckly we have someone to watch our little un over night incase anything else happens and i need to get back to the hospital !!

i prey she is ok :)
Hope she gets better man!


Well-Known Member
cheers all :)

out of interest are you lot in the US infront or behind us in the UK ? its 11.46pm friday here in uk


Well-Known Member
I didn't know people were having pic problems..... here is some tang dream i chopped last night to get your fix on!!!!


Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
"found her passed out on the floor" She was fortunate that her sister stopped by and found her robbie. Poor thing migraines are horrible I hear, hope she feels better mate. You too.

...the east coast of the states is 5 hours before you man


Well-Known Member
"found her passed out on the floor" She was fortunate that her sister stopped by and found her robbie. Poor thing migraines are horrible I hear, hope she feels better mate. You too.
its not the migraine im worried about , the tablets the docs gave her where blood thinners and she used asprin aswell which also thins your blood , the combination of the two thinned her blood so much it cuased her to have a minor stroke , i just hope she is fully recovered tomoz and has no lasting side effects of the stroke !

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
She's a frosty bitch stoney that's for sure....real pretty!

Psychild I used 2 tbls of mollasses per gal of water when I used it

...I start removing a couple fan leaves around the sixth week, a few more in the seventh week and quite a bit in the last week

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
@ Robbie.....i hope shes alright man...Drs cause more problems then fixes IMO ...jus take care of er man, shel be ok

@ Stoney .... those are real nice...real nice for an asshole lol

@ HC ... well i got nothing real important to say here LOL

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
@ Robbie.....i hope shes alright man...Drs cause more problems then fixes IMO ...jus take care of er man, shel be ok

@ Stoney .... those are real nice...real nice for an asshole lol

@ HC ... well i got nothing real important to say here LOL
Yeah me neither man lol what a couple of assholes huh!

My chick just left and I have Zombieland on the tube funnier than shit, I've seen it before. Toking on some of the Floja frosty purple pheno today it's nice, keeper in most gardens. There is a pheno I love though just waiting for it to dry...very potent and very good tasting. I will have to look up it's lineage again but I swear I taste some some of subcools work in there. Looking forward to that soon!


Well-Known Member
zombieland is funny.... I almost forgot about that movie.... what is the name he keeps calling the kid? fucktard or something really funny??

that's good to hear about the floja.... I have one of chris' floja x AK48 growing!!! she has a double headed cola... has anyone heard from chris lately?
