Welcome to Wiimbs DWC Garden!!!

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Cops still find a way around it, if your growing and you dont have your papers posted on your cab, or your landlord doesnt approve thats not good, neighbors complaining about smell, cops come regardless they know its bud, then they just take it since they are there. I guess there is just one loop hole after another for cops to catch you with.

Hope everythings chill man! Damn DEA kicked in my doors awhile back, took 3oz from me and just left me never charged me with anything......Shady cops I tell ya
thanks guys, i know i cant grow any more in my house but i eel kinder like a weight has been lifted of me if yu know what i mean nt worrying any more etcc...........
Did they just take your shit or what? Did you get charged yet?

I hear ya about the weight being lifted though, after you get raided its like wow Life is so much simpler now lol!
wiimb....I am so sorry to hear your bad news :-(

Hang in there, let us know if there is anything we can do to help...... best wishes that things go smoothly.
wiimb....I am so sorry to hear your bad news :-(

Hang in there, let us know if there is anything we can do to help...... best wishes that things go smoothly.

send me £8,000 or my debts and a pound of bud for me :) thank you ! :-P
Sucks wiimb dude. I hope you get it all sorted out.

I have to take a few months off between grows just to keep me from going completely ape shit from stress. Crazy random stupid shit always seems to happen when I grow.
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