
if u dont kick the shit out of him , you can expect it to happen again , if you try and kick some ass weather u win or lose ,that cunt will think twice b4 trying it on again . get a mate and jump the fucker if hes to big for u on your own , next time get the weed b4 for hand over your cash
I love how these "i got jacked" threads bring out the internet gangsta's
half the people telling you to go beat this guy up are prob pussies in real life and wouldnt say shit if they had a mouth full of it.
I say chalk it up to being a dumbass and dont put yourself in that situation again.
I'm on the fence on this one. I know what I would do (and have done), but everybodys circumstances are different.
Does the guy need to be stomped? Yes, but will your actions affect those around you in a negative way?
Is your girl, or a sibling gonna start being eff'd with?
Something else to think about is re-retaliation on you, without actually touching you. It'd suck to wake up to 4 cut tires on your car, or something like that.

Now on the other hand, you can retaliate by doing shit like that to them. Get a can of spray-on paint stripper and paint 'asshole' across the hood of his car. Or just spray a line down the side as you casually walk past. You can phuck with him silently from a distance with a slingshot. Hell, there's lots of ways to 'recoup' your money, lol. Use your imagination.
A lot of knee jerk reactions here. I bet there are a lot of very proud people in prison right now. People that you know not to fuck with because they will fuck your shit up when they got ripped off. How intelligent does someone behind bars seem when they say they are serving a prison term because they put a guy in traction because he ripped him off for $80? Doesn't sound too intelligent to me. I think the best course of action would be to sever ties with this asshole completely and chaulk it up to a loss. Never deal with or speak to that person again. Never pre pay for weed again. Instead of harming anyone just put your money and focus into a set up to grow some dank ass weed. Then you never have to deal with drug dealers again, never have to pay outrageous prices for good weed, and will never be without smoke again.
I didn't realise "Goodfellas" had such a profound impact on so many people's common sense. Fuck a guy up for $80?! Gonna get yourself cut/shot for trying stupid shit like that.

OP if you paid in advance you put yourself in the situation...don't bend over with your pants down and expect not to get a dick up the ass. Take it as a learning experience and play the game smarter next time.
all bigger does is make more noise when they hit the blacktop, maybe more guts spill on the road as well. whatever you do dont set him up to be busted. be a man and do what you can and if you get beat so be it. at least you wouldnt be called a chump by them......karma does wonders to bud. dont risk prison over a bag and shoot the goof,
Fuck his sister or girlfriend, if that's not possible and you want to get back at him w/o him knowing....find out his license plate number and than call the cops and tell them "I JUST SAW SOMEONE WAVING AROUND A GUN IN A CAR WITH PLATE NUMBER XXX" and then give them the description of the car.When asked for your info. tell them you wish to remain anonymous.
They'll track the plate and end up at his house. If your lucky it will lead to more when they get there, if not , he would at least have to deal with them showing up at his door and if you live in a small town the cops will always be watching for that car!
(not speaking from experience or anything) lol
Hmm I don't like bullies. Chances are he has done this to many others as well. So if you did something without him seeing you, you should be in the clear. Get five of your closest friends all of you dress up like clowns beat the shit out of him steal his plunger and silverware.Be sure to not leave any clown evidence behind.Tell him if he goes through life being a jerk then next time it wont be so funny. When he calls the cops his story will be five clowns busted in my house beat me up and stole my plunger and silverware. The cops will just think hes off his rocker.
Do not go busting into anyone's house! That called unlawful entry, trespassing and can be considered an home evasion, which all equals him legally shooting you.
I'm telling you Fuck his sister or girlfriend!!!!!!
i hiave been in the game my entire life,kinda born into it i guess..i started growing my own because there is no honor among criminals.lying,stealing and snitching are more common vurtues in todays world.For me its not so much about the money its the principle.if you are from a small town then it will more then likley get out what had happened,therefore i would NOT do anything at the moment,i would wait.wait for everything to cool down,let him forget all about may take 6 months it may take a year but be patient.once everything and everyone has forgotten all about it,you buy a winter mask and attack when he least expects it.Skull drag that motherfucker!!!maybe rip his eye out,or chop his ass right in the fucking thought!!! if he cant see or breath he cant fight! when your done curb stomping his ass calmly say " thats just for being you", more then likley he has a list of people he has fucked over,so since you paciently waited for your time to strike he more tham likley will have no idea of which one of his victims did it. remember that revenge is a dish best served cold.
on the other hand if time goes by and u lose the urge to retaliate,then it probably wasnt worth fighting for to begin with.Whatever you decide to do let you brain lead you not your emotions..........good luck
Charge it to the game. Shit happens. I wouldn't get physical unless it was enough to make me want to kill him. I'm not trying to say I'm from the hood or anything, but where I'm from if there's more than two people involved in something people go straight to guns.
I'd just try to ruin his life. You wouldn't want to help him get disability from two broken feet. If you know his address you can look up the tax records to see who owns it. If they rent it, set something up so cops have a reason to go there. Or try to get him fired from his 9-5. Make him actually work for those re-ups. Poke a hole in his radiator and hopefully he'll blow his head gasket before he notices his car is overheating. A weed man with no car loses a lot of business.
Get creative! Violence is lazy.
Blimey is right, no violence.There's other ways around it. It might be best to wait awhile, but not to mask up and fight, but to cause him problems other ways. At least if you wait awhile he won't figure out it was you.
Ok lets make a list: sugar in the gas tank a lot of it, Big Black cock and balls painted on the house,better yet DRUG DEALER painted on the house, cut his tires, wait till it gets cold and throw a rock through his windows. someone else can take over from here.
I see a lot of you will be doing some time/getting your ass beat/shot if you take your own fucking bad advice.
Ok lets make a list: sugar in the gas tank a lot of it, Big Black cock and balls painted on the house,better yet DRUG DEALER painted on the house, cut his tires, wait till it gets cold and throw a rock through his windows. someone else can take over from here.
this is no balls having , as bad as the fucking thief .
Find a way to set him up which ends with a big fat blunt in your mouth. If you're a stoner, there's a way. Be creative man. Don't stoop to violence unless he starts it.
Why the fuck would you rat a guy out? Regardless of what he may have done.

There's never an excuse for ratting on someone.
