Hermie to be or not hermie to be...

Can't really tell sex, other than the two little white hairs indicating female. How long ago you start flowering? If you just started flowering cycle, I would give it a few more days. (Honestly, I think it's too early to tell.) Then see if you have a little group of green "bananas". Then pull it. If you're that worried, I would separate it anyway, until you can know for sure.

I'm still new to indoor growing. In the middle of my first indoor grow now. In the past I've always planted out in the woods, and let nature do most the work.
well i have that problem where im using most of my lights in flowering room and havent really got the space for another grow area to keep that 1....but that is a worry to see lumps like that and then a little hanging thing from it inbetween the bud stems....i do make u right tho about waiting a little bit longer just to definatly make sure cos if i cut it from the base and not shake it the other 1 should be fine...keepin a close eye on it tho lol
My set up isn't that great either. I have one almost done, 1-2 wks left. In a storage tote. And my other is 5 wks into flower, and I have it in a subwoofer box. The almost finished one is short enough I can keep it in the tote, and put lid on blanket over during dark hours. The one in the speaker box I cover with a 5g bucket and blanket because she grows about 4-5 inches out of the box. All because I can't get someone with a pick up to take me to get this cabinet I need. Pain in the ass to have to be there every 12 hrs to cover/uncover my babies.
u and me have the same problem lol i cover mine with blankets at night for warmth and im growing inside a cabinet with 2 doors one that goes up and one that goes down so i can get into it...thats with a 125 watt flowering red spectrum light inside with about 5 other lights along with it and fans at bottom and top at the back ...all set on a timer...asa they say tho if u get to babysit your babys then u become fixated lol...looking after it all the time can make u overwater it or give it too many nutrients....the last grow i did was up to about 10ft tall plants that ended up being male and i done that in a inwall wardrobe..wish i fixed one up now being as i only have a 3ft tall box lol
This cabinet I got given to me is taller than I am. And I'm 6'4". About 18 deep and 3 ft wide.  It's got a roll down door.  Kinda like a roll top desk type door. I could fit my ballast and 400w HPS inside.  It's got the holes already to run cords.  Have a digital timer I can't use due to the redneck get up I got.  As soon as I get this cabinet, I won't have to worry about keeping my babies short, and will save a lot of time and work. Can't wait.
yeh makes me want to make another growroom out of the inwall cupboard but can get heat signatures if not done properly.yours sounds cool anyway wouldnt mind seeing how your grow goes after u get that cabinet...im 6,2 i feel beaten by a small box lol
nah seriously i was watchin a youtube video one night stoked outta my head and see that the guy had topped his plant and thought wow thats impressive and done it myself then realizing the mornin after the guy had done it in veg lol
i was also experimenting with the tallest of the 2 ive got to see how it reacted differently to the one im leaving to get on with natural untouched growth
nah seriously i was watchin a youtube video one night stoked outta my head and see that the guy had topped his plant and thought wow thats impressive and done it myself then realizing the mornin after the guy had done it in veg lol

Exactly, your plants stop vegging about 2-3 weeks into flower anyways...roots as well. Hermaphrodites generally don't show male sex until flowers have developed, the male pollen has to have a vagina...lol. So as a general rule, true hermaphrodites don't show self-pollination until mid-late flowering.
its l00king that way but i w0uld watch it carefully its still early and hard t0 tell try and get a real clear picture 0f where the pistils are p0pping 0ut at as t0 where m0re sex activity is pr0duced due t0 the light being cl0ser if u see balls next t0 the pistils then u g0t a RUPAUL PLANT!!!!!