Ron Paul Has A Legit Shot.

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Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Well congrats to all you Ron Paul cultists. It looks as if the republican field is now so bad Paul has a legit shot at this thing. Romney is on his way down and it's only a matter of time before Newt says something so stupid he blows his chances.

So Paul in 3rd place behind two candidates who have a very high chance of self destruction. Unlike those two front runners Paul has a much more consistent platform that's easy to understand. He's not a flip flopper, he believes what he says, the way he speaks makes him easy for republican primary voters to understand, and the fact that his positions are totally insane is actually a bonus in a republican primary.

This means not only is Paul likely to be considered a front runner at some point, but if he does manage to gain a lead, he's by far the most likely to keep it since he doesn't have inconsistent positions that other candidates can use to attack him with.

So have hope cultists! Ron Paul is for real at this point. He might actually win this.
Ron Paul consistently steps in it with his foreign policy among other things.

He isnt going to get the nomination. Get over it already.
The other cadidates self distructed along time ago. Just go to the supermarket and ask ten random people where they stand,

then do the same at the gas station...:clap::clap::clap: Ron Paul is on top with the people by far!!:leaf:

Get with it alreay!:-P
Ron Paul consistently steps in it with his foreign policy among other things.

He isnt going to get the nomination. Get over it already.

What part of his foreign policy do you think is so bad?

The part where he doesn't want to spend BILLIONS in foreign aid to countries that battle with our other allies?

Or the part where he doesn't want to tell Israel what to do? (Netanyahu already told us that he doesn't want or need our help.)

Or maybe it is the part about wanting to trade with countries rather than bomb them.

Won't vote for Ron Paul

Great personal freedoms policies
Great foreign, stay the fuck out of the shit, policies

Near total deregulation to let the average citizen get raped without a kiss blows it for me.
Willyßagseed;6765842 said:
Won't vote for Ron Paul

Near total deregulation to let the average citizen get raped without a kiss blows it for me.

How so? I believe the contrary. The current over regulation is what is driving businesses out of this country.
Over regulation is not the problem. The problem is improper regulation. There is a difference.

NM.... I am out. I'll just get into another page post on this subject and I am burnt out on it atm. I'll put up a fight after I medicate... lol

The media is helping Paul by ignoring him. Just makes everyone talk about him in the internet more, which is the new media. Fuck tv, radio, paper, online is where the unfiltered voices shout out.
I think we can agree that the improper regs led to the over regulations. Correct?

What do you think he is going to do regarding easing the regulations? Your statement implies that he is going to allow glass to be added to candy.
The media is helping Paul by ignoring him. Just makes everyone talk about him in the internet more, which is the new media. Fuck tv, radio, paper, online is where the unfiltered voices shout out.

The news gets their shit from twitter and facebook anyway on their fancy touch screens on CNN and Fox news.. Lots of people are understanding now that their all full of shit. Its the older people who need to wake up, FREE IPADS FOR THE ELDERLY
its just sad that the main stream media, gov. and other politicians are keeping Ron Paul down. They clearly don't want him in office. MSNBC even left him out of one the polls when their were doing a % listing.

Ron Paul is killing Newt! Romney is a joke . (you wanna bet) ... its baffling that with the country being in ruin , they would want another status Quo to run our government.

The truth is , Wall street just wants another lap dog in office and they know RP isnt about that shit !
its just sad that the main stream media, gov. and other politicians are keeping Ron Paul down. They clearly don't want him in office. MSNBC even left him out of one the polls when their were doing a % listing.

Ron Paul is killing Newt! Romney is a joke . (you wanna bet) ... its baffling that with the country being in ruin , they would want another status Quo to run our government.

The truth is , Wall street just wants another lap dog in office and they know RP isnt about that shit !

Im afraid if RP is Elected, were gonna have another JFK situation.. he was also for the people.
The news gets their shit from twitter and facebook anyway on their fancy touch screens on CNN and Fox news.. Lots of people are understanding now that their all full of shit. Its the older people who need to wake up, FREE IPADS FOR THE ELDERLY

Actually, The older people are very much in tune. Who do you think is doing 2/3 of the voting. The older folks watch debates a lot closer than younger americans. Its the youth that needs to wake up. Young people are too busy playing video games and bullshitting that they don't realize whats going on.
Not a joke just directing towards all the haters.. It's the choice that they will be presented with next fall.

Don't forget to register as a Republican or your vote wont count!!

Is that a joke, its like asking if you want Hitler in office or Bob Marley.

Ron Paul ofcourse.
Its only a matter of time b4 Uncle Buck the biggest RP troll on RIU gets on this thread and starts bashing .
This isn't news. There are already 10 posts saying RP will win.

Actually it is. It's one thing for Ron Paul sycophants to believe he will win, it's another entirely for someone like myself who opposes Ron Paul to think that.

Half the people on this board think Ron Paul was born by immaculate conception and walks on water. So them saying Ron Paul is going to win isn't real credible. But when people who oppose Ron Paul think he has a good shot at winning, well get your hopes up. This could actually happen.

BTW which of his positions do you consider insane?

All the yellow brick road stuff is laughable. His extremist deregulation beliefs are insane. His capitalistic beliefs would only work in a utopia, in the real world they'd be a disaster. His opinions on the civil war are down right frightening.

Paul seems willing to support brutal injustice in order to support a extreme version of capitalism which boarders on a religion. Paul seems to think capitalism is what the president should defend, even over the best interests of the American people. In Paul's America the invisible hand of the free market would be deified. He has a very skewed perspective.
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