Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
sucks your having pc problems dude.... if i can suggest two great free pc cleaners, they are these two... http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner

that one has an awesome cleaner plus one of the best registry cleaner in it and might just fix your BSOD!!!!

this one is a fantastic free spyware removal program, been around for many many years!!! http://www.safer-networking.org/en/spybotsd/index.html

and remember with any software ALWAYS click on the custom installation and only install the required program that you need!!! this way you won't get any BS that comes along with free programs sometimes!!!

if you get stuck and need help just holler bro... I'm pretty good with pc's.
Hey stoney must have missed this last night, thanks brudda. It's running great right now but if it crashes I'll let you know hahaha. Been waiting for a letter from the doc, was supposed to have been here by now. Postie girl just left, don't think I'm in any hurry to go see. Think I'll load another bowl and finish off my cloning instead...got some Whiteberry, Grape Ape x Hashberry that I just did, now 22 P10 cuttings are going into rooters


Well-Known Member
Hey stoney must have missed this last night, thanks brudda. It's running great right now but if it crashes I'll let you know hahaha. Been waiting for a letter from the doc, was supposed to have been here by now. Postie girl just left, don't think I'm in any hurry to go see. Think I'll load another bowl and finish off my cloning instead...got some Whiteberry, Grape Ape x Hashberry that I just did, now 22 P10 cuttings are going into rooters
dude i understand not wanting to check the mail....I hope it doesn't bug ya to much,sooner or later ya gotta do it though man!!! we all want to know the news... good or bad we do care about it!!!!!

I have four BMF that just starting rooting yesterday that i need to put in soil!! man, this is my 8th or 9th BMF clone and they all root in 8 days, like clockwork!!!! I love it!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
dude i understand not wanting to check the mail....I hope it doesn't bug ya to much,sooner or later ya gotta do it though man!!! we all want to know the news... good or bad we do care about it!!!!!

I have four BMF that just starting rooting yesterday that i need to put in soil!! man, this is my 8th or 9th BMF clone and they all root in 8 days, like clockwork!!!! I love it!
Just got back from checking the mail couple of minutes ago nothing important. I'll give them one more day before I make a phone call.

What is it that you like about the C4 x Caseyband aka Boom Mutha Fukka aka BMF? And dislikes : ?)


Well-Known Member
ah man that sucks... the anticipation has to be tough!!!! good thing you have your own meds to help ya out!!! hehehe

man, the BMF has a lot more pros than cons in my book!!!!! the things that I like about it are:

fast rooter (8 days!)
fast vegger, she is ready for flowering in just a few weeks after taking cuttings... a perp growers dream in that aspect!!
fast flowering, she is finished at 8 weeks weather you are or not!!! hahaha
very very resinous!!! the high is out of this world!!!!!
not sensitive at all when she comes to nutes either!!!!

my dislikes of her are:

very leafy!!! way to many leaves for the buds. I have tried a defoliation on this next one... I'll let ya know if she does any better... honestly I have very high hopes that this will work great!!!!
the taste wasn't my first choice, but it wasn't bad or nasty by any means.... I didn't dislike the flavor it just wasn't a 10 like the other categories above.....

The first time i grew her it was for the seeds... speaking of witch i have a whole bunch of em for ya!!!!! and to grow her all natural to have a base to work from... these next few will be much better I'm sure!!! then i might have better things to say about the last two....

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Thanks stoney...good info! The AE is leafy too. It wasn't the phenotype that I wanted to work with so these 3 that are almost done in the budroom are the last of that strain for a little while, Cool you made some seeds, I can compare them with the f1s. The fast finish, lots of frosting and good potency are some of the critera with my keepers so those traits seem to have trickled down to most new strains that were created this year. Good luck with your next runs with them!

Kool beans!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Is that your scrog!?!? Nice!!!! Wow it filled in great and look at all of those little beaks pointing up towards the light!

Bump this baby mate...



Well-Known Member
tis my scrog indeed :)

i have a few more pics but RIU seems to be playing up , it wont let me batch upload and its taking me ages to do 1 on its own ?? .... ill try again later :)


Well-Known Member
I wish I'd managed to grow out the two slh seeds I had last year instead of kill them. Was a long hard debate between it and Tangerine Dream for my sativa choice. Beautiful. I'm thinking of doing a vertical screen for sativas in my next cab. Probably not until I move though.

What is the high like on the BMF?

Just had some helicopter come flying over low and fast, not sure what that was about, didn't get to see him but disapearing through the trees. Only have a 100 watt of cfl going plus another 100w spotlight in my reptile cage so no worries, just curious


Well-Known Member
yea bro, i think these next runs are gonna be special!!! if i can cut down the number of leaves it will make the bud taste much better to!!!!

one other thing i forgot to add was.... she is pretty versatile to!! the ones i didn't touch grew straight and tall... perfect for SOG!! this last run i topped a couple times and grew very many long side branches which would appeal to SCROG growers to!!!

speaking of SCROGS..... DAMN robbie!!!! that's gonna be a whole lot of buds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! great work!


Well-Known Member
It's most likely the one I'll do after the BB or maybe a few at same time as BB as I only have 6 BB anyway. Depends how much room I end up in my mother side after I choose which roms to keep

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
It's most likely the one I'll do after the BB or maybe a few at same time as BB as I only have 6 BB anyway. Depends how much room I end up in my mother side after I choose which roms to keep
the good thing about BB is it leaves a small foot print...so it realy only takes up that pots space on the floor


Well-Known Member
Nice sounds like all 3 (rom, bb, bmf) will all be good in sog. Plan to make a scrog, maybe vertical for some sativas like Robbie's SLH there

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
It's most likely the one I'll do after the BB or maybe a few at same time as BB as I only have 6 BB anyway. Depends how much room I end up in my mother side after I choose which roms to keep
Make sure that you take clones of your keepers keeping with the most efficient use of space in mind

Morning Dizzhole....All I have is Floja to offer you, DOG in a few days lol>>>>puff puff pass>>>>>>


Well-Known Member
What an asshole for not having more selection, geez

Morning? You must be smoking it up, ha.

Not sure what you mean HC. I plan to put a small shelf up top for rooting clones, then need them under the light for maybe a week veg, maybe straight flower, will have to wait and see. I plan to try making the bonsai mothers. I might make a mother/clone/veg cab that's lower and longer under fluorescents and make the curent mother side a scrog, it's 1.5 sq feet if horizontal. That'd give me more room for mothers and clones and use space more efficiently I think.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
You wont be cloning each Rom plant, just the best one (yeild potency taste) right? Same with the other strains too if your able. After a while your cab will be full of keeper phenos.

Just downloaded some pics of the C99s but it might be a few minutes before I can find where the hell I downloaded them lol