Ron Paul Has A Legit Shot.

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Ron Paul consistently steps in it with his foreign policy among other things.

He isnt going to get the nomination. Get over it already.

That's the only thing other candidates can really hit him with. His views on Israel are extremely unpopular. However I believe the republicans are so sick of Romney and will be sick of Newt for the same reasons, that they will tolerate Paul's opinions on Israel. I actually think the major of republicans are ready for the pull out in Iraq and Afghanistan, so the rest of Paul's foreign policy isn't really a huge knock against him.
The other cadidates self distructed along time ago. Just go to the supermarket and ask ten random people where they stand,

then do the same at the gas station...:clap::clap::clap: Ron Paul is on top with the people by far!!:leaf:

Get with it alreay!:-P

Well no, you're delusional. Polling is a lot like asking 10 people at a grocery store, except instead of 10, it's 10s of thousands which is more accurate. And in those polls Paul is finishing a very strong 3rd place. So he's not there yet, but I think the odds that he'll get there are very high at this point.
What part of his foreign policy do you think is so bad?

The part where he doesn't want to spend BILLIONS in foreign aid to countries that battle with our other allies?

Or the part where he doesn't want to tell Israel what to do? (Netanyahu already told us that he doesn't want or need our help.)

Or maybe it is the part about wanting to trade with countries rather than bomb them.


Well you can think what you want. Just because you think it's right doesn't mean the rest of republican primary voters are going to agree with you.

You really don't need to put the word constitution in an absurdly large font. We get your point dude. Ron Paul supports the constitution and if you don't support Ron Paul you hate the Constitution and America by extension. Yeah, message received loud and clear.
That's the only thing other candidates can really hit him with. His views on Israel are extremely unpopular. However I believe the republicans are so sick of Romney and will be sick of Newt for the same reasons, that they will tolerate Paul's opinions on Israel. I actually think the major of republicans are ready for the pull out in Iraq and Afghanistan, so the rest of Paul's foreign policy isn't really a huge knock against him.
His "views" on Israel? You mean his general view of non-interventionism? Not exactly anti-Israel, and he does a good job making that point too.
RP believes in the constitution and our civil rights, something that has been forgotten in this day N age. Thats one reason why i believe in him and thats one reason i'm voting for him
How so? I believe the contrary. The current over regulation is what is driving businesses out of this country.

Well that's not true at all statistically. Regulation counts for what adds up to a rounding error when it comes to job loss (0.10%) What's driving businesses out of the country are cheap labor in east Asia. If we regulated outsourcing it's likely we'd bring more jobs back to the country.

Also, deregulation has COST us millions of jobs. Our current economic condition would not be possible if we hadn't deregulated the financial industry. That's a fact.
Actually it is. It's one thing for Ron Paul sycophants to believe he will win, it's another entirely for someone like myself who opposes Ron Paul to think that.

Half the people on this board think Ron Paul was born by immaculate conception and walks on water. So them saying Ron Paul is going to win isn't real credible. But when people who oppose Ron Paul think he has a good shot at winning, well get your hopes up. This could actually happen.

All the yellow brick road stuff is laughable. His extremist deregulation beliefs are insane. His capitalistic beliefs would only work in a utopia, in the real world they'd be a disaster. His opinions on the civil war are down right frightening.

Paul seems willing to support brutal injustice in order to support a extreme version of capitalism which boarders on a religion. Paul seems to think capitalism is what the president should defend, even over the best interests of the American people. In Paul's America the invisible hand of the free market would be deified. He has a very skewed perspective.

Hmm should I listen to Dan Kone or Ron Paul..... hmmm thats a toughie , perhaps Dan Kone is better educated and has more experience than Ron Paul , Maybe Dan Kone has authored more books than Ron paul on topics relevant to Running a nation...See: Foreign Policy , Economics and Individual Liberty for example, Perhaps Dan Kone has warned us with predictions based on their education and experience that have come to pass and cost our country and its people greatly because BIG Government didn't listen ,Hmm Ron Paul or Dan kone ...Man this is tough which one of these guys are more likely to know what they are talking about .....

Hmm Ron Paul or Dan Kone Who should I listen to.....:lol:
His "views" on Israel? You mean his general view of non-interventionism?

Yes, his "views" on Israel. He believes in non-interventionism in Israel which is extremely unpopular amongst republican voters.

Not exactly anti-Israel, and he does a good job making that point too.

You may think so, however 90% of republican voters disagree with you. Most republicans will support everything Israel does and all aid to Israel because they need Israel to be there when the rapture starts so god can kill them all.

There is NOTHING you or anyone else can say to deter them from this belief. No chance. All you can hope for is Newt is so unbearable that republicans are willing to vote for Paul anyways.
ok everyone I get it. I'm a horrible person/troll/anti-American because I don't agree with every single thing Paul has ever done or said. Message received.

I didn't post this thread to argue with you all, was just trying to tell you that you should be encouraged. This could work out for you.
I think we can agree that the improper regs led to the over regulations. Correct?

What do you think he is going to do regarding easing the regulations? Your statement implies that he is going to allow glass to be added to candy.

Glass added to candy would be the good part if he could get all the deregulation he wants. .... Thank the flying spaghetti monster for Super silver haze... and Mr. Nice.
Well no, you're delusional. Polling is a lot like asking 10 people at a grocery store, except instead of 10, it's 10s of thousands which is more accurate. And in those polls Paul is finishing a very strong 3rd place. So he's not there yet, but I think the odds that he'll get there are very high at this point.

I don't trust polls because of the "likely voters" part. They exclude voters under, what, 30? Yet the media will acknowledge that it's that crowd that got Obama elected. Polls are rigged.

The young voters is also the crowd where Obama and Paul will have to fight over. The bulk of both of their supporters are younger.
Well that's not true at all statistically. Regulation counts for what adds up to a rounding error when it comes to job loss (0.10%) What's driving businesses out of the country are cheap labor in east Asia. If we regulated outsourcing it's likely we'd bring more jobs back to the country.

Also, deregulation has COST us millions of jobs. Our current economic condition would not be possible if we hadn't deregulated the financial industry. That's a fact.

Yeah no. Here is an example of what I mean. Tax rates play a big part in it as well, but we were talking regs.
Willyßagseed;6766460 said:
Glass added to candy would be the good part if he could get all the deregulation he wants. .... Thank the flying spaghetti monster for Super silver haze... and Mr. Nice.

Ok. What specific part of his deregulations are you so afraid of? Give me an example. Something I can look into. I've been trying to find an honest reason not to like the guy. But every argument seems to end with no real facts against him, just speculation and name calling. :peace:
I don't trust polls because of the "likely voters" part. They exclude voters under, what, 30? Yet the media will acknowledge that it's that crowd that got Obama elected. Polls are rigged.

The young voters is also the crowd where Obama and Paul will have to fight over. The bulk of both of their supporters are younger.

It's not the polling % that's important here. You're right, those numbers do not represent an accurate statistic of what an actual vote would look like.

What they do tell us which is fairly reliable is that Romney is clearly trending down, Newt has peaked and seems like he's may start to decline, and Paul is holding strong, trending up. I find that to be very credible.

Elections are all about timing and momentum. Seems like republican voters are giving the candidates all "their turn" as the front runner, sort of like an audition. It's been Romney, Bachmann, Perry, Cain, now Newt. Seems very likely it's going to be Pauls turn next. And when it is Pauls turn, he's not going to have the same problems the other front runners have had. Paul isn't a say one thing do another type like Newt or Romney. He doesn't make gaffs like Newt, Perry, Bachmann, and Cain. He's not retarded like Perry and Bachmann. And if he can achieve front runner status in the next few weeks, he's going to do it at exactly the right time, when the voting starts. That's really the only time the polling is really crucial.

Basically, Paul doesn't have the same fundamental flaws the other candidates have. For that reason any popularity gains made by Paul are WAY more likely to become permanent. People aren't going to hear what Paul says, agree with it, and then later off discover something else he did they don't like. IF Paul can become the front runner I think there is a 95% chance he'll win the nomination unlike the other candidates who tend to go up or down in the polls.

The same things that have kept Ron Paul at a low popularity level to this point are the exact same things which are likely to make him a lock if he can achieve front runner status in the polls. Does that make sense?
Is that a joke, its like asking if you want Hitler in office or Bob Marley.

Ron Paul ofcourse.
Ron Paul=Hitler? :lol:

You guys have totally fallen for his blatant pandering to the marijuana smokers. You ever hear him talk about legalization? He's not passionate about it. He's just like "yeah, sure, legalize money"
Pot being legalized is far down on the list of the world problems I worry about on a day to day basis.
Ok. What specific part of his deregulations are you so afraid of? Give me an example. Something I can look into. I've been trying to find an honest reason not to like the guy. But every argument seems to end with no real facts against him, just speculation and name calling. :peace:
How about that people are confusing IDEAS with PLANS?
I'd like to hear the steps he wants to take to implement his plans. All he does is repeat the same bullshit over and over again.
Ron Paul=Hitler? :lol:

You guys have totally fallen for his blatant pandering to the marijuana smokers. You ever hear him talk about legalization? He's not passionate about it. He's just like "yeah, sure, legalize money"
Pot being legalized is far down on the list of the world problems I worry about on a day to day basis.

Your not giving him credit. He has very strong issues with our drug laws.
<-2009 Paul and Frank are trying to pass a bill as we speak.
Yeah no. Here is an example of what I mean. Tax rates play a big part in it as well, but we were talking regs.

That's just right wing commentary. I see no statistics that show EPA regulations are costing a significant amount of jobs. Just wild claims with nothing of substance to back them up.

Certainly there is nothing the EPA is doing which has cost us as many jobs as the deregulation of the financial services industry has cost us.

Look, I'm all for cutting unnecessary regulations. I just don't want to drink water with toxic waste in it. Is that so unreasonable? As the CEO of a medical marijuana collective believe me, I do understand over regulation and the necessity to get rid of them. If you want to get rid of certain regulations that provide no benefit and cost jobs, I'm 100% on board with that. Sign me up.

However when you speak in such broad terms like "regulation bad, deregulation good", politicians don't take that as a sign to cut red tape, they take it as permission to harm the American people/ American economy for their own personal gains.

Nearly every major piece of deregulation legislation in the last 30 years has lead to massive damage. Enron, the 2008 financial collapse, the California energy scams, etc. All of those have cost more jobs than they have created.

Now I'm not suggesting that you start believing in over regulation, big government, all that stuff. All I'm saying is that you need to be very specific when talking about supporting deregulation otherwise politicians and corporate America will use your support of deregulation to exploit the American people.

Think the EPA should be deregulated? ok. Well to you that probably means we shouldn't kill thousands of jobs in order to save some dumb invented subspecies of moth (which is actually happening now). But what a politician hears when you say that is "we want you to let some company put poison in our drinking water in exchange for campaign donations". Now I know when you say you support deregulation you don't mean that you want to allow companies to poison our water supply, but the politicians don't make that distinction. That's why it's necessary to be very specific.

Find regulations that you disagree with and oppose those. I think you'll find that if you do that you'll even get many liberals agreeing with you. But when people just say "regulation bad, deregulation good", well that's a very dangerous point of view.
How about that people are confusing IDEAS with PLANS?
I'd like to hear the steps he wants to take to implement his plans. All he does is repeat the same bullshit over and over again.

Ok. Then you shouldn't have a problem finding a video of him explaining a plan regarding regulations that will hurt our country.
Ok. What specific part of his deregulations are you so afraid of? Give me an example. Something I can look into. I've been trying to find an honest reason not to like the guy. But every argument seems to end with no real facts against him, just speculation and name calling. :peace:

I am not afraid of any of his ideas, I welcome a faster descent into the depths. Faster to get it over with and start over.

Medicare and Social Security are NOT entitlement programs. Citizens pay for this with witholdings from your paycheck. He wants to cut these and have poor people rely on "charity" lol

He wants to cut corporate taxes from 35% to 25%, the problem is the current realized tax rate is about 11-12% (19% if you want to be generous)so a 10% drop would make it a realized 2%(9%). I do not see the closing of loopholes mentioned by him, just a cut.

Would like to amend the Clean Air Act to provide that greenhouse gases are not subject to the Act.

There are 2 issues and one partial deregulation for you. These are the minor issues I have, as we move along we will get into the ones that are far worse for the average citizen.

Tag your it.. I have many, many more to continue the chat. =)

and what Mr. Dan Kone said up there ^^^
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