One MAJOR real problem with our economy


Well-Known Member
A Major problem in the U.S. is "wall Street executives" are running our political system (which is fucking insane). People Like (Henry Paulson),(Larry Summers), (Tim Geithner) ,( Ben Burnanke) to name a few, are Top wall street executives (CEO's of major investment banks) , Well they were until they bankrupted major investment banks like Goldman Sach's , Myeril Lynch Leemahn brothers and sent us into a major debt crisis that effected the whole world. I won't even get into the company's that rate our investments and credit rating. I.E. (Standard N Poor),(Moody's) (Fitch) All credit rating company's that wrote faulty credit ratings on risky loans. In return received millions.

Now that these people (and there are many more than i named) have bankrupted the banks and made billions , They have been promoted high political positions to the federal reserve, Treasury,(and /or) are Chief economists to the president.

No joke. The top CEO's of investment banks stole billions of dollars from us tax payers and were in charge of bankrupting our country and banks have now been given high political positions. Do you see anything wrong with this ?

These people pretty much ran a global ponzy scheme and got away with it. Then made the tax payers pick up the bill. THIS IS THE REAL PROBLEM because their still in office and will continue to robb us.


Active Member
amarica... the world is corupt and like the bible says "mans gold will rust and consume him".. we should be on the gold standerd its true money and america is prbly more broke then anyone knows all we probaly have is guns, paper and dept. We probly dont even have much gold and fort knox is prob empty or a big facade.

some how money has to be ouit of politics and laws. idk how it all works but i just know there certain places money doesnt belong and can only corupt....politics and health care to name 2.


Active Member
A Major problem in the U.S. is "wall Street executives" are running our political system (which is fucking insane). People Like (Henry Paulson),(Larry Summers), (Tim Geithner) ,( Ben Burnanke) to name a few, are Top wall street executives (CEO's of major investment banks) , Well they were until they bankrupted major investment banks like Goldman Sach's , Myeril Lynch Leemahn brothers and sent us into a major debt crisis that effected the whole world. I won't even get into the company's that rate our investments and credit rating. I.E. (Standard N Poor),(Moody's) (Fitch) All credit rating company's that wrote faulty credit ratings on risky loans. In return received millions.

Now that these people (and there are many more than i named) have bankrupted the banks and made billions , They have been promoted high political positions to the federal reserve, Treasury,(and /or) are Chief economists to the president.

No joke. The top CEO's of investment banks stole billions of dollars from us tax payers and were in charge of bankrupting our country and banks have now been given high political positions. Do you see anything wrong with this ?

These people pretty much ran a global ponzy scheme and got away with it. Then made the tax payers pick up the bill. THIS IS THE REAL PROBLEM because their still in office and will continue to robb us.
The government is not our enemy, and our war is not with Capilitalism! The enemy is Greed, and our war is with Corruption


Well-Known Member
Check out this list of Goldman Alumi. These people either worked for, or were advisors to Goldman Sachs...

Henry Paulson
Tim Geithner
Neil Kashkari
Robert Rubin
Joshua B. Bolten,a former Goldman executive, was President Bush's chief of staff.
Stephen Friedman, a former chairman of Goldman, was chairman of the New York Fed.
Edward M. Liddy
,once a Goldman director, in charge of A.I.G
Dan Jester, a former strategic officer for Goldman who has been involved in most of Treasury's recent initiatives, especially the government takeover of the mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
Steve Shafran, who grew close to Mr. Paulson in the 1990s while working in Goldman's private equity business in Asia. Initially focused on student loan problems, Mr. Shafran quickly became involved in Treasury's initiative to guarantee money market funds, among other things

Now lets take a peek at Europe..

Mario Monte the Italian prime minister was Goldmans senior advisor
Peter Sutherland the former Ireland attorney General was a director of Goldman International
Mario Draghi the new head of the European Central bank was a senior director of Goldman International
Lucas Papadamos Greece's Prime minister.. Ex Goldman advisor
Otmar Isseng board member of the ECB and Bundesbanc... Goldman advisor

Shall I go on? I think not, I think you all get the picture now. Do you think that it is even remotely possible that these people that are placed in incredibly high levels of Government which effects all policy.. do not get Goldman influence? Give me a break. In fact.. Simon Johnson, the former International Monetary Fund economist, in his book 13 Bankers, argued that Goldman Sachs and the other large banks had become so close to government in the run-up to the financial crisis that the US was effectively an oligarchy. Ya think??


Active Member
Preaching to the choir, man! We ALL need to call our representatives, join NORML, and work together to legalize weed so that our cops can chase the real bad guys.


Well-Known Member
Im not preaching to any chior .im trying to inform my fellow rui's

Legalizing marijuana won't solve any issues at all.


Well-Known Member
Im not preaching to any chior .im trying to inform my fellow rui's

Legalizing marijuana won't solve any issues at all.
Means you could stop imprisoning people for smoking a plant tho. You've 5% of the worlds population and 25% of the worlds prisoners, a huge amount of them for drug offences.