True or False?

Ok heres how this works, the first poster makes a statement, the next poster then has to answer truthfully), then makes a statement himself that the next poster has to answer 'true' or 'false'. I hope we have enough people on this forum to make this work. Try to be imaginative, not offensive, and if possible even funny.

The next poster has smoked themselves sober


Well-Known Member

The next poster likes to think of themselves as a good person, but when they really delve into the details they realize they're just another of the world's pricks. :D


Well-Known Member
False. I don't collect it. There's plenty available online, lol.

The next poster knows how to tie a slipknot.


Well-Known Member
False my a$$ lips have never been chapped but I guess it would still feel kinda neat...
The next poster uses Miracle Grow