My First Legal Medical Grow

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What the fuck has gotten into to him?? Damn bro I am sorry to hear that, seems like he has a hard on for you lately....Call me when you got some free time bro!!!!



mother fuckin shit. im sorry brotha. what u gonna do with everything? i got room if u need a place to finish ur plants. ill just leave the gate unlocked and u can roll thru. fuck man. feel like i lost my mentor. :cry:

You and me both....

damn bruh i know your gonna stay around though right? maybe even try n pull off a micro gro? i mean wtf your legal right?

this sucks :(

BC, I'm sorry man, truly. I somehow know how that a sense anyways, and I know it sucks.

Regardless of if you ever continue or not I'd like to thank you for everything in the past as well as future and wish you the best in whatever you do. Take care of yourself man and get back on every now and then just to say hey!


Well the bright side is you got two progeny's growing dank you should never have a problem finding something worthwhile. but i do feel for you, when i shut down before i felt like a part of my life was missing i know it sounds weird but there was a void. because really i have no other hobbies. hopefully you can find something to fill in the time.
Thanks guys for your support, Im kinda at a loss for words right now. Kinda feel like my livelihood is being stripped from me.

Hopefully this is not an end for good, and only a temporary thing.
my boss would never allow me to operate on the scale you operate on but allows my smaller scale op comfortably

im knda in same boat my boss smokes a little does your popinlaw

my boss covers all the bills makes her the boss

not easy havin a boss my boos does over 1ook so is def the boss i dont work

a good boss is still reasonable if things are not past reason let them cool then try to work out a compromise where all give a little and all wins a little

gluck bruh yo #1 fan
Thanks guys for your support, Im kinda at a loss for words right now. Kinda feel like my livelihood is being stripped from me.

Hopefully this is not an end for good, and only a temporary thing.

Best of luck BC, keep in touch. Enjoy your final harvests, you will be back.
We are already thinking of ways to continue his grow.... I just hope he (popinlaw) comes to realize he is being a dick!!!!
The "branchy" Cougar is getting chopped today... among others.

bill you are the only one down here that can help you
you are the only one dat knows whut you have to do
we have not walked in your shoe

your a very smart person bill
need to shut down to listen to him
he will let you know whut to do

prepare yourself by going over your options
he willl speak to you
i wish i could hel -if i could i would
but even all the knowitalls that im not -cant help you now
gona be YOU an Him an he only helps those that helps themselves
so you gota make the first step an he got yo back
cant be standin still skin for help to run
gotta be at least walkin or crawlin = movin to get his help

you be ahite cause i believe in you
do you believe in you

stay true
big popa dont realize he messin wit lots of peeps dat needs dis man to be growin an showin and leadin da way for sum of us are lost without a shepard

an dis man is doin gods work he spreadin da luv which is whut our creator asked of us to luve each other
Some people should take a long look at themselves in the mirror.....

Hey I am coming over if it cool to get some Bloom please??? I am getting ready now...Call me bro!


Something I've already addressed to my girlfriend of 3 years..... IF we move in together I'm going to grow dank for as long as I want. I would probably quit also if I had a child though unless I had an area separate of the house to cultivate. I don't think I would have time to grow anymore with a baby to take care of anyways though lol.

Whatever the reason, its never easy to give it up. At least you can visit BKB's garden to get your green fix now and again.
Something I've already addressed to my girlfriend of 3 years..... IF we move in together I'm going to grow dank for as long as I want. I would probably quit also if I had a child though unless I had an area separate of the house to cultivate. I don't think I would have time to grow anymore with a baby to take care of anyways though lol.

Whatever the reason, its never easy to give it up. At least you can visit BKB's garden to get your green fix now and again.
If my GF had a ass like that I would quit growing and hibernate in her booty.....LOL
Sorry to hear of the news about your garden.
Congratulations on your new child.
Thank you for all your help, beautiful photos and great positive support.
In the short time we have been in correspondance i have learn a great deal from you and i will miss your enthusiam and wonderful spirit.
take care and keep in touch.
waiting on a baby to pop

Didnt no you had a baby on the way bro congrats, i have too!! found out its a boy the other day!

Father in law is making me shut down the grow...

Sorry for the disappointment guys.

WTF that sucks arse bro, im gutted for you, love watchin you grow man, an love seein your crossers grown out an hopin the beans i got come out like yours!! i was hopin to sort you some of my GK crossers to man :( .......still will bro can keep them for the future!! :) hope you get it sorted mate!

The "branchy" Cougar is getting chopped today... among others.


Thats what im talkin about mate fuckin quality!!
You've been an inspirational grower for me and pushed me into beginning my own breeding program, if you ever need anything starting back up, let me know, I'll have a spare fixture and some presoaked pots for you. Oh, and a bank of seeds to choose from.

But congrats on becoming a father bro, I wish only good things to you and your family in the future.
iM Fuckin stressin right now bro...
gotta find a pressure relief valve for that stress bruh not a good thing
burn the enternal fuel on the salution or searching for it
if nutin els in exercise to help you clear your brain and get sum benefits from burnin energy no benefits to stress only negative results
an will be shared by the lady if read on you
you must be the pole that holds the tent up

waiting on a baby to pop
im new to this best of everything for you and yours
this is whut #2 right

gods grace on your household
an gods help on decisions that needs to be made by you
you are not alone he has your back
when an if things get to big or to heavy for you pass them up
you know at work sumtimes you have to escalate things to get them resolved
he is here for us
we are here for you bro

as smart as you are - just a matter of sortin things out

nutin but good K
you and yo family
bill you are the only one down here that can help you
you are the only one dat knows whut you have to do
we have not walked in your shoe

your a very smart person bill
need to shut down to listen to him
he will let you know whut to do

prepare yourself by going over your options
he willl speak to you
i wish i could hel -if i could i would
but even all the knowitalls that im not -cant help you now
gona be YOU an Him an he only helps those that helps themselves
so you gota make the first step an he got yo back
cant be standin still skin for help to run
gotta be at least walkin or crawlin = movin to get his help

you be ahite cause i believe in you
do you believe in you

stay true
This right here is a hard thing for me to do...

I lost my way a loooong time ago...
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