2x2x5 Grow Lab - Reserva Privada Headband ... [ 100w T5 veg / 250w HPS flower ]


Well-Known Member
but i thought , other than raising the temp threshold of the plants Co2 helps with other stuff too. well when flowering
It does but a tank and regulator is 300. Pretty big investment. And with the air movement you need to cool the light, you might have heat issues while injecting (exhaust fan off).

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Well carbon dioxide does help plants.... But I hardly see the need to take a whole room and maintain a c02 PPM if your only using a 2x2x5 tent...

They have little crappy bags that emmit Co2.... idk if they work, i doubt if they do..

IMO the only time people should use CO2 is when they can maintain precise PPM for the entirety of the grow.... and the grow should be bigger than a tent - it should be a room.... Then you can use co2 tanks with the correct equipment to maintain those levels...

Co2 is tricky... It's an all or nothing thing, and can effect plants as such.


Well-Known Member
lolz, what about alternatives, like fermenting sugar or baking powder/vinigar or what ever, when i did my first grow i tried it in the veg box. no significant diff but am also growing sats that take 4-6 months so...


Well-Known Member
lolz, what about alternatives, like fermenting sugar or baking powder/vinigar or what ever, when i did my first grow i tried it in the veg box. no significant diff but am also growing sats that take 4-6 months so...
that stuff is a waste of time with any real circulation. Maybe if your growing in a Uhaul box with computer fans...other than that it be like trying to piss and create a river lol


Well-Known Member
hmm .. well eventually i just moved out side, besides growing sats with CFLs is more like trying to make a river with pis than the Co2 thing

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
that stuff is a waste of time with any real circulation. Maybe if your growing in a Uhaul box with computer fans...other than that it be like trying to piss and create a river lol

Exactly. Rooms with increased co2 work because they are sealed, and the co2 never escapes the room.... The air is cooled and recycled inside the room....

If your letting a little bag produce/emit co2 in a room that isn't totally sealed, the co2 will most likely never go over any substantial concentrations... It's a good comparison with "pissing in the river... "


Well-Known Member
I've read that buildings have a high ppm of co2 than most places outdoors. So with that in mind, I guess in theory if you have a few plants inside the co2 is of a good ppm, but if you have let's say dozens of plants, that's when you're probably going to add more.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I've read that buildings have a high ppm of co2 than most places outdoors. So with that in mind, I guess in theory if you have a few plants inside the co2 is of a good ppm, but if you have let's say dozens of plants, that's when you're probably going to add more.

But say you introduce plants to (hypothetically) 1000ppm of Co2...... then 5 weeks later drop it to 200ppm....the plants will seriously suffer far more than they benefit.... While - the plants that had no additional co2 at all will end up a stronger, larger plants by the end of the cycle...

if they EXPECT a level of co2..... they need to have it. They require it throughout... Otherwise growth will be seriously detrimented (i hear).... this is why the 'office building' theory makes sense when thinking co2=food, but when you put the science behind horticulture ....your better off keeping gas ratios in the air constant throughout your grow... unless you know what your doing, in a sealed room, with reliable co2 regulators and monitors... :)


Well-Known Member
But say you introduce plants to (hypothetically) 1000ppm of Co2...... then 5 weeks later drop it to 200ppm....the plants will seriously suffer far more than they benefit.... While - the plants that had no additional co2 at all will end up a stronger, larger plants by the end of the cycle...

if they EXPECT a level of co2..... they need to have it. They require it throughout... Otherwise growth will be seriously detrimented (i hear).... this is why the 'office building' theory makes sense when thinking co2=food, but when you put the science behind horticulture ....your better off keeping gas ratios in the air constant throughout your grow... unless you know what your doing, in a sealed room, with reliable co2 regulators and monitors... :)
can you apply that to , light intensity / spectrum


Well-Known Member
For sure, agreed. I was just saying that if you have a few plants the level of co2 will be quite high (considering they won't use it ALL up, and will get what they want/need) but when you get into the tens of plants that's when supplementation would help, i.e. tank, controller, sealed room, the whole shebang. So yeah, I'm sure a shit ton of plants would use up the average amount (already indoors) of co2, and thus hampering photosynthesis and glucose production.

But yeah, let's not stray too far away from the topic, looking forward to your next update mang!



Well-Known Member
Co2/h20 are not food they make Atp which is kinda like energy , its used to power mitosis and the citric acid cycle and all those things, so you need ATP and carbs/sugars to get vegetation or flowers , well and the nutes . so it might not be food but its needed to metabolize it

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Co2/h20 are not food they make Atp which is kinda like energy , its used to power mitosis and the citric acid cycle and all those things, so you need ATP and carbs/sugars to get vegetation or flowers , well and the nutes . so it might not be food but its needed to metabolize it
See thats another explanation entirely.... :lol: which is why i left it at co2=food.... as it helps plants *eat* ... or produce energy at least... I couldn't be more specific in such narrow explanations, while still explaining the idea behind co2 ;)

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Day 33 veg... Reserva Privada : Headband.... update

It's been a slow veg but whatever :bigjoint: Nice tight nodes, good branching forming. Two very healthy plants, ready to get a full feeding of organic nutes once their soil dries out a bit. I mean I can't complain. I just need to get this SCROG set up.

PS: The scrog isn't final yet.. So yes it looks a little shitty. My trey to collect drain water has cracked, so I have a temporary fix in place... I'm picking up some treys and I will take more time to get the screen right....... What level do you guys reccomend I keep the screen? My nodes are tight, and I'm flowering at 6-7 inches, I plan for a 3.5x stretch and a total height of about 2.2 feet from the dirt (once they stop growing vertically in flower).

*click play*

Came back after 3 days to this, had to keep the light marginally higher for safety concerns..

This is definitely vegging more like an indica pheno type... Very compact nodes, and very large, round and even fan leaves.

This one is a little stretchier, and more vigorous with the foliage, but still doesn't seem super sativa or anything. Which will be nice.

Nodes before training

Brought the light up, & tossed in a 12 inch ruler for a photo... How high should the screen be? (flipping to 12/12 @ 6-7inches from dirt).

Exposing the nodes with some very gentle bending.... The light exposure past the fan leaves should make them come out from the bottom really strong and make a really even canopy.. Also the main stalk is looking very thick for a plant as short as it is, with the 6500k floros.

Dropped the lights, this is how they chill out all day.

Lifted dangling CFLs for better photo

The air cooled 250w hps, chilling, getting pissed my plants aren't ready to flower yet :lol: (sorry mr. high pressure sodium! :( )

I'm finding this floro is cool... Makes really tight nodes... but things are slow, I understand why people have separate perpetual vegging/flower setups... So they can have the patience to do work with the floros during the veg stage.. The MH I have made my plants grow faster for sure, but the nodes weren't nearly as tight. These plants seem like they are better off, and ready to flower after a good long session in the floro light!

MMMMMMMmmmm. Can't wait to flip the switch on these bitches 8).



Active Member
Hhahahaha "MR. High Pressure Sodium" :lol: Looks Great! Seems like where going to be doing close to the same thing, Good Luck man Keep the pics comin. Cant wait to see how this SCROG works. lol


Well-Known Member
Wow, I'mnot sure if it's right,but I keepmy T5's much closer. Within an inch or two.
I've been raising them the last couple nights though to see if my seedlings will respond with vigor.

I hope the two unmarked seeds I planted are Headband.