Growing Shrooms Around Marijiuana

Hey all! I have a few questions about getting set up and growing mushrooms. I have several concerns and would like some advice.

:leaf:Is it smart to grow shrooms in the same room as marijuana plants? (If there is a fan, won't it blow the spores everywhere and contaminate the hydro/soil?)

:?:How dangerous are the spores to young children?

:dunce:How do you use those Magic Mushroom Growing Kits? I understand that is has the substrate and everything it needs to grow but do you still need to put it in a clear tub with proper ventilation and a heat mat? I figure so but i don't want to ruin my first run.

:lol:Where would you guys suggest getting spores and substrate?

Thank you in advance for all your advice!
#1 shrooms and bud have differnt ideal growing no
#2 spors contain no active ingreedents i.e they wont get you high.. spores usuly come in siringes.. while the spores wont bother kids the siringe may be a differnt story
#3 im thinking of the grow kit advortised in high times from homestead and with that one you get a lil growing chamber with the order so idealy you jus wana put it on top of your refridgerator..the top of the fridge stays at about 80 degrees F. thats the ideal temp for boomers.
#4 for st8 spores. for grow kits bolth legit bolth stelth shipping
The room you are growing marijuana in is probably pretty warm, so it would make a good incubator. Just put the jars or whatever in something opaque so no light gets in.

As for fruiting, you might find that room is a little too warm. They don't necessarily need the high temps, just makes colonizing go a little faster. But a terrarium or tub in your flowering room would probably do just fine if you have the space.

Spores themself are not dangerous or infectious in any way. There are several reliable spore vendors. Do a little research and choose whoever or whatever you like best or PM me. Everything else you need can be picked up and the grocery store and hardware store.
The room you are growing marijuana in is probably pretty warm, so it would make a good incubator. Just put the jars or whatever in something opaque so no light gets in.

I know that it needs to be dark while the mycelium is colonizing but I heard that when fruiting a 12/12 light cycle is best and we are in bloom right now in our grow room so it would be perfect, right? Or would the spores infect the soil plants I have?
The spores CAN be irritating, they can cause alergic reactions in sensitive people (even ones who eat the fruit) depending upon the volume of them
Thank you, canndo! So, if we put it in the bloom room to grow, do you think it would be fine?

I know far more about growing mushrooms than I do about growing pot. I think you may have a humidity problem, but otherwise, you cannot contaminate your soil and the 12 hour light cycle is fine.
I know far more about growing mushrooms than I do about growing pot.

Ok, then I have a question! If you get one of the mushroom grow bags (link to one below), you treat the bag like it is a jar right? Except you don't empty the bag out. Inoculate, keep in a dark tub, when the mycelium is all grown, give it light?

Do I have it right?

(The kits i am looking at getting)
Hey all! I have a few questions about getting set up and growing mushrooms. I have several concerns and would like some advice.

:leaf:Is it smart to grow shrooms in the same room as marijuana plants? (If there is a fan, won't it blow the spores everywhere and contaminate the hydro/soil?)

:?:How dangerous are the spores to young children?

:dunce:How do you use those Magic Mushroom Growing Kits? I understand that is has the substrate and everything it needs to grow but do you still need to put it in a clear tub with proper ventilation and a heat mat? I figure so but i don't want to ruin my first run.

:lol:Where would you guys suggest getting spores and substrate?

Thank you in advance for all your advice!

This is a great site to buy spores from
I have no idea what that empty the bag out into jars, inoculate and then put them in the dark til the mycelium is grown?

No no, let the substrate become fully colonized but not "knitted" and then empty the colonized grain into a tray. Wait for a day or so then case the tray.