the chitown sourkush thread


Well-Known Member
Forgot to drop in and say. After tonight, jon jones will be the champ... for the next 5 years(barring injury)hahaha... i love lyoto but bones is too much for him. way too much, we gon see it lyoto can be as elusive as he always was. hate to see him lose but i dont even seem him going jon's pace, he used to be my favorite fighter at 205. im also picking the Nog brothers. them my boys. i hate frank mir fuckin ken barbie ass.
i hope jones looses!!!! but to be real with you if machida cant beat him noone prolly will... i dont think rashaad can do it.. maybe shogun on a rematch.... but i would love to see hendo drop jones with an h bomb.. i know jones has no chin! i think hendo is going after jones... he dont want it with silva again... and i hope mark munoz destroys chael sonnen..


Well-Known Member
alright me and pops are gonna organize..... trouble.... kkday/doc...... whyte..... and ditty.... all getting sk beans... yall been on me for years.. and some of yall ran her and seen what she about... i think we should all work togather to get the best genetics there is.... what yall say........


Well-Known Member
c'mon bruh. jones is gonna make machida work so hard, G Jack n jones i should say. u think machida can fuck wit jones wrestling? machida will never have worked this hard. im so hype like im fightin tonight. its my old fave vs my new. nobody in 205 can touch JJ. rashad is ust too stiff. he is an athlete but how can see jones wit that reach?


Well-Known Member
alright me and pops are gonna organize..... trouble.... kkday/doc...... whyte..... and ditty.... all getting sk beans... yall been on me for years.. and some of yall ran her and seen what she about... i think we should all work togather to get the best genetics there is.... what yall say........
Woohoo! preciate that bos.


Well-Known Member
i got lil nog over ortiz...... i got frank mir over big nog {sadly} i would much rather have big nog win and hope he does but at risk of beiong wrong ima roll with mir.... i got machida over jones {though jones will prolly ground and pound him out} prolly jones will win though......


Well-Known Member
c'mon bruh. jones is gonna make machida work so hard, G Jack n jones i should say. u think machida can fuck wit jones wrestling? machida will never have worked this hard. im so hype like im fightin tonight. its my old fave vs my new. nobody in 205 can touch JJ. rashad is ust too stiff. he is an athlete but how can see jones wit that reach?
i think machida presents the best style to beat jones so long has he can stay off his back..... people starting to figures jones out.. even rampage slow ass could see the spinning elbow comming.. he aint super man doggie someone will test his chin


Well-Known Member
i got lil nog over ortiz...... i got frank mir over big nog {sadly} i would much rather have big nog win and hope he does but at risk of beiong wrong ima roll with mir.... i got machida over jones {though jones will prolly ground and pound him out} prolly jones will win though......
Lol.i'm going wit big nog. and i hope he hangs it up after this. just like i hoped wanderlei would. im, through wit tito, his game has been figured out. i like mir as a fighter. i dont like his face.


Well-Known Member
Lol.i'm going wit big nog. and i hope he hangs it up after this. just like i hoped wanderlei would. im, through wit tito, his game has been figured out. i like mir as a fighter. i dont like his face.
dos santos knee surgury was a success... cant wait for him to destroy overeem in a round.......


Well-Known Member
i think machida presents the best style to beat jones so long has he can stay off his back..... people starting to figures jones out.. even rampage slow ass could see the spinning elbow comming.. he aint super man doggie someone will test his chin
i agree. but you see how machida like to try n pick apart his guys off of counter's he's gonna get a lot of those chances wit JJ. How u figure jon ain't got the chin? and i don't see him submitting machida either, just beating the shit ot of him in round 3.


Well-Known Member
i agree. but you see how machida like to try n pick apart his guys off of counter's he's gonna get a lot of those chances wit JJ. How u figure jon ain't got the chin? and i don't see him submitting machida either, just beating the shit ot of him in round 3.
jones cant take a shot... just trust me on this one.... noone has really connected good on him... i hate him doe.. i think its bitch made how he is big has hell and cuts all that weight... move his ass up to the big boys and see how good he is...


Well-Known Member
i had my acl reattached, knee surgery never gets you back to 100%
wassup rob!!!!!!??? glad to see you around bro!!!!! jds had a torn meniscus i think.. it was a cartilige issue?.... the man has got lead in both his hands.. he wll be destroying people again in no time


Well-Known Member
i feel you chi, but i root for him so hard at 205 b/c if he moves up then my boy JDS is goin down.
u nutts..... dos santos will lay jones out..... he isnt taking jds down.. he dont have the power to hurt jds on his feet {esp if carwin couldnt} jds would maul him and you know it.... jones fuck around and try that goofy ass spinning elbow and eat a lighting fast uppercutt from hell... cain would put the bizzness on jones to,... also mir just on experiance alone... anyone top ten would smash jones at heavyweight