True or False?


Well-Known Member can't have sex under a picture of the tree on your screen.

The next poster has had sex in the snow.


Well-Known Member
lol...false...I don't like things in my ass.

The next poster has spent at least $1000 in a strip club.

buddha webb

New Member
true,,love new yrs eve where i live few locals round,bamboo bongs yeeaaaahhh,stopped drink and drugs so stayin in is my new goin out,and tokin furiously!! poster uses his socks as wank socks,so he aint sprayin jizz over the sheets

buddha webb

New Member
false,,if robin meade sucked my cock i wouldnt know who she was,,i fuckin hope shes a she,thats one of em could be male / could be female names,i trust rowlman to have put a US newsreader thats fit as still false unfortunately..

next posters had to go clinic with an STD.(sorry Rowlman)


Well-Known Member
lol...false...thank you very the way, Robins 100% women...goggle her, she's a cutie. You can always trust rowlmans pussy advise

The next poster has knowningly( is that a word?) passed on a STD to someone.