Coffee Can Growers


Well-Known Member
How long have they been in those pots, and what size are they?
They've been in the pots about 60 days.....40 are flowering. (Had them in 32oz pots before) The pots they're in now are 1 gal pots, or .75 gal pots. Even my veg plants are starting to do this though, so I'm pretty sure it isn't the pot. Here's a pic of another plant just now starting to take effect.

Keep in mind that these pictures are lights off, so they're gonna be a tad bit droopy because of that



Well-Known Member
All of them are rootbound most likely.

That is too small of a container IMO for the size plants you got.
Was it the veg time I gave them? I used to grow in party cups, and had this same problem, but it wasn't near as bad, and really only really effected one plant. (After I got my pH under control, the problem stopped.)

I don't disagree with you at all though, I know these pots should be about 3 gal.


Well-Known Member
When i go from clone to party cup, they only stay in the party cup for a week or two. I dont like to let my roots get bound.
These were all from seed √ Stayed in party cups for about 2 weeks, then went into 32oz pots for about a week or 2, then big pots from 1-2 weeks. (I Vegged these babies for atleast 6 weeks.


Active Member
I remember when my leaves started to claw, the roots were def rootbound, I split the cup open and from there it was liberation, she grew..dont know if thats your case..maybe a res change, flush the roots how u did and say a prayer! thats what I All i know that if my plants got that tall, and clawed that way, BOYYYY I WOULD FREAK OUT!!! its almost like predator looking lol jk so i just dropped my ice grapefruit and blueberry gum in for germ, switched my random seed grow to 12/12 and boy she blossomed over night, no flowers yet but definetly changed her appearence....more to come.


Well-Known Member
Psy that is a huge ass plant for a 1 gallon pot. I would have to agree with BC99 its rootbound for sure. I would up can your veg plants and in a week they should be perking up and fine. If your using 1 gallon pot I would highly recommend using smart pots. They work great. Plant looks healthy other than the clawing. It will still pump out bud, just don't up can the flowering plant.


Well-Known Member
Looks like when I had overwatered my first plant plus the ph was so off it proceeded to get nute lockout and claw really bad.. I'm sure it could be multiple reasons.

If this site every gets back to normal I will make the thread! My entry is showing awesome growth now, I need to get it in the net pot and get some pics up. Hopefully this week I'll get it ready and throw it in flowering.


Active Member
I will be switching my entry .... I call her Chaka Khan !! (Northern Light X Blueberry) to begin her flowering on the 18th. (This still counts? ...Or are we to begin in January thru April ?? ) She is the best out of the (4) NLB's that I have ; Goldie Locks, Elvira, and AfroDite :-)

The MaineYankee :-)


Well-Known Member
I will be switching my entry .... I call her Chaka Khan !! (Northern Light X Blueberry) to begin her flowering on the 18th. (This still counts? ...Or are we to begin in January thru April ?? ) She is the best out of the (4) NLB's that I have ; Goldie Locks, Elvira, and AfroDite :-)

The MaineYankee :-)
You could start whenever, just got to finish by April.....Northern Lights is my favorite strain, its the God Father of Bud!!!!




Well-Known Member
Just finished up getting her into her Folgers container where she will live out the remainder of her life:eyesmoke:
I'm very excited to flower my first hydro project! This is what I used incase anyone was interested in joining us!
-3" net pot
-2 small rockwool cubes
-1 30oz folgers container
-1 10 gal pump
-1, 2" air stone
-Flora Nova Nutes

Ps. No more big pics? Or am I missing something?? Edit figured it out!

The Jungle


Well-Known Member
BKB's DWC Coffee Can Grow Entry

All these are clones that went straight 12/12. All 3 plants have been pollinated for beans. I am making beans to stock up on some good genetics!!!

Pic#1and #2
Left: Hawaiian 5-O (Hawaiian Indica x NL#5)
Middle Plant: Sour OG (Sour D x Tahoe OG) BC99 is this correct on the Sour OG????
Right Plant: White Widow

View attachment 1925388View attachment 1925384

Pic #3
Sour OG getting frosty baby!!!!!

View attachment 1925385

Here is a Coffee Can grow that was up canned to a 5 Gallon Bucket. I am currently growing this now!

Skunkijuana Flowering Day 30

View attachment 1925387


Those look amazing homie! Love the breeding prjects!

I think he ment any "plastic container" up to or equal to 48oz lol. However I would like to see that done haha! 8 foot clone lmao!!

Alright guys I think for now I will just put a pre compitition thread up and then when the actual comp starts we might make a new one to start fresh idk we will see!

So no comments on the name of the thread so I guess I'll go with "Cannabis coffie can Competition" You have to enter by jan 1st, have to be harvested by 4/1 have to keep it in a plastic coffie container up to or equal to 48 oz's.. I realized I have 2 28oz coffie cans so what If I where to cut one in half and make it a tall container? It would be cut exactly in half so technically it would be 42oz's, Or I might just go with 2 28's for the first month until I can get ahold of 2 bigger ones.. Anyway, it has to stay in the cantainer obviously, you can use any medium or growing techniques. Plus there's no limit on veg, just make sure you have time to flower. I'll just use a few ideas for how where going to judge and how where going to pick the judges and we can decide all that later while everyone is hopefully getting there stuff together!

Billcollector is making a plaque for the winner, There will be 2 catagories "SEED and CLONE" and 1 winner of each catagory. Winning Plants will be based and judged on multiple things like yield, looks, creativity etc..

List of people already joining that I know of as of right now.

List of people already joining that I know of as of right now.

If I missed you then just quote this message and add your name and I'll add you tonight when I make the thread

Lets get this party started! Folger Fan CLUB lol
Getting the thread together as I type this! I'll post a link when done!


Get your submissions up so we can draw some more interest :) Couple people joined already!


Active Member
man. lol, i dont get it. Smellytreez little hydro plant is huge compared to what mine was when I first A LOT of your guys pics are....i do take into consideration the abuse ups/downs ive had with my plant and im glad shes the height she shes maybe 6 inch high(took 1.5months) shes now on....2 days of flowering..she has bushed out! before n ecstatic at how well this plant has done, from what it was, this is my very first grow ever..I have a journal that shows pics from start....just dont know how to link them into my i need to open a topic under the grow journals before I can link it or can I just link my journal?? I want to show other novice growers that just sticking to your trust is what its about and A LOTTT of reading, and asking hand on growers... this grow has been pure CFLS, my yield wont be great, but i will have accomplished(hopefully) haha, i still need to learn LST methods, scrogs...etc..see what the future holds as far as HPS MH lighting...woot!!!!!!

oh..she was started in a coffee can..she just out grew it..fat ass :)
2days before:
2 days into flower:


Well-Known Member
man. lol, i dont get it. Smellytreez little hydro plant is huge compared to what mine was when I first A LOT of your guys pics are....i do take into consideration the abuse ups/downs ive had with my plant and im glad shes the height she shes maybe 6 inch high(took 1.5months) shes now on....2 days of flowering..she has bushed out! before n ecstatic at how well this plant has done, from what it was, this is my very first grow ever..I have a journal that shows pics from start....just dont know how to link them into my i need to open a topic under the grow journals before I can link it or can I just link my journal?? I want to show other novice growers that just sticking to your trust is what its about and A LOTTT of reading, and asking hand on growers... this grow has been pure CFLS, my yield wont be great, i still need to learn LST methods, scrogs...etc..see what the future holds as far as HPS MH lighting...woot!!!!!!

oh..she was started in a coffee can..she just out grew it..fat ass :)
2days before:
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2 days into flower:
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Your doing just fine, once those roots start hitting your res the plant will really start to take off. The best part is all the shit that plant went through and look at it now. Thats more satisfying to me. CFLs vs HID yeah big difference in size not necessarily in quality!!!


Active Member
bro, I shit u not, my roots have been in the res i say about mid veg..but i mean if i were to lift this badboy out of the res, the root will be like 1.5ft, 2ft tempted to try out the coffee can grow comp....i have 2 seeds in "gerM" at the moment, as soon as that roots out theyre being dropped in 2 little coffee cans (oz??) from there ill drop the netpot into the much larger folders can i believe its the 30z..i dont drink coffee so ill play xmas and buy it for someone, catch is I need the can...LOL!!!!


Well-Known Member
Subbity subbed!

There are some beautiful plants in here!

Coffee cans are pretty cool:blsmoke:
Welcome bro, thanks for stopping in! I have a question for you guys. I used rockwool to hold my clone in the net pot, 1) Will that be okay to hold up what I hope to be a pretty good size bud? 2) How often will I have to water the rockwool, should i keep it moist or let it dry out a little it between watering? Thanks!

man. lol, i dont get it. Smellytreez little hydro plant is huge compared to what mine was when I first A LOT of your guys pics are....i do take into consideration the abuse ups/downs ive had with my plant and im glad shes the height she shes maybe 6 inch high(took 1.5months) shes now on....2 days of flowering..she has bushed out! before n ecstatic at how well this plant has done, from what it was, this is my very first grow ever..I have a journal that shows pics from start....just dont know how to link them into my i need to open a topic under the grow journals before I can link it or can I just link my journal?? I want to show other novice growers that just sticking to your trust is what its about and A LOTTT of reading, and asking hand on growers... this grow has been pure CFLS, my yield wont be great, but i will have accomplished(hopefully) haha, i still need to learn LST methods, scrogs...etc..see what the future holds as far as HPS MH lighting...woot!!!!!!

oh..she was started in a coffee can..she just out grew it..fat ass :)
2days before:
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2 days into flower:
View attachment 1930110
That looks very good Mike! This is my first hydro attempt but I have a good bit of experience in soil so its a little easier for me to read the plants and know where to start with nutes etc.. All it takes is a couple grows and a little willingness to learn and you will be amazed at what you can produce! I'm hoping this goes pretty smooth seeing I keep everything nice and clean and dialed in, thanks for the compliment and thanks for sharing! +REP!
bro, I shit u not, my roots have been in the res i say about mid veg..but i mean if i were to lift this badboy out of the res, the root will be like 1.5ft, 2ft tempted to try out the coffee can grow comp....i have 2 seeds in veg at the moment, as soon as that roots out theyre being dropped in 2 little coffee cans (oz??) from there ill drop the netpot into the much larger folders can i believe its the 30z..i dont drink coffee so ill play xmas and buy it for someone, catch is I need the can...LOL!!!!
LoL, I don't drink coffie either but thats exactly what I did! Supposdely they make a 48oz folgers container, thats the max for the competition if you want to go crazy lol.. What I did was used the 1 30oz "think its actually 27 on the label" and cut the top 1/4 off it and added it to the other container to extend the net pot to give the roots a little more room to stretch! So I'm probably a little over 30 oz in my can, probably around 25oz of water if I had to guess but I'll measure it next time I change it! Anyway get some pics up for the comp by the 1st of the year and your in!