Autoflower and DWC?


Hey guys, just recently I purchased a 32”x32”X60” tent along with a 400 watt hps/mh combo. I plan on trying some auto flowers as my first grow. I’m going this route because mainly because of the quick yield but also from what I read the plants are very hardy. My question to you is considering this is my first grow (and I hear/read hydro is harder than soil) would you advise me to go soil over dro? I want hydro mainly for the control and higher yield aspects. Does a hyrdo system have a huge effect of the yield of autoflowers? Has anyone ran a DWC w/ these stains? I’ve seen some threads but no one really talks about the yields as much as Id like.
A hydro system is always going to give you better results in the production department. As far as quality's of smoke, there are flavors and smells you get from soil, that you just can not obtain in hydro.

With that being said, as a hydro grower, you need to check in on your garden at least twice daily. If you grow in soil, you can check on your plants daily, and you can be a bit lax, maybe forgetting a day here and there.

It's really all about how comfortable you are with each method. Personally i would learn in soil first.
Start with soil.
Hydro certainly has its advantages, but there are lots more issues to go with it, and starting in soil will cut down on variables making for a lower-stress first grow.
After you have a few grows under your belt, and get used to germinating seeds, vegging, training and flowering, then you can make the jump to hydro.
With that being said, as a hydro grower, you need to check in on your garden at least twice daily. If you grow in soil, you can check on your plants daily, and you can be a bit lax, maybe forgetting a day here and there.

i believe this is conjecture, and somewhat subjective.. say you do hydro and a water cure??
Ive known a few systems that were small dwc systems and produce decent results with autoflowering strains. As far as soil being easier than hydro I would say dwc is one of if not the easiest hydro system, but my first time was soil so...
i'm using soil for my first grow (which is auto's)... would really like to move to dwc/airponics or other at some point soon... but lack the understanding, can anyone recomend a good tutorial (idiots guide) on one system or another?

sorry to jack your thread Mr Right ... but i tryed to keep it as close to on topic as poss
I had some drip buckets with hydroton, and tried a few months ago with a snowryder autoand it didn't really do too well. Seems like it just slowed really bad, so I put it back in soil. I was thinking though that with such a short life- 8 to 10 weeks, the plant wouldn't be able to establish it's rootbase before it had to start flowering. Snowryder did great after putting back in soil, just small due to moving it back and forth. Oh- SEganja, is that a chinese water dragon? Looks like mine, but lighter in color.
there's nothing to hydro... just pay attention. check ur ph and ppm's daily... change out ur water weekly/ or when u refill the amount u started with.... nothing to it
Sure is... Or was. Spike left for a more mass free existence back in 2008. But he lives on in the riu universe. Immortality! Wham-o
Too Bad, Mine's rubbing his snout raw! Anyway, yeah, I have had success with other plants hydro, and only partial success with the ganji. I've just been slowly perfecting my setup and technique. I'm getting there, I have just gotten my exhaust/odor control rig finally done, and camera should work now, so pics to come.
Not going to see a difference in your yield because of soil/hydro. Strain/conditions will dictate that more but remember, that autos are unpredictable (as with growing from any seeds really) so some will be bigger than others, just the way it goes with Ruderalis. My average yield with autos is 45 grams dry after doing 2 batches/30 plants.

I have never grown in soil, started hydro and stayed hydro. I grow indoors and for me, that suits me much better.

If it's your first grow, it should be fine for you to go hydro. Even it takes more maintaining, you'll be in your garden ALL the time since its your first grow, you'll see.

Just feed less than the directions say, check your Ph/water levels daily and flush regularly. Taste/smell are very subjective, your environment/skill as a grower will mean the most.
Soil is for the guy who has a life and cannot tend to the plants 2 or 3 times a day. Also much more forgiving if you mess up. And you will mess up it's ok just part of the learning process. I recommend Foxfarm ocean forest soil it feeds your plants for you for the first month(which for autos is half the grow) all you have to do is water. Hope this helps, good luck with your grow
I wanted to do hydro still thinking about it.Altho while i was at my hydro store i picked up some FoxFarms Light Warrior just incase i change my mind.I too am doing autoflowers i have a Northern Lights from Green House Seeds it germed in 4 days and has a nice tap root in a hydro cube.I've done soil before but just some bag seed not any real strain.
Try the DWC, but prepare for LARGE plants. Vertical space may become an issue. Best of luck.
there's nothing to hydro... just pay attention. check ur ph and ppm's daily... change out ur water weekly/ or when u refill the amount u started with.... nothing to it

Hydro is amazing but the ONE thing I'll say is that you have to be able to keep reservoir temps in check. A rez that has temp issues can destroy a grow in a VERY short amount of time. Keeping PH in check is also critical.
Hey guys, just recently I purchased a 32”x32”X60” tent along with a 400 watt hps/mh combo. I plan on trying some auto flowers as my first grow. I’m going this route because mainly because of the quick yield but also from what I read the plants are very hardy. My question to you is considering this is my first grow (and I hear/read hydro is harder than soil) would you advise me to go soil over dro? I want hydro mainly for the control and higher yield aspects. Does a hyrdo system have a huge effect of the yield of autoflowers? Has anyone ran a DWC w/ these stains? I’ve seen some threads but no one really talks about the yields as much as Id like.
Soil hands down. Quality and ease of maintenance makes it a "no brainer". Fox Farms Ocean Forest and read up on RIU about properly using it. Eay money and great smoke.