4th CFL Grow With Jungle Growth Soil - Blue Mataro and Afghan Kush x Train Wreck


Active Member
Wow man that is total crap! These cops must think they are badass for busting people smoking pot lol! Too much time and money spent on arresting people for something that soon will be legal lol.


Well-Known Member
That is some real F'ed up shit man!! Dont y'all have crack dealers and coc dealers and shit they can fuck with? I guess they dont have a grow shop to get videod perusing for some probable cause! I dont think it will become legal Silversun, not before the the government collapses from the weight of all the power they throw around...

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
Wow man that is total crap! These cops must think they are badass for busting people smoking pot lol! Too much time and money spent on arresting people for something that soon will be legal lol.
That is some real F'ed up shit man!! Dont y'all have crack dealers and coc dealers and shit they can fuck with? I guess they dont have a grow shop to get videod perusing for some probable cause! I dont think it will become legal Silversun, not before the the government collapses from the weight of all the power they throw around...
well, heres what was in todays paper, its pretty good, hydro story
tell me the cops wont be looking for this writer, LoL. it is pretty sad there putting this much effort into this.

day 47 and boobie is really looking good today, full of life, very green and lush.



Active Member
"Operation Like Wow, Man" was cooked up during the tenure of recently retired Sheriff Jim Coats, an otherwise pretty sensible and pragmatic law enforcement professional who must have had a complete brain infarction for permitting this dopey — no pun intended, more or less — waste of time and precious resources to go forward.
This shit had me rolling, I like this dude, His entire article was comedy!

I find it kind of funny how you've gone from those two monster bushes from your last grow to this little girl you have going now lol.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
LOL@ that article! Boobie is looking great bro!
thanks bro!! yeah, something else huh? LoL.

This shit had me rolling, I like this dude, His entire article was comedy!

I find it kind of funny how you've gone from those two monster bushes from your last grow to this little girl you have going now lol.
it was a funny, that writer comes out with some good ones.

yeah i know, the 2 others were "small" autos and turned out to be monsters and this one is taking its sweet ole time. i think shes really gonna bust out here soon though.

its day 47 for her and you can see where the flowers are fixin to form and it looks like there will be 4 nice main tops. its been 17 days since i switched to 12/12. man i cant wait for this stuff to be done!! on a good note, i was digging in my veg box where i keep all my supplies and found a big ass bag of cuttings from the last 2 girls that i was gonna make hash chips out of. well i put some in the bowl and BaM!! stoned!! so i should be good for a while now. ahhhh, its good not to have to buy weed, LoL.



Well-Known Member
Yea I like the follow up article, I'd like to shake the hand of whoever wrote that. Kind of funny how hard they where bashing on the cops haha.


Well-Known Member
Yea I like the follow up article, I'd like to shake the hand of whoever wrote that. Kind of funny how hard they where bashing on the cops haha.
At the bottom it said it was edited, made me wonder if it was better (or worse from the cops POV :D ) before the edit but was made to change :weed:

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
hey man, your grow looks great. sorry it took me this long to drop in but subbed up and keeping track now + rep to you sir :)
thanks mat, thats ok, its hard for me to keep up with everyones grows also, LoL.

Looks great Concord Dawn :weed: The article was awesome too, keep us updated on that one :D
thanks gumball!! there was a little thing in todays paper to, i'll find it online when i get home tonight.

Looking good and fat, definitely gonna have that standard 4 top look.
thanks ginger!! its really looking better now, just was a slow start though.

its day 49, 7 weeks. yesterdays post should have said day 48. shes looking good and i just gave her a shot of molasses with the last of the nute juice. i'll mix up week 8 nute juice tonight. short on time right now, i have to go in early, we have 13 dogs in tonight and i have to help with weigh in.



Well-Known Member
looking great man.

quick question. how do you get your images to come up in that grey attached thumbnail box?
When your making a reply in the thread hit "Go Advanced" then towards the bottom of the page, in the middle.....click "Manage Attachments" After that "Select Files" then "Upload" bottom right corner of that pop up should have "Insert Inline (x)" "done" "Submit Reply" √√

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
looking lush and healthy bro!!!! she's gonna be a good one!!!
yeah man, she's really taking off now, i dont think i was giving her enough nutes at first. i was using a half gallon jug and i cut the nutes in half, so i think i fucked that up, LoL. thanks bro!!

looking great man.

quick question. how do you get your images to come up in that grey attached thumbnail box?
When your making a reply in the thread hit "Go Advanced" then towards the bottom of the page, in the middle.....click "Manage Attachments" After that "Select Files" then "Upload" bottom right corner of that pop up should have "Insert Inline (x)" "done" "Submit Reply" √√
for some reason thumbnails arent showing up on the page for me as an image, they are showing up as a hyperlink.
thanks mat, yeah, what he said, LoL. are you uploading from your computer? when you upload, it shows either from your computer or a website.

day 51 for boobie and shes looking great. really starting to stretch out now but i did expect her to be a little bigger at 7 weeks.

