The next poster has woke up in a strangers house, right next to them.
the next poster has pissed on a police staion
false .....but ive bled on onetrue
the next poster has vomited on a copcar
true...3 times actuallyfalse .....but ive bled on one
the next poster has almost died
truetrue...3 times actually
The next poster owns a handgun.
False but i dream about it dailytrue
the next poster has cussed out a cop
the next poster has cussed out a cop
True. Sharp ass Bucktrue
the next poster carries a knife
true...most of the timetrue
the next poster carries a knife
True...gotta get high at all coststrue...most of the time
The next poster has smuggled drugs into a drug-free facility.
falsetrue...if poon is what I think?
The next poster would go down on a chic the 1st night.
The next poster has drank over 30 beers in one day.
The next poster has drank over 30 beers in one day.
True to that and the fifthTrue
The next poster has drank more than 30 beers in a day and woke up next to a stranger
trueTrue to that and the fifth
The next poster has stayed awake for more than 3 days before
True to that and the fifth
The next poster has stayed awake for more than 3 days before
the next poster has stayed awake on acid for more than 3 days