Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (Scrog Edition)

OMG. Thank you for having healthy plants. I'm so relieved. They're beautiful.
Ahahahahah.. u crack me up ! I wouldn't do you like that .. post F'd up plants and say "look what Jin's system does" ! Your system design is killer ! :hug:

Note: Holiday string makes a Great tie down ! Grips the tape with ridges and lays flat on plant stalk.
Ahahahahah.. u crack me up ! I wouldn't do you like that .. post F'd up plants and say "look what Jin's system does" ! Your system design is killer ! :hug:

Note: Holiday string makes a Great tie down ! Grips the tape with ridges and lays flat on plant stalk.

Every indoor grower should be concerned with ties. Good work.
@ Cheezy .. I was told from my NoCal fellow gardners it was the 'commercial' growers who keep voting down legalization increases .. cause it effects their prices !

I thought we were talking about weed quality ....
But obvoiusly .. the vendors are voting it down and even the clubs...
Dont be fooled your club will pretend there for it ... but they know they might lose some feds and get tooken out by new shops and homegrowers... they clearly would hate that to happen ... or even see big companies or government put there hands into production..
Dont forget the big farma and all the so called doctor who write out recs... there are vested interest and even tho i want it legal it needs to be regulated in some way ....

edit .....
One guy told me ..."i cant wait for the day an 1/8 of top shelve is $20"
and this is what i said...kinda of funny i thought...

20 bucks?
It could and probly will happen one day ..
And that will be a sad day for all us patients ...ill tell u why ..

Eventually in california mj will be legal...
The government still however will attemp to control and regulate its production...
They will make factories and fields ...where they will have a board(like the fda) that control pest mols, etc.. With harmful pestacides and chemicals ...
And add other toxins that will addict you ...
Eventually a mass production of "death cigarettes" sold in 20 dollar pack of 10 ...
U will not notice the difference intiailly ... it will be just as effective and potent as homegrown buds, and the alternative will be made due to price gouging and lower pricing...

This will lead to the authorities to shut down all the collectives in town essentially , to profit , and make revenues in order to worsen the war on drugs.
Basically eliminating all meds from the market that are not grown by the government...
Furthermore ,the production will indeed get shipped to china ...
your meds where the meds will be grown in sweatshops for 2 dollars an hours ...all in order to be sold at 20 bucks an 1/8 at your local 711...

this all can happen ..... probly not..
I thought we were talking about weed quality ....
But obvoiusly .. the vendors are voting it down and even the clubs...
Dont be fooled your club will pretend there for it ... but they know they might lose some feds and get tooken out by new shops and homegrowers... they clearly would hate that to happen ... or even see big companies or government put there hands into production..
Dont forget the big farma and all the so called doctor who write out recs... there are vested interest and even tho i want it legal it needs to be regulated in some way ....

edit .....
One guy told me ..."i cant wait for the day an 1/8 of top shelve is $20"
and this is what i said...kinda of funny i thought...

20 bucks?
It could and probly will happen one day ..
And that will be a sad day for all us patients ...ill tell u why ..

Eventually in california mj will be legal...
The government still however will attemp to control and regulate its production...
They will make factories and fields ...where they will have a board(like the fda) that control pest mols, etc.. With harmful pestacides and chemicals ...
And add other toxins that will addict you ...
Eventually a mass production of "death cigarettes" sold in 20 dollar pack of 10 ...
U will not notice the difference intiailly ... it will be just as effective and potent as homegrown buds, and the alternative will be made due to price gouging and lower pricing...

This will lead to the authorities to shut down all the collectives in town essentially , to profit , and make revenues in order to worsen the war on drugs.
Basically eliminating all meds from the market that are not grown by the government...
Furthermore ,the production will indeed get shipped to china ...
your meds where the meds will be grown in sweatshops for 2 dollars an hours ...all in order to be sold at 20 bucks an 1/8 at your local 711...

this all can happen ..... probly not..

That's a pretty complete 'doomsday scenario' for MMJ as a cottage industry. I've had all those same thoughts and run all the simulations of possible futures in my head. I'm not saying it can't happen, it probably will if it's ever actually legalized and taxed. But legalization is a HUGE but... I don't think it's gonna happen in our lifetime because the religious right still has a stranglehold on this country.
That's a pretty complete 'doomsday scenario' for MMJ as a cottage industry. I've had all those same thoughts and run all the simulations of possible futures in my head. I'm not saying it can't happen, it probably will if it's ever actually legalized and taxed. But legalization is a HUGE but... I don't think it's gonna happen in our lifetime because the religious right still has a stranglehold on this country.
Honestly, we may see it in our lifetime. Didn't think we would, but remember politicians would sell their soul to public opinion if it meant getting re elected. Before that meant condemning it, because the strait edge of society made up a bigger chunk, AND they were more likely to vote. Since then its gone from a small sliver of percent of potheads, to near half of the country saying they'd be for it. Because straight edge are still more likely to vote, thats not enough, but if that continues to grow to where say 70% or 80% of the country is for it, politicians will jump on it just to get elected. The stigma against it has been weakening, my guess through the benefit of the internet. Its harder to bullshit people when they can do a quick google search and call bullshit.
Honestly, we may see it in our lifetime. Didn't think we would, but remember politicians would sell their soul to public opinion if it meant getting re elected. Before that meant condemning it, because the strait edge of society made up a bigger chunk, AND they were more likely to vote. Since then its gone from a small sliver of percent of potheads, to near half of the country saying they'd be for it. Because straight edge are still more likely to vote, thats not enough, but if that continues to grow to where say 70% or 80% of the country is for it, politicians will jump on it just to get elected. The stigma against it has been weakening, my guess through the benefit of the internet. Its harder to bullshit people when they can do a quick google search and call bullshit.

Valid point. I'll turn down the volume on my pessimism. Yeah, it's def the internet... Changing the face of society as a whole. Cannabis awareness no exception.


I shit you not. This is the doctor who writes my recs. She models part time for fun. I communicated with her via Model Mayhem for a while and we actually talked about shooting. When I was in her office yesterday to renew, I was gonna mention that I'm the photographer guy from Model Mayem she was communicating with for a while. But I kept it quiet because I was in a hurry to get out of there. She's such a sweet lady, and her delicate beauty is something to behold in person.
Damn Jin .. it doesn't matter where or what type of lady (Human or Plant) .. you rock the socks off when it comes to hotties ! Chit .. I might have to move back to So Cal ! LoL
Damn Jin .. it doesn't matter where or what type of lady (Human or Plant) .. you rock the socks off when it comes to hotties ! Chit .. I might have to move back to So Cal ! LoL

When I first saw her, I did that cartoon eye-rubbing thing. Yes. I heart LA.
ahahahahah.. U crack me up ! I wouldn't do you like that .. Post f'd up plants and say "look what jin's system does" ! Your system design is killer ! :hug:

Note: Holiday string makes a great tie down ! Grips the tape with ridges and lays flat on plant stalk.

!!!!!!! Genius!!!!!


I shit you not. This is the doctor who writes my recs. She models part time for fun. I communicated with her via Model Mayhem for a while and we actually talked about shooting. When I was in her office yesterday to renew, I was gonna mention that I'm the photographer guy from Model Mayem she was communicating with for a while. But I kept it quiet because I was in a hurry to get out of there. She's such a sweet lady, and her delicate beauty is something to behold in person.

HAHAHA this is especially funny cause i see her ad in like kush LA, 420 times, all the free weedmags at the 7/11.
how much are you paying for your renewal?

and on the billboards too!!
HAHAHA this is especially funny cause i see her ad in like kush LA, 420 times, all the free weedmags at the 7/11.
how much are you paying for your renewal?

and on the billboards too!!

Yup. Dr. Patel is quite the celebrity round my parts.

I paid 30.00 for renewal.
Hey, Kids. I'm upping the ante. What's a website launch with just one model? Kaya here is retiring from sexy nude modeling at the end of this year. But have no fear, I've worked my magic and she's shown interest in joining our darling Chrissy as the first two FemCult "Emerald Goddesses." One last shoot for Jin. What a doll.







Hear that, Slivers?


I shit you not. This is the doctor who writes my recs. She models part time for fun. I communicated with her via Model Mayhem for a while and we actually talked about shooting. When I was in her office yesterday to renew, I was gonna mention that I'm the photographer guy from Model Mayem she was communicating with for a while. But I kept it quiet because I was in a hurry to get out of there. She's such a sweet lady, and her delicate beauty is something to behold in person.

LOL! It figures that your weed doctor would be a hot model, Jin.
Wow! I like Kaya a lot! You gotta shoot her before she retires.

2 goddesses in the same month? My right arm's gonna get huge like Popeye's on spinach.
I'm still to weak from my effort to convice Kaya to shoot one last time. I don't think I can stand on that chair with my camera. Lol.
Wow! I like Kaya a lot! You gotta shoot her before she retires.

2 goddesses in the same month? My right arm's gonna get huge like Popeye's on spinach.

Lol. Not only is she like total eye dynamite, her freakin' name is Kaya! For that reason alone she must grace the pages of FemCult for the first and last time. I gotta shoot this former Playboy Cyber Girl before she calls it quits fo sho. And how fuckin' special is that? FemCult is gonna be her very last project! What a way to go out, girl! Woop!