4 billion 294 million 967 thousand and 298 notifications...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, i got it going on too...

i dont know why this happens, anyone know?

Did anyone have problems logging on or even visiting the site? I would get a page saying it was offline

Psychedelic Breakfast

Well-Known Member
lmao, that happened to me a few months ago. but after i checked likes they were all gone. that's pretty funny that it only went down by three..

too popular :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
In the last few months a good few people have had the same thing, myself included. I think it's counting the notifications of every user. Someone said resetting your date and time or something might fix it x


Well-Known Member
Yea, that's happened to me a couple of times, but everytime that I click on the notification box they all go away.