BEST Marijuana plant PICS for the newsletter

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Well-Known Member
Hey Lacy, it would be nice to have grow info with pics, Lights ,Nutes,etc.,it always bugs me to see the nice bud shots with no clue but strain, more info would be great!! After all I want to learn from others' experience here.:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
Lacy are you looking for Bud pics or PLANT pics? Or both?
Heres a couple that look really nice but they are just bud pics.
they are unknown strain under 250 watts hps, 1000 m/h for last 2 weeks flower. sunshine#2 and organic compost and a little mollasses.



Well-Known Member
1 of my ak48 at just over 10 week all i used was mult purpose compost and phostrogen plant food fed 3 times during flowering at a cost ot £2.30 for the plant food and £2.99 for the compost and i got loads of feed left lmao at all the people who spend loads on feed and hydro set ups



New Member
:shock:Oh lord. Mexi-blunt. Yum yum:) Thats looks delish.
THATS a lot of bud.
It almost looks like buds in a pic-ka-nick bas-ket:mrgreen:
Never mind:roll:

They almost look like marshmellows melted on sticks with toasted coconut:lol::clap:


New Member
1 of my ak48 at just over 10 week all i used was mult purpose compost and phostrogen plant food fed 3 times during flowering at a cost ot £2.30 for the plant food and £2.99 for the compost and i got loads of feed left lmao at all the people who spend loads on feed and hydro set ups


Well-Known Member
my blueberry from dutch passion seeds nice top bud it tasted like shi* thou lol smelt nice was horrid taste, it got me wrecked thou thats wat matters yea, expensive seed at £40 for 5 fems still got 4 seed left hope i get a nice flavoured one.



New Member
This buds for you.:blsmoke:
cute! Thats a nice fat cola.:mrgreen:
I am liking the pics that are coming in.
I know scarlette sky has some nice hardcore porn pics
I hope she posts some of hers
my blueberry from dutch passion seeds nice top bud it tasted like shi* thou lol smelt nice was horrid taste, it got me wrecked thou thats wat matters yea, expensive seed at £40 for 5 fems still got 4 seed left hope i get a nice flavoured one.


New Member
Yeah that is too much. I guess you missed the memo about pic size :|
Sorry but it has been ages and they pics still aren't downloaded for me

If at all possible can you remove them. It has also messes up the format for the next people to post.

Sorry to sound like such a bitch but this is exactly what i was talking about :(


Well-Known Member
I would like to post a pic but the last poster messed it up i think.....those pics are too big and it wont load the reply page for attachments.


Well-Known Member
chill the hell out guys.. its not like i did it on purpose.... shit..

I removed em... but they work fine everywhere else.

Im not on here 24/7 i dont know if somthing didnt work.....
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