
Why the fuck would you rat a guy out? Regardless of what he may have done.

There's never an excuse for ratting on someone.


Except when you are the direct victim of their crime. Maybe if he didn't rip people off and steal money he wouldn't get ratted on. Send that turrible person to jail.
inappropriate language guy... please do not use these words... they are hurtful and not worthy of you and your intellect...
I love these people talking like there's rules and a moral code to these things... It's just about you coming out on top.
what goes around comes around dude age old stoner karma don't you worry hell get his coming upings if not from you then from someone else his way of living and treating people only lasts for so long
I love these people talking like there's rules and a moral code to these things... It's just about you coming out on top.
I suppose you just kill everyone that gets in your way then? Lol.

Dont be a rat, the reason is in the name.
Forget about it. Grow your own. He will reap what he sows eventually. If he did it to you, he did it to others. One day it will be the wrong person and he will pay.
I'd only buy a hefty amount from someone i knew well enough to trust, and by that i mean if he did then try to rip me off, i know enough to fuck with his life :P The good thing about being me is only I know me :D
I am not a violent person but I agree with Jack. You need to step up and make an impression, preferably with a bat and a couple friends. You may not get your money back, but you will not get robbed again, at least by this wad. Oh yeah, don't front big $$ for product you don't see. Best of luck, let us all know how it works out.
The problem with beating the shit out of the guy is, he's a witness unless you finish the job. He can press charges or sue you.

I would place a 5 minute fuse and a pound of flash powder into PVC, then put it under his car.
I suppose you just kill everyone that gets in your way then? Lol.

Dont be a rat, the reason is in the name.
No, I attack people's well being as I stated on the previous page.
Give me a reason not to snitch to take out an enemy, that doesn't have to do with morals.
Odd, where'd OP go, probably took most of your great advice and got himself killed/jailed.

I love how these "i got jacked" threads bring out the internet gangsta's
half the people telling you to go beat this guy up are prob pussies in real life and wouldnt say shit if they had a mouth full of it.
I say chalk it up to being a dumbass and dont put yourself in that situation again.

No doubt man. This is a side of smokers I'm surprised exists. I don't know the background of these want to be felons, but going from the possibility of a BS pot charge to being sent to a federal "fuck you in the ass" prison seem extreme to me.

Yeah he / she would deserve a wake up call, but who's to say you don't accidentally kill he/she in the process. Then what?

Life is way to short to let a knee jerk reaction cause you to be locked up because of some douche. Karma seems to get them in the end anyways. That and they* probably have tiny penises.

*they = douche that fucked your deal
No doubt man. This is a side of smokers I'm surprised exists. I don't know the background of these want to be felons, but going from the possibility of a BS pot charge to being sent to a federal "fuck you in the ass" prison seem extreme to me.

Yeah he / she would deserve a wake up call, but who's to say you don't accidentally kill he/she in the process. Then what?

Life is way to short to let a knee jerk reaction cause you to be locked up because of some douche. Karma seems to get them in the end anyways. That and they* probably have tiny penises.

*they = douche that fucked your deal

i agree.

I admit when it comes to being on the receiving end of a home invasion i absolutely condone violence. gun violence even. However don't let that statement lead you to believe i wanna sound tough or brag or anything. Its just under law if they are inside my home im well within my right to at least point the gun in their direction. if they try to pull a gun after i order them to freeze im also well within the law to shoot them.

Home invasions are scary shit. It never happened to me but it happened to a friend i use to hang with a lot back in high school. Kid grew plants (under mmj program) in his home (lived with his parents). Anywho. Someone somehow caught wind of it and planned a home invasion. after the sun sets a few guys go to the door of a residence (his) kick in the door (literally). they go in and two of his family members are there. They aren't there for the bud...they want the cash.

My friend was really growing just for himself and did give (sometimes sell) some to his friends only but only here and they never found the cash they were looking (expecting 1K+). In the end (the relatives never resisted or put up a fight) for some unknown reason one of the jackers pulls a gun and shoots one of his relatives.

He died.

Sad shit.

I dont want to be in THAT situation especially for some buds. So i believe legally owning a gun in your name (and using it lawfully) isn't being tough but smart. chances are someone wont break into your house unarmed so its best to be prepared to match that. am i right?

however yeah i agree that people shouldnt talk about killing someone for ripping them off for a few hundred or even a million. is it REALLY worth sitting in a cell for the rest of your life and not even getting back what you risked your life for? or end up dead?

how many of you can put on a price on your life? I know i cant. not for $1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000+. NEVER
$100,000 I'd risk doing life for. And I really don't think it's wise to grow with out a gun present. It's just too liquid of a product.
The first time I got robbed at gun point was for a $1200 qp. I went back to my "big brother" and he looked at me and said "that's why you don't trap with out gats" and walked off. He was kind of an ass but, he helped me make a lot of money. Anyways, that always just stuck with me.

You're preaching to the choir on that aspect of defending yourself. I am a gun nut with a permit to carry. In the event of a home invasion / car jacking; there would be no verbal warning. My locked door should suffice as the only warning I need to give regarding free access to my property. The law says I can wax whoever brakes in my home or (thankfully now) tries to car jack me. But neither of them are examples of being screwed on an illegal drug deal. I'm a law abiding citizen and would have to back off if ever put in the position of being robbed during an MJ transaction. I don't want a BS pot charge and I damn sure don't want a manslaughter charge.

The thing that will keep you safe is your dipstick Jimmy. Use it and don't put yourself in a situation that could end badly. Another poster stated dealing with friends is the best bet and I wholeheartedly agree. It is a safer more enjoyable experience to be with people you can trust rather than stacking another anxiety on top of the paranoia of getting busted. This is a peaceful plant and those ambassadors of it should be as well. Anything else will go against the progress we have made regarding total legality.

There are other more creative ways of dealing with douche bags. I think they can be a lot more rewarding / fun than watching someone bleed out.....
$100,000 I'd risk doing life for. And I really don't think it's wise to grow with out a gun present. It's just too liquid of a product.
The first time I got robbed at gun point was for a $1200 qp. I went back to my "big brother" and he looked at me and said "that's why you don't trap with out gats" and walked off. He was kind of an ass but, he helped me make a lot of money. Anyways, that always just stuck with me.

you'd risk your life for 100K? So you're saying you'd risk life in prison or being dead for the promise of 100K? You realize (unless you're pretty lucky) that if you shot someone over 100K you'd mostly either get picked up and go to jail or that someone will retaliate and kill you themselves so you'd never enjoy that 100K. Chances are if you shot someone for 100K they didnt even HAVE 100K you could jack back from them and its really all about revenge.

Only way you'd ever get 100K while shooting someone was if they made a 100K deal with you and lets face it...thats never happened or you wouldnt be posting about it online in the first place and if you did get robbed on a 100K deal chances are the jackers didnt have the 100K when they came to meet up with you anyway otherwise they'd just pay the 100K...pitch it off and come back to you for another good deal.

I don't mean to sound like a hippy (cuz im really not) but if i can go through life without a confrontation then thats better yet. im all about live and let live. keeping the peace, etc.

once i got set up and jacked for $20 by 5 guys (i know $4 profit each lol) and i knew who they were and could find them rather easiler if i wanted to...and keep in mind i own a gun. There are many times i considered finding them, pulling a gun on them...not with the intention to shoot them, etc. but i dont do it. its not worth matter how good the revenge would feel. sure i might scare the piss out of them but when i put it in prospective its only $20...

point is $20-100K it doesnt matter. death or jail isnt worth some money as money isnt everything in life and you can always make more if you stay alive.

The only time i'd shoot someone was if i was well within the law to do so. I dont want to rot in a cell and have to have naked men stare at me shower for the rest of my life and worry about getting attacked everyday in prison, etc. why would i wanna live shitty like that all over some $?

I say sure shoot em if they come in your house or you have a concealed carry permit or whatnot but dont seek revenge on some $ and go to jail or die, etc. not worth it when you're dead or fighting off prisoners who want to butt fuk u.


You're preaching to the choir on that aspect of defending yourself. I am a gun nut with a permit to carry. In the event of a home invasion / car jacking; there would be no verbal warning. My locked door should suffice as the only warning I need to give regarding free access to my property. The law says I can wax whoever brakes in my home or (thankfully now) tries to car jack me. But neither of them are examples of being screwed on an illegal drug deal. I'm a law abiding citizen and would have to back off if ever put in the position of being robbed during an MJ transaction. I don't want a BS pot charge and I damn sure don't want a manslaughter charge.

The thing that will keep you safe is your dipstick Jimmy. Use it and don't put yourself in a situation that could end badly. Another poster stated dealing with friends is the best bet and I wholeheartedly agree. It is a safer more enjoyable experience to be with people you can trust rather than stacking another anxiety on top of the paranoia of getting busted. This is a peaceful plant and those ambassadors of it should be as well. Anything else will go against the progress we have made regarding total legality.

There are other more creative ways of dealing with douche bags. I think they can be a lot more rewarding / fun than watching someone bleed out.....

what state do you live in and how'd you get your permit for concealed carry? where i live you can only open carry in public and it must be unloaded w/ the firearm AND ammo fully visible. Ive always wanted a concealed carry permit. would have came in handy a few times.