*First Grow* 31 x 31 x 63" Grow Tent


I've been getting tons of info from these forums so far and finally decided to make an account and post my first question. I'm starting my first grow right now and was wondering if anyone has any experience growing in a tent with similar dimensions. I have it setup pretty nice so far: 400 Watt MH/HPS, 6" air cooled reflector, 260cfm can-fan, etc. I did a dry run with the lights running all day and the temperature held steady at 75 , humidity 35%. I guess my main question/concern right now is how to utilize total room space, and are 3 Church plants going to be too large for my tent? I understand that I can grow them smaller (SoG), but this being my first grow I'd like to have grow medium plants as a learning experience. I wasn't really sure where to post this but any feedback is appreciated. Thanks.


I also have a question as to when to start feeding nutrients to my seedlings? I just had two sprout in the last few days :-P


Active Member
I've been getting tons of info from these forums so far and finally decided to make an account and post my first question. I'm starting my first grow right now and was wondering if anyone has any experience growing in a tent with similar dimensions. I have it setup pretty nice so far: 400 Watt MH/HPS, 6" air cooled reflector, 260cfm can-fan, etc. I did a dry run with the lights running all day and the temperature held steady at 75 , humidity 35%. I guess my main question/concern right now is how to utilize total room space, and are 3 Church plants going to be too large for my tent? I understand that I can grow them smaller (SoG), but this being my first grow I'd like to have grow medium plants as a learning experience. I wasn't really sure where to post this but any feedback is appreciated. Thanks.
Hey welcome to RIU. Lots of useful stuff here. I've only recently become obsessed. I'm growing in a 36 x 36 x 63 grow tent. You can check out my grow by clicking on my signature. It's my first time too so maybe you can learn from all the mistakes I'm making.

I have similar gear to yours as well an 8" ac reflector.. 177cfm vortex fan ..

I'm currently just doing 4 plants


Active Member
I'm hoping to have 4 5-gallon buckets in there eventually so I think that 3 plants you should have plenty of room.


Cool man! I'm excited to start my first grow. I'm just worried that the 3 plants I have will be too much for my room. I guess it's a cool concern to have. Right now two of my three planys have sprouted and one still has the shell on it. I probably give it another couple of day before I attempt to pull it off. I'm going to start a grow journal too, just need to read up on how to start one.


I have 3 gallon smart pots and the seedlings are in 5" paper cups right now under two 23Watt CFL lights. I haven't decided when I'll transplant. I imagine it'll be a game time decision.


Active Member
im new tothe whole thing to im almost donewith my first grow just 1 bagseed under a 150 hps after this one im moving up to a 4/2/5ft tent with a 400 hps 6in cooltube and a fan/filter with a 424 cfm

but a good time to transplant woukd be after the sprouts get there first set of tru leaves or i they get 3 sets of leaves im not a expert just kinda throwin my 2cents your way hopeing it helps you a lil


Of the 3 seeds. 1 rotted, 1 looked weird so i threw it out, and the only seedling left is looking great. I decided to start 2 other seeds ( Big Bud and Afghan Kush) hoping for better luck this time. I don't think I poked big enough drainage holes in the paper cups so I made better ones this go around.


Active Member
just a idea for you use peat pellets they are good for seed and clone starting and when the roots are visable u can just plant the pellet in ur soil all u gotta do is let i dry a lil bit till its lite brown and remove the net for easier root groth net dont have to be cut out but it makes it easier on roots


Here goes, keep your temps around 75 f and your nodes will be tight, if you get to warm they will stretch. Be careful with your night time cold, during your veg, they dont care to have it so cold that is more for trichome production late in the flowering stage. You should feed them at about 1/15th the recomended feeding schedule when you first move, about a week after that you can bump it up. I would not be topping that plant as it would induce horizontal growth and I dont think you will have much room for that. Right now I have 4 plants that individually would fill that space (not a church). If you are finding that light is not penetrating down to where you would like, with enough are movement you can drop right in a 35w cfl to get the hard to reach areas. I am not sure how far down your lights hang but, you should be 12" or a little more at harvest time depending on the strain. Your plants are going to stretch when you move to the bloom phase approximtely 6-8 inches. So when you switch, you should be 20 inches away from your light at its highest elevation. If you start noticing some bleaching of the top leaves get the light away or gently bend the cola over unless you are in the last couple days of the bloom then bleaching okay. If you are growin in soil, I would be looking into mycorizae, seriously check it out. Also, to stop wasting money on seeds, if the dome is wet, you dont need to water it. I have seen these things hatch on my counter top just sitting there. Also, take the dome off once a day for fresh air. This helps keep away, molds and rotting. Dont plant deep. I put mine on the soil and pushed it down flush, then a very light sprinkle of dirt over it, and I mean very light. Hope this helps.

If it cant be mylar then it must be white.


Thanks for all the great info man! I might be planting the seeds a little too deep. I doubt it though considering it's only about the depth of an eraser head. Once the seeds pop I place them in Light Warrior and when they get about 2 weeks old I'm placing them in a 2:1 mix of Ocean Forest and Light Warrior. I probably won't even bother with nutrients unless I see any problems. I've read that Ocean Forest is pretty rich soil on it's own. BTW I'm not using a dome. I just have the cups in a plastic tray on top of a heating mat. I've been watering once every 24 hours and it's been working well so far. I think the problem with the other seeds was poor drainage in the cups.


just a idea for you use peat pellets they are good for seed and clone starting and when the roots are visable u can just plant the pellet in ur soil all u gotta do is let i dry a lil bit till its lite brown and remove the net for easier root groth net dont have to be cut out but it makes it easier on roots
I had a 12 pack of of Hydrofarm Jump Start pellets but they seemed too small after I poured the water on them. How large does the peat pellet need to be to last 2 weeks until transplant?


Active Member
well i used mine for almost 3 weeks there was a bunch of roots sticking out and i jus cut the net away and planted they dont get realy tall but do get kinda fat


Right now all 3 seedlings are looking good. The Church seedling that managed to make it had its shell on for a little too long and I decided to remove it. When I took it off with tweezers I manged to tear something . It ended up being BOTH cotyledons. Thing is, the seedlings first leaves were well formed and remained in good shape. It's been 5 days since that little mishap and the plant is looking fine. Big Bud and Afghan Kush are catching up with the Church seedling (5 days older). I'm not too worried though becasue I've read that The Church is a slow growing strain all the way through the first couple weeks of veg. We'll see.


Active Member
well hope things keep goin good for you and you could have left the caseing on i did the more the seedling has to fight to get the case off the stronger it will make the stem but it wint hert it to rmove i watched someone remove the case aftertheygermed before they planter that looked realy cool inside the shell


Top Pic From Left to Right: The Church, Afghan Kush, Big Bud
3 seedlings #1.jpgBroken  Cotyledon #1.jpgBroken Cotyledon #2.jpg
2nd and 3rd pics show the ripped off cotyledon on The Church.