3X3 With a 600 Watt Lamp with a really strong fan????


Active Member
Yeah man, you wont have any problems as long as you have good ventilation.

But who knows for sure. You could bleach your plants if the space isnt tall enough.

i dont have any ventilation its in a close 3x3 its pretty tall and the fan is pretty string is like fan that turns and shit its like really strong


Well-Known Member
no, that will probably not work. you have invested a good chunk of money so it would be best to not screw around and hope something will work and get something you know will work.


Active Member
Well with a 3x3 space a 400 watt would be pleanty efficient.

Also it wont produce as much heat, so you can have it closer and take less measures as far is ventilation goes.

But I think that with that 600 watt, unless you can control the temps very well with ventilation you will be screwing yourself.



Well-Known Member
Depends on ambient temps. Ive used a 600w hps with a 400w cmh in a 39x39 tent and could keep temps between 70 and 85 depending on how how much i closed my door.


Well-Known Member
i use a 600w in a 3.5x3 with a 320cfm fan.

5 foot tall cabin.

though i cant grow them any taller than 1 foot away from the bulb (well, i can, no bleaching or anything or burns, just bit too much heat for really good terpenes (sic) production)

oh and im pretty far from the equator too so hey(not too far from greenland actually (which is right next to the northpole(bit above me)

though ambient temps in my house (and intake) range from 65f to 75f.


Well-Known Member
I would suggest a switchable ballast and a 600 hps bulbs in a cool tube. Im working with a 2x4 tent and the cool tube is the only reason this whole things works. I have to keep ambient temps around 65-70 for my temps to stay around 75 degrees under the light. Benefit of the switchable is by the time you get it all set up and run it at full strength and its too much heat you can bump it down to 300 or 400 watts and not have to return anything and not have to buy anything when your able to provide a environment that can handle the full strength without heat issues. I have a 400 cfm fan pulling through the tubing and then a 160 cfm fan pulling cold air into the actually grow area and a 200 cfm pulling air out through a carbon filter.


Well-Known Member
I hate seeing this kind of dumb question.

Of course you cant use a 600w in a box with no ventilation other than a fan that "turns and shit"

250 bucks investment is nothing.

I have £1400 or around $2200 invested in my room and I use a 600w.

Start reading about the following topics.

Grow room design
Grow room setup
Air exchange
Air movement

I'm beginning to loose faith in newbs on this site, no one seems prepared to read a little first.

Your 250bucks would probably have been better spent designing a cfl cab.



Active Member
If you get an air cooled hood and can ventilate it well you may be okay, but IMHO a 400 would be much more controllable and totally sufficient for a 3x3 space. I just got a 600w for my 4x4 and it puts out a LOT of heat, glad I got a cooltube. Good luck!


Active Member
I would suggest a switchable ballast and a 600 hps bulbs in a cool tube. Im working with a 2x4 tent and the cool tube is the only reason this whole things works. I have to keep ambient temps around 65-70 for my temps to stay around 75 degrees under the light. Benefit of the switchable is by the time you get it all set up and run it at full strength and its too much heat you can bump it down to 300 or 400 watts and not have to return anything and not have to buy anything when your able to provide a environment that can handle the full strength without heat issues. I have a 400 cfm fan pulling through the tubing and then a 160 cfm fan pulling cold air into the actually grow area and a 200 cfm pulling air out through a carbon filter.
Great advice, Thatguy. +1 rep for you!


Active Member
I hate seeing this kind of dumb question.

Of course you cant use a 600w in a box with no ventilation other than a fan that "turns and shit"

250 bucks investment is nothing.

I have £1400 or around $2200 invested in my room and I use a 600w.

Start reading about the following topics.

Grow room design
Grow room setup
Air exchange
Air movement

I'm beginning to loose faith in newbs on this site, no one seems prepared to read a little first.

Your 250bucks would probably have been better spent designing a cfl cab.

Come on and lighten up (or maybe light one up) Jondamon, this IS the place for newbies to ask dumb questions. I agree, a bit of research goes a long way but have some patience with us newbies, we are all heading the same place after all.


Well-Known Member
Come on and lighten up (or maybe light one up) Jondamon, this IS the place for newbies to ask dumb questions. I agree, a bit of research goes a long way but have some patience with us newbies, we are all heading the same place after all.
I've been growing for 2 years and still class myself as a newbie.

My point is this question gets asked almost daily.

I by no means am adverse to helping others but they at least have to be prepared to help themselves. Who's to say any of the advice given by anyone is correct if you can't be bothered to read for yourself to check.

250 bucks investment and not being prepared to spend more isn't gonna help cool the area with a 600 in it.

I use my 600 in a floor area of 3x3. Without the investment I made in my room I would not have near perfect temps. And guess where I got my information from regarding growing???? A magazine. A book. And the Internet.

Before I joined this site I was already 2 weeks into flowering when I joined RIU.

Cfl's are easier to cool and require a lot less investment and can still achieve good results.



Well-Known Member
I hate seeing this kind of dumb question.

Of course you cant use a 600w in a box with no ventilation other than a fan that "turns and shit"

250 bucks investment is nothing.

I have £1400 or around $2200 invested in my room and I use a 600w.

Start reading about the following topics.

Grow room design
Grow room setup
Air exchange
Air movement

I'm beginning to loose faith in newbs on this site, no one seems prepared to read a little first.

Your 250bucks would probably have been better spent designing a cfl cab.

it depends alot on your situation.

my cab cost 700 dollars, building the cabin 200, the lamp bulb and reflector 400, the fan 100.

but, i have rather lower ambient temp than most (in my house) (so i need a smaller fan)

and my strains have very low odor in flowering and veg (dont need carbon nor a larger fan to power it)

thats still 700 bucks just for the setup (not including what i need for the grow itself (pots and soil and seeds and whatnot)


despite this, growing is so very worth it.

every penny is literally a penny saved, not only that but penny gained.

you are basically talking free weed, more or less.

at least in comparison to something thats normally priced around gold levels. (even went up to platinum levels for awhile (in some places in the world))



if you are a day smoker (gram a day or more)

you probably would easily pay for that setup and more (the 2000 setup)

by stopping smoking for a month or 2. (though personally i went the starting with cfl route, saved myself money on that harvest, bought bigger lamps, saved more money on that harvest and ended up with the 600 (im on disability pension and i need constant smoke, no 1-2 month break option for me, i had to take the long route, took 2 years)


Well-Known Member
but its like this, with growing i have like, 400 bux extra every month, in comparison to when i was buying (And if i had bought according to my needs, i wouldave needed 1400 bux every month (that was the whole disability check) and btw now, i grow beyond my need (my bro gets free stuff))


Active Member
Personally, I have employed the "Build it as you go" approach. I was fortunate to have the materials to build my little 4x4 room, so I invested in a 600w light set up, some panda film, and a really good seeding dome. I know I need a ventilation fan and some odor control, but with the temps this low outside I can put the fan off a couple months, and I won't need to worry about odor control until I start flowering. I can spread out my purchases and get everything I need, when I need it. You don't need to buy everything at once, you should focus on climbing the hill in front of you. It seems like your first hill is gonna be temp control, so I would definitely look at some fans and check out what other people are doing. Same with odor control, and don't forget about nutrients and humidity as well. As you need them do your research and move in specific steps. RIU has a billion posts to answer most of your questions, just do lots of research and reading and you'll be fine. After all, they don't call it weed because of its difficulty to grow!


Well-Known Member
yeah, i had to take it slow.

i think, 400 would be the best fit.

400 grows some nice dank buds too and you would have lot less heat troubles (im right at the edge of the 600 being too much ;))