Lace and Frills <3

My sweet jeebus.

What a great buy, Crypty! Forgive me April, but my heartrate did increase at the thought of Crypty wearing that...

That was a lucky find. My problem isn't with design, it's with labels. Too often you are paying for a label, or the simplest things are suddenly jacked up in price. But you beat the system, yay.

I see cut price Ben Sherman in TJ Maxx alot. Oddly, they make really nice ladie's shoes :3

MMJ and BiBi. I already have a very narrow jaw, and bad headaches from overcrowding, my mama had to have her jaw surgically expanded and her wisdom teeth out. My dad has terrible teeth. Just to top it off, I have supernumerary teeth. An extra two lower wisdom teeth, which my dentist thought was interesting and exciting and more concerned with the couple thousand that he could charge me for everything.

Apart from that my teeth are nicely shaped, healthy and reasonably white, so it could be worse! Positive thoughts...

is ben sherman supposed to be good? i used to grab up a shitload of ben sherman shirts and tees for like 7-10 bucks a pop at tj maxx/burlington way back in the day. i always thought it was just some random cheap brand.
It is indeed a smart, warm and sexy-looking jacket.

Ganjames, they have a store in Savile Row, a street know for prestigious tailoring and off of a Burlingtin Road, coincidentally.It's iconic, associated with mod fashion, formerly skinheads and some is a little too much on the preppy side for me. Nice shoes though. TJ Maxx gets Gucci, Prada and Dolce and Gabanna, so it's not just random shit brands. I have discovered some obscure clothing companies I really like from there. I still wonder why people will pay for a $300 Prada vest, but if it makes them feel good. *shrug*
It is indeed a smart, warm and sexy-looking jacket.

Ganjames, they have a store in Savile Row, a street know for prestigious tailoring and off of a Burlingtin Road, coincidentally.It's iconic, associated with mod fashion, formerly skinheads and some is a little too much on the preppy side for me. Nice shoes though. TJ Maxx gets Gucci, Prada and Dolce and Gabanna, so it's not just random shit brands. I have discovered some obscure clothing companies I really like from there. I still wonder why people will pay for a $300 Prada vest, but if it makes them feel good. *shrug*

i have a couple old ed hardey shirts i got from marshalls a few years ago, i paid like 25 a shirt when i saw a friend had almsot the same shirt that he paid 185 for, i just laughed at him
Loads of Ed Hardy stuff in TJ Maxx. I don't think we have Marshall's here though.

A very dashing gentleman




Oh my cheesecake!

A picture from Crypty!! Now it does feel like Christmas... This is unprecedented... For me, anyway! Magical :3

It may not be a face to a name, but it's part of you; that's a connection in my mind I can't quite put into words, but it means alot to me.

And such a nice blackletter typeface, too <3
I'm getting emotional. :'3

I love you guys, I really do <3

Thankyou for all your contributions to my thread- be it lingerie, frilly blouses, words of advice or simple witty banter #^^#
Oh my cheesecake!

A picture from Crypty!! Now it does feel like Christmas... This is unprecedented... For me, anyway! Magical :3

It may not be a face to a name, but it's part of you; that's a connection in my mind I can't quite put into words, but it means alot to me.

And such a nice blackletter typeface, too <3
Standard typeface in my Wordpad. :) I don't have any face pix available to you. =) Ask April real nice if she has any. I don't mind.