Ron Paul Has A Legit Shot.

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Well no, you're delusional. Polling is a lot like asking 10 people at a grocery store, except instead of 10, it's 10s of thousands which is more accurate. And in those polls Paul is finishing a very strong 3rd place. So he's not there yet, but I think the odds that he'll get there are very high at this point.

I beg to differ sir, polls can be manipulated with a few clicks of a button, and only a portion of the prez voting population
even votes in prepolls, on the other hand, directly communicating with random groups of people, on several occasions, renders more ACCURATE results.(much more then 10 and several counties / states). Mr Paul overwhelmingly ontop everytime!!

Talk to people and see for yourself.
Ron Paul is kicking azz and you know it!:hump::peace:
Ron Paul=Hitler? :lol:

You guys have totally fallen for his blatant pandering to the marijuana smokers. You ever hear him talk about legalization? He's not passionate about it. He's just like "yeah, sure, legalize money"
Pot being legalized is far down on the list of the world problems I worry about on a day to day basis.

I'm not at all a Ron Paul supporter in any way. I'd prefer pretty much any other candidate republican or democrat. But Ron Paul isn't the pandering type. His integrity is pretty much beyond reproach.
That's just right wing commentary. I see no statistics that show EPA regulations are costing a significant amount of jobs. Just wild claims with nothing of substance to back them up.

Why are we buying oil from thousands of miles away when we have it here? Because bullshit regulations prevent us. The EPA says it's ok to suck oil out of the desert, just as long as it's not here. Imagine the jobs it would create if Americans were the ones drilling for the oil. The cost of fuel would inherently drop causing a boost in the economy by default. This would allow more people to buy things, again boosting the economy more. Demand rises, and is met with more product = more jobs and around and around it goes.
I beg to differ sir, polls can be manipulated with a few clicks of a button, and only a portion of the prez voting population
even votes in prepolls, on the other hand, directly communicating with random groups of people, on several occasions, renders more ACCURATE results.(much more then 10 and several counties / states). Mr Paul overwhelmingly ontop everytime!!

Talk to people and see for yourself.
Ron Paul is kicking azz and you know it!:hump::peace:

I'm not talking about dumb online polls. I'm talking about actual scientific polling. And you're delusional if you think the majority of republican voters are supporting Ron Paul at this point.

I think there is a very good chance that republicans will end up voting for him. But if the election was held today, Ron Paul would finish third. There is no disputing that. It's a fact. If you think otherwise, put down the koolaid.
All the yellow brick road stuff is laughable. His extremist deregulation beliefs are insane. His capitalistic beliefs would only work in a utopia, in the real world they'd be a disaster. His opinions on the civil war are down right frightening.

Paul seems willing to support brutal injustice in order to support a extreme version of capitalism which boarders on a religion. Paul seems to think capitalism is what the president should defend, even over the best interests of the American people. In Paul's America the invisible hand of the free market would be deified. He has a very skewed perspective.

How do you think this country started. We didn't have regulations and we just grew and grew and grew. The government looks over jealously and say wow that's a lot of money how can we make it ours. They stat by trying to control them with anti-trust laws then health regulations so on. the only regulations we should have is to to keep people safe & nothing to do financially. To say it only works in utopia is speculation did you create your own government and experiment with it ????
ron paul falls to a DISTANT third in iowa, polling at a measly 11% (bachmann and perry are both within the margin of error).

ron paul keeps his DISTANT third place spot in new hampshire...

ron paul polling at about 6% in south carolina...

ron paul at 6% or so in florida...


obama polling about 8% ahead of ron paul in a head to head match up...

not a chance for the old turtle fucker.
Why are we buying oil from thousands of miles away when we have it here? Because bullshit regulations prevent us.

Because it's significantly cheaper. Not all oil is equal. Refining crude oil that comes from Saudi Arabia is SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper than shale processing. America does have a huge supply of oil. But if you want to make it into gasoline be prepared to pay $10 a gallon.

The EPA says it's ok to suck oil out of the desert, just as long as it's not here. Imagine the jobs it would create if Americans were the ones drilling for the oil.

We do drill for oil here.

The cost of fuel would inherently drop causing a boost in the economy by default.

That's just not true.

If it was true, we'd be doing it. The oil lobby is very powerful and if it was that cost efficient they'd get their way. Santa Barbara is a good example of that. They put oil rigs off the coast of possibly the nicest beaches in America because it was profitable enough.

You don't really think the poor oil companies are being bullied by the EPA do you? That's just lol.
How do you think this country started. We didn't have regulations and we just grew and grew and grew. The government looks over jealously and say wow that's a lot of money how can we make it ours. They stat by trying to control them with anti-trust laws then health regulations so on. the only regulations we should have is to to keep people safe & nothing to do financially. To say it only works in utopia is speculation did you create your own government and experiment with it ????

You do know that the UK and America had a maximum wage at one time don't you? And you do know this has been proposed many times in our history, with the failure to pass bought off by robber barons... you did know this didn't you??????????
ron paul falls to a DISTANT third in iowa, polling at a measly 11% (bachmann and perry are both within the margin of error).

ron paul keeps his DISTANT third place spot in new hampshire...

ron paul polling at about 6% in south carolina...

ron paul at 6% or so in florida...


obama polling about 8% ahead of ron paul in a head to head match up...

not a chance for the old turtle fucker.

The actually numbers themselves aren't really meaningful. It's the way they are trending that's important. The way they are trending looks very good for Ron Paul.
It very well could be newt, romney and RP all get 20-25% and they end up doing a deal at the convention. That kills RP right there. The establishment Repubs want nothing to do with RP.
Willyßagseed;6766733 said:
You do know that the UK and America had a maximum wage at one time don't you? And you do know this has been proposed many times in our history, with the failure to pass bought off by robber barons... you did know this didn't you??????????

shhhhh. They want to have their own delusional version of revisionist history where they ignore everything they don't agree with.

Did you know that when the country started there were no taxes? It's true, the government ran on libertarian magic dust before the 20th century.
The actually numbers themselves aren't really meaningful. It's the way they are trending that's important. The way they are trending looks very good for Ron Paul.

the trend is BAD. he was doing better in iowa, was in a three way tie for first. then he was in second barely ahead or romney. now he is third, and a distant one at that.

no good news in NH either. huntsman is trending up, paul has flatlined. he has also flatlined at 6% in the next two primary states.

nationally, he has been at 8% or so the entire time.

not a chance for the guy. you don't win a GOP nod by telling israel they are on their own, it just doesn't work that way.

not to mention he is comically old, glues on his eyebrows, and his suits never fit. inconsequential as it should be, people judge him based on this. often the presidency is decided by a bunch of low information voters pondering who they would rather look at for the next 4 years.
The part I like is most are anti tariffs and anti taxes. They fail to realize we paid for the government with tariffs first and changed over to taxes to pay for it, but they want neither so..........
Willyßagseed;6766660 said:
I am not afraid of any of his ideas, I welcome a faster descent into the depths. Faster to get it over with and start over.

Medicare and Social Security are NOT entitlement programs. Citizens pay for this with witholdings from your paycheck. He wants to cut these and have poor people rely on "charity" lol

He wants to cut corporate taxes from 35% to 25%, the problem is the current realized tax rate is about 11-12% (19% if you want to be generous)so a 10% drop would make it a realized 2%(9%). I do not see the closing of loopholes mentioned by him, just a cut.

Would like to amend the Clean Air Act to provide that greenhouse gases are not subject to the Act.

There are 2 issues and one partial deregulation for you. These are the minor issues I have, as we move along we will get into the ones that are far worse for the average citizen.

Tag your it.. I have many, many more to continue the chat. =)

and what Mr. Dan Kone said up there ^^^

Medicare and social security are not entitlement programs; you are correct. They are ponzi schemes. Unless you are currently receiving either of these benefits; you will never see the money you've contributed to the programs. Ron Paul wants to allow people to opt out of this system.

The entitlement programs he is referring to are welfare and HUD. (HUD is on the list of departments to be closed)

The tax cuts would be dropped to the level we need regarding our countries running cost. Once we stop spending billions in foreign aid and constant bombings; we will have that money available to go to the things it was supposed to go to. Medicare and Social security could be paid for easily with these funds. So, with the lowered spending would come the need to lower taxes. Taxes are supposed to be specifically assigned to things and not robbed from you so they can play with it until they decide what to give back.

I understand the concerns for the clean air act. It was needed to slap ourselves into realizing what we were doing. We once had a "dilution is the solution" campaign. We've learned a lot of hard lessons from our mistakes. I think we've grown and realize that we need to take better care of our planet. I think at this point the states can decide how to maintain their land better than the federal government can. Look at the nuclear waste topic. Why should the federal government decide to put their nuclear junk in another states back yard? It's not right.
Willyßagseed;6766733 said:
You do know that the UK and America had a maximum wage at one time don't you? And you do know this has been proposed many times in our history, with the failure to pass bought off by robber barons... you did know this didn't you??????????

Yea i know this, but it was people like J. P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller & Andrew Carnegie that america stood on to look big. They where the reason our nation became great. If you scare them away you see USA as the short little nerdy midget it is.

At least back then every one had a job so please explain your problem with that. They bought food they bought small luxuries and worked hard.

OH and please explain to me why 20 years after the first anti-trust law was passed the Great depression happened.
Because it's significantly cheaper. Not all oil is equal. Refining crude oil that comes from Saudi Arabia is SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper than shale processing. America does have a huge supply of oil. But if you want to make it into gasoline be prepared to pay $10 a gallon.

We do drill for oil here.

That's just not true.

If it was true, we'd be doing it. The oil lobby is very powerful and if it was that cost efficient they'd get their way. Santa Barbara is a good example of that. They put oil rigs off the coast of possibly the nicest beaches in America because it was profitable enough.

You don't really think the poor oil companies are being bullied by the EPA do you? That's just lol.

OPEC decides what we pay. If we are pumping it out of the ground here, we won't have to listen to them. And no, we aren't drilling here. We are poking around in comparison to what we could be doing.
OPEC decides what we pay. If we are pumping it out of the ground here, we won't have to listen to them. And no, we aren't drilling here. We are poking around in comparison to what we could be doing.

I don't think you understand what the supply of oil we have in America is like Vs the supply in the middle east. In the middle east, all the oil in near the surface and in the form of relatively pure crude oil. To get to most of the American oil supply you'd literally have to knock down and remove the rocky mountains. Then once you'd do that you'd end up with oil in rock form mixed with other minerals. Then you'd have to go through an extended refining and purification process way beyond anything we do now in order to get it to the point where it can be used as gasoline.

The reason we aren't doing that now is because it's actually cheaper to buy it from Saudi Arabia at cartel pricing and ship it to America. That's why oil companies have millions of acres of drilling leases that they aren't even using right now. It's not because we aren't letting them drill or because there is no oil. It's because most American oil is so damn expensive to get out of the ground and purify, that's it's not cost effective.

One day we will have to tap into all that oil, but that day is not today. Gas needs to be $10-15 dollars per gallon before oil companies will have any interest in it.
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