What every city should be doing!


Well-Known Member
I think this is common sense.

I am guessing this is a campaign against corporations being allowed to donate to campaigns. Unions are not people either. Get rid of PAC money as well...


Well-Known Member
Fuck yeah! About time we stand up to those fuckers. This shit made my day! Great post

Hope everyone follows in our foot steps.


Well-Known Member
I think that this is the wrong approach. I believe that corporations should have the same protections under the consitution as people. I don't believe that people should have the right to give money to politicians. Not people, not corporations, individuals, unions, ANYONE. Nobody should have the right to buy politicians!

If we are to ammend the constitution it NEEDS to go that far. Campaigns should be run from LIMITED public funds and representatives should not be propped up and financed by anyone other than the People of the United States of America.

BUT, I love that this shows that the issue is in front of the American People and I am glad to see something happening.


Well-Known Member
I think this is common sense.

I am guessing this is a campaign against corporations being allowed to donate to campaigns. Unions are not people either. Get rid of PAC money as well...
You should let some of the supreme court justices know that. They missed that memo.


Well-Known Member
You should let some of the supreme court justices know that. They missed that memo.
They decided that barring private corporations from donating while allowing other organizations from donating was infringing on the corporations freedom of speech.

I am not sure I like the outcome either but it sure made the playing field more fair if in the wrong direction.

But ultimately, it isnt the donation cash, it is the power the politicians have. Until we take back some of the power, there is no regulation in the world that will prevent the corrupt politicians from being compensated and enriched in their campaigns.


Well-Known Member
They decided that barring private corporations from donating while allowing other organizations from donating was infringing on the corporations freedom of speech.

I am not sure I like the outcome either but it sure made the playing field more fair if in the wrong direction.

But ultimately, it isnt the donation cash, it is the power the politicians have. Until we take back some of the power, there is no regulation in the world that will prevent the corrupt politicians from being compensated and enriched in their campaigns.
Every politician get rated by their constituents, those who do not pass muster are shot on sight. That would motivate those fuckers to be good.


Well-Known Member
We need a constitutional ammendment that prohibits it. That's the only way.
Prohibits what? Do you know how many ways around these rules there are? Even for legitimate politicians?

There are a hundred ways a politician can be compensated by a 3rd party where it would be hard if not impossible to prove it was quid pro quo.

We need to take power away from washington and redistribute it locally again.