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indy, tives, or brid

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chef c

Well-Known Member
damn dog did you leave those outside last night? look like they got hit by the snow storm:)


Well-Known Member
1.)Maybe someone can help me out i have a weird looking dj short it's budding great but seems to be throwing out new growth never had a plant do this check out the first pic.
2.)next pic is another shot of my dj short this girl recks of blueberry muffins and skunky undertones really can't wait for this one.
3.)next up is swerve's tahoe og kush on day 33 of flower and about day 19 ish or 20 of actual budding 6 weeks to go this girl has hashy undertones with a hint of lemons if that make senses to anyone.
4.)another close up of tahoe fan leafs are even covered in trichomes.



Well-Known Member
any possibility that she is getting hit with a light leak? I really haven't seen it either, it's just what it looks like, odd for sure. any additives used? (like seakelp? I've seen high doses of ascophyllum concentrate <like BushMaster> make odd growth)

chef c

Well-Known Member
We have all heard of auto flowers, how bout an auto veg haha?!?! Id pull her and get a tahoe clone in as soon as possible :) mmmm tahoe.

chef c

Well-Known Member
hmmm, im sittting here scratching my head right now... i just,... well my light lens just... ok heres the story, grab a bong. So ive been trying to increase my rooms ability to make more of the ganja that i love so much, as in to be more efficent without going over limits blah blah. the room used to be open, I got some of that white plastic (i know i know i shoulda got the shiny stuff but ya) and hung it so that now i have a like 6ish x 6ish room and all those lumens (photons rather) are bouncing around in there instead of flying off into wherever, tight. Then tonight Im looking up at my light lens and im like DIRTY!! so I (keep in mind shes been on for 8 hrs now and is nice and toasty) decide to clean it. nbd. The hood is like the cheap one you get for the package deal 1000 thing we all got when we started (new hood soon, not because of this) with, so im holding the hot glass w my hand inside my hoodie arm, or will be once i get this screw out right? Chef stands perched precariously on the edge of the table with one hand under a large hot sheet of tempered glass. "uh, I should have someone here to help cuz if this doesnt happen pretty much perfect, somebody gonna die..." Chef continues dispite somehow already knowing the outcome.. the impossibily small screw cross threads itsself with one thread to go. The glass has stared to get hot and Chef is starting to sweat. the glass is about to fall out of the hood and the metal bracket is about to slice through the canopy, disaster looms.. Shit, if this mother fucker pops out and the bracket goes im fuct and the deahdead is fuct, uh, shit, fuck, damnit i gotta back everything up. ya thats good. get help later fro.. mid outloud thought the screw lets go, and the bracket and the hot sheet of tempered glass go at the same time making any saves next to impossible without disastrerous side affect. Snap, swoosh, snip, pop, crack, ting, BOOM!!! The bracket has sickeled through the deadhead og and the light lens has careened through the chem. Chef is now standing over a saddening enraging humbeling horribile sight... "..." "..." "no...." Chem is destroyed completely by the glass guillitene, dh stands a wounded warroir. Chef runs over to his crushed child and picks up her broken body... he hangs his head and the lights slowly go dim (curtain: red w godfather theme) applause... Thank you, thank you... I'd like to thank my ganja which always inspires and humbles me and all of the RIUers for making this possibile. This is a true story and we lost a good lady and she should be remembered so lets all smoke one to "KIM" and her funkyness that I wish everyone coulda been a part of... haha and as the christians always say "When God makes you drop a hotass piece of glass on one plant he gives you another to replace it with", err, they say that right???
so Tahoe gets to stay :)
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peas and carrots


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about your loss, you can try some of my chem when she is ready she smells delicious. The "blueberry" I got doesn't smell like blueberry it has more of a pineapple smell to it so I think they pulled one over on me. :-(


Gardening alone is always so much fun!
I can't say i have ever actually dropped the glass, but damn close! Sorry bout your loss man.
If it makes you feel any better i had a little bit of "slime" on my hydro roots, decided i would give them ALL (why don't i ever just do one?

) some peroxide to kill it. Well long story short i have never seen roots go limp before!!!! So i was up pretty damn late doing res changes and hoping to keep from killing the damn plants.
On a good note i did get my soil veg girls past the horrible K shortage. I am trying out ionic nutes, flowering girls, basically no issues, vegging girls, horrible K shortages. Live and learn i guess right?
RIP "KIM" you will be missed


Well-Known Member
african free week or two from harvest and giant trichs makes my mouthand tongue numb when i smoke it 100_1730.jpg100_1734.jpg100_1733.jpg100_1726.jpg100_1735.jpg100_1727.jpg100_1723.jpgmacro of the trich's :mrgreen:100_1758.jpg