KonaGirl420 1st Grow All By Myself

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Upload to photobucket kona they have a mobile uploaded gives u an address to text pics to that uploads to ur photobucket then u copy the link and paste here all done pics galore. How goes today?

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Howdy mug got my run started last night four platinum bubbas and 1 master Kushunder 400w my for a month and then goin either 400hps with LEDs 600 hps or 400 hps. Can't decide yet money is a factor.


Well-Known Member
due . if you gotz the moneyzzz its always worth it, tell me what else is better than being high on some good drosky

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Yea but what it comes down to if I have the money is 400w of hps plus 200w of led or 600 total hps I have a feeling my 200w of led smokes the fuck out of 200 hid. So I think ideal would be 400 plus LEDs. We shall see we in veg for a bit so we will wait til flower to up he juice