the chitown sourkush thread


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you could. But then you have to secure that warehouse, which is easier said than done in Detroit.
i would have all the security id need with an ak and 100 shot drum mag..... lol.... in that situation i would be low key..... dont start no shit usually wont be no shit.... no smells... no tells....


Well-Known Member
u nutts..... dos santos will lay jones out..... he isnt taking jds down.. he dont have the power to hurt jds on his feet {esp if carwin couldnt} jds would maul him and you know it.... jones fuck around and try that goofy ass spinning elbow and eat a lighting fast uppercutt from hell... cain would put the bizzness on jones to,... also mir just on experiance alone... anyone top ten would smash jones at heavyweight
Lol, now we have to dis-agree. jones comes wit elbows kicks n shit no HW wold expect, he is a monster JDS is as well. bt it'll never happen. like my dream of Silva vs. St Pierre. idk wtf they gon do wit either one of them once they clear the division top, again.
alright me and pops are gonna organize..... trouble.... kkday/doc...... whyte..... and ditty.... all getting sk beans... yall been on me for years.. and some of yall ran her and seen what she about... i think we should all work togather to get the best genetics there is.... what yall say........
Sounds great to me..;)


Well-Known Member
Lol, now we have to dis-agree. jones comes wit elbows kicks n shit no HW wold expect, he is a monster JDS is as well. bt it'll never happen. like my dream of Silva vs. St Pierre. idk wtf they gon do wit either one of them once they clear the division top, again.
lol....... if jon jones came in against jds at the weight he walks around at {230} he would get smashed....... esp against jds... you kidding me... da mans a thug... noone has ever been able to stand with him... thats not changin.. even with overeem in ufc now.. noone has got any bizzness standing with dos santos in mma at any weightclass... has elite has a div. 1 colliget wrestler has jones is he wont be able to take and hold dos santos down... he couldnt even do that to rampage.....

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
alright me and pops are gonna organize..... trouble.... kkday/doc...... whyte..... and ditty.... all getting sk beans... yall been on me for years.. and some of yall ran her and seen what she about... i think we should all work togather to get the best genetics there is.... what yall say........
all you need to do is get them too me. been waiting patiently on you.


Well-Known Member
Lol, im way more of a jackson mma guy. but then again im into smaller weight classes too.
the lighter smaller guys are fun to watch... im always on the look out for lil guys with k.o. power... aldo..... manvil da anvil.... john dobson.... that dieago guy that just won ultimate fighter... guillard... ect...


Well-Known Member
gonna be nice to see the classic people of this thread gettin epic stoned on sk. I'll get the seeds sent out to chitown as soon as I can.
it sux its up to my lazy ass to get them to yall... ill have to hit up da dollar store to get some bubble mailers


Well-Known Member
the lighter smaller guys are fun to watch... im always on the look out for lil guys with k.o. power... aldo..... manvil da anvil.... john dobson.... that dieago guy that just won ultimate fighter... guillard... ect...
Dodson and diego are the truth. Diego im very impressed with, i'd take him over aldo after he has 2 or 3 fights in the big show.


Well-Known Member
Dodson and diego are the truth. Diego im very impressed with, i'd take him over aldo after he has 2 or 3 fights in the big show.

i donno about him beating aldo.... i can see aldo destroying buddy legs with them soccer style leg kicks he gots... would be a damn good fight after dieago gets a few good wins under his belt....