Small Closet Grow...starting with 2 bag seeds

Hey everyone, this is my first grow and its in my small walk in closet. I have planted two bag seeds after germinating them and they have been growing for 5 and 6 days.

I transplanted them yesterday to these 8 inch deep, 12 inch wide pots because their starting containers were only 2 inches deep or so.

I have 120W, 100W, and two 75W equivalent bulbs above them. Is this enough for now? I want to mount a tube bulb onto the wall, any ideas where I could find a cheap one? Also im going to put up some mylar when they are a little more mature.

The temp is about 72 degrees F and the humidity is pretty low, is that alright? They seem to be growing well, one has pointy leaves and the other are more rounded. Any thoughts on that?

I'm really hoping to pull this off! Here are some pics of what I have set up

Im not exactly sure, but with the order I typed them up there...26W, 23W, and about 20W? I know that wont be enough for the entire process but i thought it could start the job. Any suggestions for cheap wall mount light?


Well-Known Member
so what is that like 1 gallon? rule of thumb is like 1 gallon per foot of plant.
They are 1 and 1/2 gallons each. I have a large tub for when they need it, does it work to put both plants in the same rectangular tub or will that have some negative effects?


Well-Known Member
yeah you wanna seperate those plants or the stronger one will kill the other one due to root issues.


Well-Known Member
youd want to add more watts the more the bigger the bigger the bigger the yield go to a home depot lowes or ace where ever and get you at least 4 26w 6500 per plant for your veg and with more light youre going to need another fan


Global Moderator
Staff member
yeah you wanna seperate those plants or the stronger one will kill the other one due to root issues.
This is a persistent myth - I regularly grow 2 plants per 5 gallon bucket with zero issues.
In fact, I have not seen any appreciable difference in size between plants grown sigly or those grown together.
is everyone having troubling viewing the pictures? I can post them again, but thanks for the advice. I think i am going to transplant them to the same tub in about 3 weeks because it is ideal for my space. Anyone else has some input on the lighting i am using? will it be good for flowering too?


Well-Known Member
i used to grow 2 in a 5gal too, and one always ended up super stunted or died off.just saying.


Global Moderator
Staff member
okay, im going to purchase this light for flowering if they make it that far.... and use what i have now for side lighting. As far as the pots go, i might still use a rectangular tub but put a divider in the middle. think that might work?
Why a divider?
I'll post some pics in a bit of paired up plants in buckets & you can decide for yourself if one is "choking" out the other.
alright thanks man, I didn't think it would be a problem. When i get to that point ill post some pictures of the tub i am planning on using


Global Moderator
Staff member
As advertised, here are some pictures of a multiple plant (organic soil) bucket grow. Note in the first picture is a single plant in its own bucket on the left - all other buckets have two plants each (5 various strains) with no ill effects, none of them is trying to kill her "Bucket neighbor".
I know this style is not for everyone, but it seems to work pretty well with my system.
I apologize for the pics - HPS and I don't get along when photography is involved.